Obbligazioni societarie Bond Rickmers Holding GmbH 8,875% 2018 - DE000A1TNA39

Io gli ho scritto da un paio di giorni chiedendo senza mezzi termini se pagheranno o meno la cedola l'11 giugno prima della ristrutturazione che appare ormai inevitabile. Ancora mi devono rispondere
forse mi sbaglio ma se non ci sono novità la cedola la pagano poi vedremmo cosa faranno ma se stanno cercando di rifinanziare il loro debito vuol dire che abbiamo qualche speranza ??
Invece se nn pagano la cedola vuol dire fare default e per ristrutturare il debito sarebbe molto + difficile e poi il cugino se veramente farà la fusione nn credo voglia farla con una azienda in default ??
cosa ne pensate??
...prima della ristrutturazione che appare ormai inevitabile...

Che i prezzi sono da Dario Argento è evidente, ma dare ormai "inevitabile" una ristrutturazione senza aver mai visto/letto notizia/report e di autorevoli agenzie di stampa (e non quelli di un paio di nostrani giornalisti finanziari cocomerai), IMHO mi pare (al momento) un pensiero un pò azzardato IMHO

ps: se non hanno intenzione di pagarti la cedola tu pensi che ti risponderanno così: "Caro Sig. XY, no non abbiamo intenzione di pagarle la cedola, la ringraziamo per averci contattato, non esiti ricontatarci per qualsiasi altra domanda o dubbio..":melo::prr::rotfl:
Che i prezzi sono da Dario Argento è evidente, ma dare ormai "inevitabile" una ristrutturazione senza aver mai visto/letto notizia/report e di autorevoli agenzie di stampa (e non quelli di un paio di nostrani giornalisti finanziari cocomerai), IMHO mi pare (al momento) un pensiero un pò azzardato IMHO

ps: se non hanno intenzione di pagarti la cedola tu pensi che ti risponderanno così: "Caro Sig. XY, no non abbiamo intenzione di pagarle la cedola, la ringraziamo per averci contattato, non esiti ricontatarci per qualsiasi altra domanda o dubbio..":melo::prr::rotfl:
La mia era una domanda volutamente provocatoria per vedere che tipo di risposta mi davano; ovvio che non mi diranno mai chiaramente la verità.Dalla risposta speravo di intuire qualcosa. E comunque finora tutto tace. Per quanto riguarda le notizie, con tutto il rispetto che si deve alle autorevoli agenzie di stampa che tu genericamente citi (del resto mi pare di ricordare che le maggiori agenzie di rating davano a Lehman una valutazione IG fino al giorno prima del default) l'esperienza di questi anni mi ha indotto a pensare che quando certi bond corporate arrivano al di sotto di un certo livello di mercato la ristrutturazione o il default è spesso (non sempre ovviamente) inevitabile. potrei farti un lungo elenco.
Ultima modifica:
Ecco la risposta.

With regard to the payment of interest in June 2016, please note that we are unable to provide any more details beyond the information given in our forecast 2016. However, we can confirm that we have not issued any news contradicting the payment.

To address the slowdown in the shipping markets and the challenging capital market conditions the Supervisory Board of Rickmers Holding AG endorsed a bundle of measures approved by the Management Board on 4 March 2016. A particular objective of these measures is to strengthen the liquidity position of the Rickmers Group and to rearrange its liabilities. Please note that we have recently restructured selected bank loans. As stated in our press release issued on 14 March, we restructured bank loans totalling 1.39 billion US dollars as early as February 2015 for instance. On 9 March 2016 the lending bank providing a key share of the overall loan amounting to about 520 million US dollars (as at the 31 December 2015 balance sheet date) agreed in principle to the term extension until 2020 and 2021 respectively, which means that a large share has been extended beyond the bond’s maturity date of 11 June 2018.
In parole povere la situazione è questa:
- Debiti per 1.39 miliardi rinnovati nel febbraio 2015.
- Rimangono debiti per 520 milioni per i quali hanno chiesto, ma non ancora ottenuto, un posticipo di scadenza al 2020/2021.
- Siamo a 1.919 miliardi, senza contare bonds per 300 milioni e 120 milioni di Short Term notes a Singapore.
- ll totale dei debiti supera i 2.3 miliardi. Qui occorre capitale fresco, speriamo riescano a trovare il mitico "cavaliere bianco". Ne ho visto molti andare sotto per molto meno.
Rickmers-Linie takes over Nordana’s Project Business

Hamburg, 1 June 2016

Rickmers-Linie, the liner service specialist for breakbulk, heavy lift and project cargoes takes over the activities of tramp and chartering specialist Nordana Project & Chartering with offices in Copenhagen, Bangkok, Singapore and Houston. The business will continue under the name and brand “NPC” and become an independent division supplementing the Rickmers-Linie segment within the Rickmers Group effective 1 July 2016.

In the new arrangement NPC will operate a multipurpose heavy lift fleet worldwide in the size range between 8,000 and 21,000 dwt with a lifting capacity of up to 500 tonnes. The core fleet will be made up of Nordana’s 12,000 dwt heavy lift vessels and will include Thai flag vessels. NPC will be managed by Lars Steen Rasmussen (Copenhagen) and Torben Reinhard (Bangkok) and will be a separate entity within the Rickmers-Linie segment.

The takeover of NPC through Rickmers-Linie comes a year after Nordana Project & Chartering nominated Rickmers (Japan) as their sole General Agent in Japan as a result of which NPC could considerably increase the number of calls at Japanese ports. In March this year Nordana nominated Rickmers-Linie as its representative in China. The successful cooperation between the two companies has since led to the joint idea to further increase the complementary effects between liner and tramp, which adds value to the customer base of both companies. Both Rickmers-Linie and NPC are renowned for their innovative approach and tailor made solutions for their customers.

Ulrich Ulrichs, CEO of Rickmers-Linie said: “Working together with NPC in our ventures in Japan and China has shown that we fit together really well, both product, and service-wise, as well as with the team spirit and working climates within our companies. We reviewed and soon agreed that we should expand our cooperation, which eventually led to Rickmers-Linie taking over the NPC business.”

Lars Steen Rasmussen, the designated CEO of NPC added: “We are convinced that many of our esteemed customers will value the combination that is now on offer. We are looking forward to further developing existing customer relations and developing new business for both companies.”

About the Rickmers Group
The Rickmers Group is an international service provider in the maritime transport sector and a containership owner with a global blue chip customer base. It is represented in its main offices in Hamburg and Singapore, in eleven countries and more than 50 sales agencies worldwide. The Group’s business activities are divided into three segments: Maritime Assets, Maritime Services and Rickmers-Linie.

Rickmers-Linie is one of the world's leading specialists in the global transportation of break bulk, heavy lift and project cargo by sea. With regular sailings and reliable schedules, the company has set new industry standards. The "Round-the-World Pearl String Service" connects the core business areas of the world. Liner services between the US, Europe and the Middle East/India as well as special charter sailings on demand add value for the globally active customers. The route network is complemented by its Westbound Round-the-World Service.The company belongs to Rickmers Group, which offers diversified activities in the segments of Maritime Assets, Maritime Services and Rickmers-Linie. Rickmers Group currently manages a fleet of more than 130 vessels.

Further information on Rickmers-Linie is available at www.rickmers-linie.com

About Nordana Project & Chartering
Nordana Project & Chartering was established in 1998 as an independent division within Nordana Line and has since developed into a renowned and respected specialist for worldwide tramp and chartering activities within the dry cargo market.

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