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UPDATE 1-Fitch downgrades Tunisia amid financial crisis
09/06/2023 23:41 - RSF
(Adds details from Fitch statement in paragraphs 2, 4, 5 and 6, and background in paragraph 3)
June 9 (Reuters) - Global credit ratings agency Fitch downgraded Tunisia deeper into "junk" territory on Friday, citing uncertainty around the country's ability to mobilise sufficient funding to meet its financing requirements.

The agency downgraded the North African nation to 'CCC-' from 'CCC+' and said this reflects a delay on a $1.9 billion bailout by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), after talks between the parties stalled, raising the risk of a sovereign default.

Earlier this week, central bank figures showed Tunisia's foreign currency reserves fell to 21 billion dinars ($6.78 billion), enough to cover just 91 days of imports, compared with 123 days in the same period a year earlier.

"Our central scenario assumes an agreement between Tunisia and the IMF by year-end, but this is much later than our previous expectation and risks remain elevated," Fitch said in a statement.

However, in the absence of an IMF agreement, Fitch believes about $2.5 billion of external financing could be attainable in 2023, mainly from Algeria, AfreximBank, project loans from multilateral partners and increased grants from bilateral partners.

Fitch said it expects GDP growth to slow to 1.4% in 2023, from 2.4% in 2022.

(Reporting by Sri Hari N S in Bengaluru; Editing by Pooja Desai)
(([email protected];))


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UPDATE 1-Italy's Meloni says EU aid package on the way for Tunisia
09/06/2023 17:07 - RSF
(Rewrites with details of Tunisia's public finances and senior Tunisian official in paragraphs 7 and 11)
ROME/TUNIS, June 9 (Reuters) - The leaders of Italy, the Netherlands and of the European Commission should announce an EU aid package when they visit Tunisia on Sunday, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said on Friday.

The visit comes as donor countries push President Kais Saied to agree reforms needed to finalise an International Monetary Fund (IMF) loan that would in turn unlock extra funds in bilateral aid. Meloni met Saied earlier this week.

However, Saied has shown no sign he is willing to budge and with time running out to save Tunisia's finances, donors say the government has made no new proposals for an alternative deal with the IMF.

The government is already struggling to finance some key imports, leading to shortages, and credit rating agencies have warned Tunisia may default on sovereign debt. Foreign currency reserves this week fell to 91 days from 123 days a year ago.

European governments fear Tunisia's state finances could collapse, turbocharging a new wave of migration across the Mediterranean.

Meloni will travel on Sunday with her Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte and the EU commission's Ursula von der Leyen. "It seems to me that important steps forward are being taken," Meloni said.

A senior Tunisian official said any financial assistance from Europe would be a welcome gesture of goodwill "and could encourage Tunis to do more on the migration issue".

Tunisia's government negotiated a preliminary agreement with the IMF in October for a $1.9 billion loan to support reforms that included cuts to subsidies and the public sector wage bill, and restructuring of state-owned companies.

Saied has publicly rejected those reforms, which were proposed by his own government, as risking social unrest and called them tantamount to "lighting a match next to high explosives".

He has instead suggested raising taxes on richer Tunisians, but any new agreement based on that principle would have to be negotiated with the IMF, a process that could take months.

The senior official said Saied's stance "was not likely to change much", particularly his opposition to cutting subsidies.

Donors have made clear they are not willing to offer Tunisia long-term budget support without an IMF deal that would reassure them Tunisia could eventually repay its debts. However, they have given Tunisia smaller amounts to help it buy food and fuel.

(Reporting by Giuseppe Fonte and Stefano Bernabei in Rome and Tarek Amara in Tunis; Writing by Angus McDowall; Editing by Alvise Armellini and Jonathan Oatis)
(([email protected]; +390680307711;))


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Tunisia prepara proposta alternativa per Fmi - funzionario
Oggi 16:53 - RSF
TUNISI, 13 giugno (Reuters) - La Tunisia sta preparando una proposta alternativa da sottoporre al Fondo monetario internazionale (Fmi) dopo che il presidente Kais Saied ha respinto i termini di un accordo negoziato lo scorso anno per un prestito da 1,9 miliardi di dollari.

