Certificati di investimento - Cap. 5

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Quando ci sono questi andamenti in Borsa Smartetn si distingue sempre per svalutare i certificati.più degli altri gestori.... sicuramente avranno i loro buoni motivi, forse valorizzando più basso il loro stock titoli ne hanno dei benefici fiscali o similari.....

Ad occhio e croce sembra anche a me che si abbassi più degli altri quando c'è rosso abbondante...
da Barrons
Granted, Silvergate’s clients were focused on crypto, and SVB’s on venture capital—two of the hardest-hit sectors as short-term rates have risen. But the entire banking industry has been told by regulators after the 2008-09 financial crisis to bolster their holdings of U.S. government bonds, to provide a cushion against potential losses. Now that very cushion is proving to be a source of problems.

più o meno btp
Kevin Muir, who writes the Macro Tourist blog, said he plans to open a large overweight position in the S&P Regional Banking exchange traded fund on Friday.

“I think this indiscriminate bank selling is overblown and is the result of Great Financial Crisis-scars,” he says.

“Of course, there are losses from the Fed’s aggressive policies sitting on banks’ balance sheets, but on the whole, banks are not as foolish as the market believes. Just because two overly aggressive tech banks [SVB and Silvergate (SI)] got themselves into trouble doesn’t mean the whole sector is tainted. The market always hedges for the last crisis, and I am willing to bet that banks aren’t the source of the next crisis,” says Muir.


Ma questo va a rimborso in Aprile 23..... io me lo tengo ben stretto fino alla scadenza !
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