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Key conclusions from the test stress for Eurobank
After detailed examination of the loan portfolios and economic factors, the AQR (Asset Quality Review) highlighted the relative quality of Eurobank's loan portfolio. Based on the needs identified by the AQR and stress test, EFG Eurobank exhibited very low additional capital needs (€ 339 mil. Euros) in the baseline scenario (based limit CET1 9.5%) and the lowest total (€ 2 , 1 bln.) among the four systemic banks in the adverse scenario (based limit CET1 8%).
Sources of bank stress that the outcome of the Comprehensive Assessment (Comprehensive Assessment = AQR + Stress Test) ECB's Eurobank, the elected as the resilient Greek bank with the lowest total capital needs.
For the Greek banks the results are as follows:
(mil. EUR)
Adverse scenario
According to the same sources, with its impressive performance in the test stress of 2015, Eurobank managed a complete reversal of the image and the position (compared to the exercises of 2013 and 2014) as the Bank's minimum capital shortfall in the baseline scenario exercise and with smaller capital needs in the adverse scenario.
At the same time, they emphasize that the results of the baseline scenario of the stress test, where Eurobank has a very small capital needs, confirms that the Bank remained resilient capital despite the shock suffered by the Greek economy and unforeseen negative consequences from the imposition of capital controls in summer .
EFG Eurobank will seek maximum participation and attract private capital high quality, made to the existing as well as new private shareholders towards full capital shield. This effort begins with starting the management of liabilities details (LME) of EUR 877 mn. Euros, which itself exceeds the capital needs of the baseline scenario.
Finally, according to the same sources to completion of the recapitalization, the Bank will be able to proceed undistracted in financing the Greek economy and addressing the problem of non-performing loans.
"The combination of an adequate capital base -anthektikis in extreme conditions, as testified by the ECB, asset quality and normalization of conditions that will allow the gradual return of deposits in the banking system enhances the ability of Eurobank to support their customers and meet the biggest challenges, "they conclude the same circles.