Certificati di investimento - Cap. 5

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per ora non cambia nulla, il giorno che viene comunicata la variazione del tasso d’interesse, pur confermando sempre quanto ampiamente previsto, ci ritroviamo ad affrontare una bella correzione, e domani ci si prendere l’ennesima della serie, e vabbè.
Dovrà finire questa storia prima o poi, mica potranno aumentare all’infinito? Deve arrivare prima o poi la notizia tanto attesa dai mercati?

Puntavano sull'annuncio di un prossimo allentamento monetario, invece ha detto che non ci saranno tagli quest'anno. Più i tassi vengono alzati e più a lungo rimangono alti, più aumenta il rischio che ci siano conseguenze sull'economia e la borsa ovviamente reagisce al pericolo...
Cos'ha detto quest'altra?

Le autorità Usa non stanno considerando un'assicurazione totale dei depositi per stabilizzare il sistema bancario americano. Lo ha affermato il Segretario al Tesoro Janet Yellen. "Non ho considerato o discusso nulla che avesse a che fare con un'assicurazione totale o garanzie dei depositi", spiega Yellen.
Powell's later remarks and separate comments from U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen this afternoon both stopped short of “whatever it takes” declarations regarding protecting customers’ bank deposits should recent turmoil in the sector escalate further.

In response to a question, Powell said that he couldn’t promise to backstop all deposits, but that the Fed had other measures to prevent losses.

“You’ve seen that we have the tools to protect depositors when there’s a threat of serious harm to the economy or to the financial system and we’re prepared to use those tools,” Powell said. “I think depositors should assume that their deposits are safe.”

In simultaneous testimony before a Senate committee on Wednesday, Yellen said that her department wasn’t considering expanding Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. guarantees to all bank deposits, and that it wasn’t yet the appropriate time to reconsider the $250,000 cap.

For now, federal regulators are focused on stabilizing the U.S. financial system and boosting public confidence in banks, Yellen said.
Questa me l'ero persa...

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sought to clean up his previous comments calling Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a “territorial dispute,” telling British journalist Piers Morgan instead that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a “war criminal.”
DeSantis faced mounting criticism from Republicans over his earlier comments on Ukraine, including from Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia and John Cornyn of Texas, who all publicly broke with DeSantis after the governor rejected additional funding for Ukraine. Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, who is considering a 2024 bid, called DeSantis “naïve” over his Ukraine stance.
But during an interview with Morgan set to air this week, DeSantis called Putin a “a gas station with a bunch of nuclear weapons,” repeating a similar line he had used in early March to describe the Russian leader. Both lines echoed a 2014 quip from then-Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in which he said, “Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country.”
“I think [Putin’s] hostile to the United States, but I think the thing that we’ve seen is he doesn’t have the conventional capability to realize his ambitions,” DeSantis said, according to Fox News. “And so, he’s basically a gas station with a bunch of nuclear weapons and one of the things we could be doing better is utilizing our own energy resources in the U.S.”

C'è voluto un giorno, ma alla fine ha capito.
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