Certificati di investimento - Cap. 4 (4 lettori)

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Avrei una domanda per gli esperti di questo ottimo forum: mi è capitato di aver consigliato l'acquisto ad un amico il certificato JE00BLS3J007 su Credit Agricole in quanto lo ritenevo poco rischioso. Ebbene tale amico non è riuscito a comprarlo tramite l'homebanking di Banca Fideuram in quanto sostengono che sia troppo rishioso e non hanno caricato il KID per la tutela dei risparmiatori. Vi sembra una cosa posssibile? Sinceramente mi sembra una cosa molto strana...
Livello barriera 50% con unico sottostante ra l'altro con quotazione attuale vicina allo strike.
No, io non ritengo il JE00BLS3J007 particolarmente rischioso, anzi è nella metà più tranquilla se dividiamo in due il settore.
Forse Fideuram cerca di convincere alla sottoscrizione di prodotti su cui loro prendono commissioni....
Io cambierei banca.


Forumer storico
Livello barriera 50% con unico sottostante ra l'altro con quotazione attuale vicina allo strike.
No, io non ritengo il JE00BLS3J007 particolarmente rischioso, anzi è nella metà più tranquilla se dividiamo in due il settore.
Forse Fideuram cerca di convincere alla sottoscrizione di prodotti su cui loro prendono commissioni....
Io cambierei banca.
Per curiosità ho verificato,fideuram lo fa negoziare almeno a me


Forumer storico
HONG KONG—Ant Group Co. is in talks with Chinese state-owned enterprises to create a credit-scoring company that will put the fintech giant’s proprietary consumer data under regulators’ purview, according to people familiar with the matter.
The new entity, which could be established as soon as the third quarter of this year, could result in Ant ceding some control over the voluminous data it has on the financial habits of Chinese citizens. More than one billion individuals use Ant’s Alipay app to spend, borrow or invest their money, and the information that Ant has collected and used has been the secret sauce behind the company’s success in recent years. WSJ

Jack Ma (Alibaba) si arrende.


Forumer storico
dove l'hai letto?

Iran and the U.S. are haggling over problems with world powers’ nuclear deal with Tehran that predated the Trump administration’s 2018 withdrawal from the accord, a top Iranian government official said, suggesting that negotiations to bring Washington back into the fold have become more complicated than previously known.
Mahmoud Vaezi, President Hassan Rouhani’s chief of staff, said the U.S. has agreed in principle to lift all of the more than 1,000 economic sanctions that were reimposed and added by Donald Trump after he exited the deal, including those on Iran’s oil, petrochemicals, banking and steel sectors. But broader trade penalties on Iran’s financial sector that weren’t lifted under the pact scared off foreign investors and banks, blocking Tehran from receiving many of the economic benefits that it had expected to flow from its agreement to rein in its nuclear program.
“Right now, we’re discussing which of the remaining sanctions are related to the nuclear deal and which ones relate to before 2015,” Vaezi told reporters in Tehran, according to the Iranian Students’ News Agency. “Also, now it’s possible some of the sanctions related to individuals and matters prior to 2015 will remain, and they are also negotiating over those,” he said. (BBG, uscita stamattina presto)
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