Obbligazioni societarie Bond Rickmers Holding GmbH 8,875% 2018 - DE000A1TNA39

Mi sapete dire cosa succede al titolo obbligazionario di
rickmers oggi sta crollando come se fosse andato in default
mi sapete dire se ci sono notizie cosi gravi ??
vi sarei molto grato x qualsiasi notizia utile:down::down:
Bhe, non esageriamo. A francoforte bid/ask 79/81. Fossero tutti così i prezzi da default
Ho scritto al loro investor relation, questa è la risposta.
Neanche io vedo nessun tipo di problema sul bond. Se avete il bond non vendetelo a questi prezzi, non ha senso.

Dear Sir,
thank you for getting in touch with us. We understand, that you are concerned about the bond price development, I can asure you Rickmers Group is monitoring this closely.

I can tell you that we have been informed by the bank Oddo Seydler, that the most recent price development mainly reflects a cumulation of several sell orders with a rather small volume happening in an environment of a very volatile capital market situation in general – but especially in the German "micro bond" segment.

As of today, Rickmers Group has not issued any news release or company specific information during 2016. The last information has been given by Rickmers Group on December 10, 2015. You can find this on the Rickmers Website or via this link


We stay available for further questions that might occur.

Kind regards
Sebastian Bucher
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