Certificati di investimento - Capitolo 8 (638 lettori)


Forumer storico
SUNRUN oggi ben positiva dopo qualche giorno di negatività......
Teoricamente il DE000VM6Q805 di Vontobel rimborserebbe lunedì prossimo 16 settembre pagando anche la cedola trimestrale .....
Ultima modifica:

One of the Lehman Bros

Lehman Brothers Employee of the Month Sept 2008
sarà, io ho sempre comprato sotto i 37 (e purtroppo rivenduti spesso troppo presto); a quanto pensi possa arrivare? o stai solo facendo scorta per il freddo inverno?

Trading stretto, mai tenuto molto a lungo.
Per la ripresa dei bond ho millemila ETF da piu' di un anno, OAT72 solo per speculazione.
In chiusura, se non crolla, conto di uscire con tutta la posizione gia' oggi.


It's time to play the game
Sono sicuramenti "attraenti" per la gente con le palle di acciaio.

Se preferisci, arriva anche una serie di Top Bonus Unicredit...



Utente Old Style
Today marks the first anniversary of SeDeX's successful migration to the Optiq platform - a challenging yet rewarding journey for all stakeholders involved.

Over the past year, we've witnessed the tangible benefits of our efforts. SeDeX now operates on a cutting-edge market model for securitized derivatives, the "Request for Execution", offering Extended Trading Hours from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
This new model has empowered Liquidity Providers to enhance their pricing, resulting in tighter bid-ask spreads and fostering increased trading activity.

In 2024, SeDeX and Cert-X have achieved an average of 12,324 daily trades - up 27% from 2023, and a daily turnover of €111 million, reflecting a 41% increase year-over-year.
Additionally, 19% of Knock-Out products, 17% of Constant Leverage Certificates, and 16% of Warrants are now executed during Extended Trading Hours.

These milestones are particularly meaningful as they coincide with the 20th anniversary of the SeDeX market (2004-2024), a moment to celebrate our achievements, reflect on the progress we've made, and look ahead with excitement to future challenges and opportunities.


Forumer attivo
per chi mi ha seguito sul
mm oggi balzato a 1027,4 circa cmq io mantengo tutto
rende 6,5% lordo grasso che cola ;)

il livello digital è 126,0095 a luglio l'indice era 126,01.
Nei giorni scorsi ne ho comprati poco sopra il mm, ne vendevano a iosa.
Da 1024,7 oggi il mm si è alzato a 1027,4
I dati preliminari dell'indice di agosto sono di +0,2% rispetto a luglio
Anche oggi, nonostante la salita del bid, ne scambiano in gran quantità (2/3000 pezzi negli ultimi giorni)


Forumer storico
Today marks the first anniversary of SeDeX's successful migration to the Optiq platform - a challenging yet rewarding journey for all stakeholders involved.

Over the past year, we've witnessed the tangible benefits of our efforts. SeDeX now operates on a cutting-edge market model for securitized derivatives, the "Request for Execution", offering Extended Trading Hours from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
This new model has empowered Liquidity Providers to enhance their pricing, resulting in tighter bid-ask spreads and fostering increased trading activity.

In 2024, SeDeX and Cert-X have achieved an average of 12,324 daily trades - up 27% from 2023, and a daily turnover of €111 million, reflecting a 41% increase year-over-year.
Additionally, 19% of Knock-Out products, 17% of Constant Leverage Certificates, and 16% of Warrants are now executed during Extended Trading Hours.

These milestones are particularly meaningful as they coincide with the 20th anniversary of the SeDeX market (2004-2024), a moment to celebrate our achievements, reflect on the progress we've made, and look ahead with excitement to future challenges and opportunities.

This new model has empowered Liquidity Providers to enhance their pricing, resulting in tighter bid-ask spreads and fostering increased trading activity.
Questo mi sembra platealmente falso.......

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