Certificati di investimento - Cap. 1 (6 lettori)

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It's time to play the game
Ieri riunione BCE... già oggi...

MARKET TALK: in 2017 Danske B. vede altra estensione QE (sentiment)

MILANO (MF-DJ) -- Danske Bank si concentra sulla decisione della Bce di ieri di continuare il QE fino a dicembre 2017 e di ridurre il ritmo mensile degli acquisti da 80 a 60 mld a partire da aprile. Per gli analisti "il mercato sembra aver 'accettato' il fatto che una riduzione del ritmo di acquisti non indichi che la Bce sia sulla strada del tapering". In ogni caso, "guardando avanti" gli analisti pensano che "la Bce annuncera' una terza estensione del QE a un certo punto nel secondo semestre del 2017"


It's time to play the game
Forse può essere utile per approfondire il tema delle rettifiche...


9 December 2016

1 Series of 30,000 EUR "Fixed Premium Athena 200%" Certificates relating to LinkedIn Corp Shares ISIN Code:NL0011512009 (the "Certificates")

Issued by BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. (the "Issuer")
BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. in its capacity as Issuer,further notification from BNP Paribas Arbitrage S.N.C. (the "Calculation Agent"), in its capacity as Calculation Agent in connection with the Certificates, wishes to advise Holders of the occurrence of an Extraordinary Event (Merger Event) in respect of the Shares of LinkedIn Corp (the "Affected Share" and the "Affected Share Company").

On 19 August 2016, the OCC's system announced that shareholders of the LinkedIn Corp. will vote concerning the proposed merger with Liberty Merger SubInc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Microsoft Corp. If the merger is approved and consummated, each existing LinkedIn Corp. share will be converted into the right to receive USD 196.00 net cash per share. As a result of the announcement of the above Merger Event, Microsoft Corp has completed the cash merger acquisition of LinkedIn Corp on 7 December 2016. In the transaction, shareholders of LinkedIn Corp will receive USD 196.00 per share held. LinkedIn Corp shares will be delisted from New YorkStock Exchange (NYSE) as of 8 December 2016.

The consequence of the announcement of the event is that the Calculation Agent has exercised its discretion under Condition 4.2 (Consequences of the occurrence of an Extraordinary Event) of the Annex 3 (Additional Terms and Conditions for Share Certificates) of the base prospectus dated 9 June 2015 (the "Base Prospectus") to determine the appropriate adjustments to be made to the Certificates.

The Calculation Agent has decided to redeem all but not some only of the Certificates at the amount equal to the fair market value of such Certificate in accordance with the provisions of the Condition 4.2 (d) of the Annex 3 of the Base Prospectus.

The following cash settlement amount will bepaid to each Holder per Certificate: 100 EUR
Unless otherwise defined, terms mentioned herein shall be those defined in the Final Terms in respect of the Certificates and/or the Base Prospectus. Copies of the documentation referred to above is available upon request from the Calculation Agent.

BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V.

Acting in its capacity as Issuer
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