Lo ha comunicato un alto funzionario del governo.

Tunisia e Fmi avevano raggiunto un accordo preliminare ad ottobre, ma da allora i colloqui sul salvataggio si trovano in fase di stallo, dopo che Saied ha rifiutato la proposta di tagliare i sussidi e si è detto contrario alla vendita delle aziende statali.

Secondo il funzionario, Saied ritiene che il taglio dei sussidi danneggerebbe le persone vulnerabili e la nuova proposta non includerà tali misure.

Tuttavia, il funzionario non ha fornito dettagli sulla tempistica della presentazione della proposta da parte della Tunisia o dei probabili negoziati che verranno intrapresi con il Fmi. L'accordo raggiunto a ottobre ha richiesto mesi di dettagliati negoziati tecnici.

Non è ancora chiaro per quanto tempo la Tunisia potrà evitare la bancarotta e i donatori, sempre più preoccupati per la stabilità del Paese, hanno promesso altre ingenti somme se il governo riuscirà a trovare un accordo con il Fmi.

Domenica l'Unione europea ha annunciato di voler offrire 900 milioni di euro in prestiti condizionati a un programma del Fmi.

Ieri il segretario di Stato statunitense Antony Blinken ha esortato la Tunisia a presentare un piano rivisto. Si prevede che anche gli Stati del Golfo offriranno il proprio sostegno nel caso in cui il prestito del Fmi venga finalizzato.

L'attuale accordo con la Tunisia comprende anche la ristrutturazione delle aziende statali, il cui debito totale, secondo il Fmi, nel 2021 rappresentava il 40% del prodotto interno lordo. Il funzionario non ha specificato se la Tunisia intenda modificare questa parte della proposta.

La fonte governativa non ha descritto quali altre misure la Tunisia potrebbe sottoporre al Fmi per ridurre il deficit e il debito a lungo termine nel caso in cui non fosse possibile tagliare i sussidi.

Saied ha detto che i tunisini più ricchi dovrebbero essere tassati di più, ma non è chiaro se da questa misura si potrebbe raccogliere denaro sufficiente a colmare in modo significativo la carenza di fondi e rassicurare i donatori.

(Tradotto da Chiara Scarciglia, editing Francesca Piscioneri)
(([email protected]))


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Families of Tunisia opposition say EU deal will not stop migration
26/06/2023 17:12 - RSF
THE HAGUE, June 26 (Reuters) - Families of jailed Tunisian opposition politicians on Monday dismissed an aid package offered to Tunis by the European Union as "shortsighted and counterproductive", warning the money would not help the north African country stop migration.

Speaking at a press conference with other children of jailed figures, Yusra Ghannouchi, the daughter of jailed opposition leader Rached Ghannouchi, said the deals the EU is making with the government of President Kais Saied would only serve to prop up his regime, which she accused of human rights violations.

"Kais Saied has created these problems. It is the state of multiple crises and despair in Tunisia that is feeding migrations," she said.

Saied shut down parliament, dismissed the government in July 2021 and moved to rule by decree, saying the moves were needed to save the country from corruption. Critics called his actions a coup. In February 2023 he accused some detained opposition politicians and critics of being responsible for price increases and food shortages, and of wanting to fuel a social crisis.

The EU this month offered Tunisia a 105-million-euros package to help it tackle a big rise in migrant departures, develop its battered economy and rescue state finances.

The departures soared after Saied announced a crackdown on sub-Saharan migrants in February, using language the African Union denounced as racialised.

The families of jailed opposition figures called the press conference in The Hague to also call on the International Criminal Court to look into alleged widespread human rights abuses in Tunisia which is a member of the court.

