Forumer storico
Salve a tutti, vorrei intavolare con voi una proficua analisi su come secondo voi tutte le teorie dei Maya possano incidere sui movimenti delle commodities in primis ( degli indici in secondo piano )
incollo qui di seguito un breve estratto preso da un articolo sul web.
Most have heard or read that the Mayan cycle ends on 21 December 2012, and at that time the world will end. Anyone who knows anything about cycles knows that the world will not end in such a way, especially since Mayan cycles have existed for more than 5000 years. The cycle has to do with the alignment of the sun and earth, and the winter solstice. Because the planets create a magnetic pull on the earth, we might expect earthquakes, floods, storms and extreme weather at times of alignment. Such events would inflict physical damage on many commodities and cause inflation to rise more than it is at present.
io credo che alcune commodities come wheat, corn, coffee, possano salire molto ( a parte la loro analisi tecnica dei grafici ) nei prossimi mesi ...guidate da una opprimente aspettativa che....
voi che ne pensate??
incollo qui di seguito un breve estratto preso da un articolo sul web.
Most have heard or read that the Mayan cycle ends on 21 December 2012, and at that time the world will end. Anyone who knows anything about cycles knows that the world will not end in such a way, especially since Mayan cycles have existed for more than 5000 years. The cycle has to do with the alignment of the sun and earth, and the winter solstice. Because the planets create a magnetic pull on the earth, we might expect earthquakes, floods, storms and extreme weather at times of alignment. Such events would inflict physical damage on many commodities and cause inflation to rise more than it is at present.
io credo che alcune commodities come wheat, corn, coffee, possano salire molto ( a parte la loro analisi tecnica dei grafici ) nei prossimi mesi ...guidate da una opprimente aspettativa che....
voi che ne pensate??