Certificati di investimento - Cap. 5

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Federal Reserve Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr testifies to Congress on Tuesday about the failure of Silicon Valley Bank. He says SVB suffered from “textbook” mismanagement.

That sounds bad for SVB, but might look even worse for the Fed and other regulators. If the bank was making obvious mistakes, why didn’t anyone notice before it was too late.

One challenge for regulators is to anticipate future problems and not always be fighting the last war. That may be what happened with SVB–the Treasuries that the bank loaded up on backfired on them when interest rates rose, which is a fresh problem.

Altro fenomeno
  • Lawmakers are likely to ask why repeated warnings about SVB’s health never prompted action to prevent its collapse. “It is not the job of supervisors to fix the issues identified; it is the job of the bank’s senior management and board of directors to fix its problems,” Barr’s prepared text said.
Federal Reserve Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr testifies to Congress on Tuesday about the failure of Silicon Valley Bank. He says SVB suffered from “textbook” mismanagement.

That sounds bad for SVB, but might look even worse for the Fed and other regulators. If the bank was making obvious mistakes, why didn’t anyone notice before it was too late.

One challenge for regulators is to anticipate future problems and not always be fighting the last war. That may be what happened with SVB–the Treasuries that the bank loaded up on backfired on them when interest rates rose, which is a fresh problem.

Altro fenomeno
Diciamo che almeno solitamente negli USA chi sbaglia paga tutto, non come da noi.
Poi se magari non sbagliassero, sarebbe meglio, anche per la loro credibilità che dal 2008 in poi è proprio scarsa.
Mi sembra proprio il momento migliore per questo "nuovo" casino per le banche...
Non poteva scoppiare 3 mesi fa??

Da quel che capisco sembra trattarsi dell'imposizione fiscale dei dividendi corrisposti da imprese nazionali agli investitori esteri.
A mio ricordo la materia era stata oggetto di trattatative internazionali da molti paesi in modo da evitare la doppia imposizione fiscale agli investitori (una del paese del titolo azionario e l'altro del paese dell'investitore).
Evidentemente qualcuno ha ciurlato nel manico.......
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