Earlier this year a crackdown by Tunisian judges detained more than 20 political, judicial, media and business figures with opposition ties. Many were jailed and accused of plotting against state security.

(Reporting by Stephanie van den Berg, Editing by William Maclean)
(([email protected];))


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UPDATE 1-Tunisian president names Ahmed Hachani as prime minister, replacing Bouden
02/08/2023 01:52 - RSF
(Adds details and background)
TUNIS, Aug 2 (Reuters) -
Tunisian President Kais Saied appointed Ahmed Hachani as new prime minister, replacing Najla Bouden, who ended her duties, the Tunisian presidency said early on Wednesday.

The appointment of Hachani, who served as human resources director at Tunisia's central bank, comes amid a deepening economic and social crisis in the country.

In recent weeks, the president has repeatedly blamed officials and government, saying they must act to address problems and poor public services, including frequent water and electricity cuts.

"There are great challenges that we must raise ... to preserve our homeland, our state and civil peace," Saied told Hachani after he took the constitutional oath.

"We will work to achieve the will of our people and the desired justice ... and to achieve national dignity," Saied added.

Saied had appointed Bouden as prime minister about two years ago, after he sacked Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi and took control of almost all powers in July 2021 and dissolved Parliament in a move the opposition described as a coup.

Bouden's government, however, failed to fix the economic and social crisis, amid fears that Tunisia would be unable to pay its foreign debts due to a severe financial crisis that caused a shortage of many commodities such as bread, farina, sugar, rice and coffee.

While Bouden's government supported an economic reform program to obtain a $1.9 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund, Saeid rejected any reforms that would include cutting subsidies on food and energy, saying doing so could cause acute social tensions.

(Reporting by Tarek Amara; Writing by Enas Alashray and Tarek Amara; Editing by Leslie Adler)


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SNG: Tunisia: Handicraft exports increase by more than 27% in 2022
02/08/2023 11:18 - RSF
First published: 02-Aug-2023 13:16:49

Staff Writer

Tunisia - The handicrafts sector's export revenues amounted to 148.6 million dinars in 2022, with a growth rate of more than 27 percent compared to 2021, while the sector's share in Tunisia's total exports is estimated at 2 percent in 2022, the CEO of the Export Promotion Centre, Mourad Ben Hassine, said on Monday.

He was speaking on the sidelines of the conclusion of a series of sectoral meetings aimed at developing the export apparatus, at a gathering of representatives of the handicraft sector.

Commenting on the sector's export performance, Ben Hassine said that the number of parcels sent by the Tunisian post amounted to 11,886 parcels sent to some 87 countries, valued at 3.2 million dinars.

Olive wood, textile ceramics, traditional clothing, plant fibre products, mosaics, wrought iron, leather goods, silverware, blown glass, aromatherapy and perfumes are at the forefront of traditional export oriented crafts in 2022.

Tunisia's top ten markets for the export of traditional industry products, according to the indicators of the National Board of Handicrafts for the year 2022, in order of importance, are the United States of America, France, Italy, Qatar, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Greece, Canada and Libya, according to a statement issued by CEPEX on Tuesday.

The handicraft sector contributes 5% to the Gross Domestic Product and has 300,000 artisans and 2,000 companies, including 650 exporting companies, providing 6,000 jobs a year in 76 activities.

During the tenth sectoral meeting, artisans and actors in the handicrafts sector called for a special export development programme, including the promotion and encouragement of innovation and training, and the provision of technical and financial support mechanisms.

Participants in the meeting, including representatives of relevant institutions, organisations, support structures and civil society, also stressed the need to strengthen public-private partnership in the field of training in the sector and to reclassify export complexes as craft enterprises in order to facilitate their access to various technical and financial incentives for exporting.

They called for speeding up the activation of the decisions of the Cabinet meeting on the handicraft sector held on March 16.

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