Obbligazioni societarie CIT Group, SLM, GMAC e le finanziarie USA che (forse) si salveranno diventando banche

Il 2 giugno 2008, ulteriore rating action delle agenzie, evidentemente conscie come noialtri del problema di fondo... lo riportavo con commento.

Arriva il downgrade di Moody's ... che lascia addirittura i rating in creditwatch (neanche in outlook negative) in vista di un ulteriore possibile downgrade di breve ... circostanza piuttosto inusuale e che la dice lunga sulla precarietà della situazione di CIT...

Moody's downgrades CIT to Baa1; long-term rating remains under review

New York, May 29, 2008 -- Moody's Investors Service downgraded the senior unsecured rating of CIT Group, Inc. to Baa1 from A3 and affirmed its Prime-2 short-term rating. CIT's long-term ratings remain on review for possible downgrade.

Moody's said the downgrade of the long-term rating to Baa1 reflects CIT's business profile, giving consideration to the business transitions now underway at the firm and the associated execution risks. In recent quarters, CIT has had to confront difficult operating and funding conditions resulting from deteriorating performance in its home lending business and broader credit market illiquidity. This has led to a weaker credit profile as reflected in the Baa1 rating.

In response to these issues, CIT has implemented a number of tactical measures to preserve liquidity and capital levels after recording losses in each of the past four quarters related to its mortgage business. CIT raised approximately $1.6 billion in new common and hybrid equity during the first half of 2008, drew its $7.3 billion bank facilities, sold $2.5 billion of unencumbered assets, and created incremental liquidity sources of approximately $2.5 billion.

This provided the firm needed cash liquidity to meet debt maturities and continue franchise-preserving levels of new finance asset originations. In Moody's view, CIT has adequate sources of liquidity to provide for its needs over the next twelve months.

CIT's actions have also provided the firm additional time and financial flexibility to pursue initiatives which are more strategic in nature but that require a longer gestation period. (
CIT is expected to scale its funding and capital levels to support its core commercial finance businesses, while concurrently pursuing exit strategies for its non-core businesses.

The Baa1 rating anticipates that CIT will maintain a sufficient liquidity cushion to allow it to successfully bridge its current difficulties and to enable it to transition its scale, focus, and funding profile. However, continuing uncertainty regarding the potential magnitude of cumulative losses in CIT's mortgage portfolio has been a significant impediment to the firm re-establishing solid footing in the credit markets.

In recognition of the execution risks associated with CIT's plans to overcome funding and liquidity issues, the Baa1 rating remains on review for possible downgrade. Should the firm's key initiatives relating to securing a strategic funding partner and containing mortgage business risk prove to be successful, as expected, the ratings would likely be confirmed. Absent this, as noted above, the mortgage portfolio could continue to limit the company's ability to re-establish its access to the unsecured funding markets, putting further negative pressure on the rating.

In addition to the challenges highlighted above that led to the downgrade, the Baa1 rating also incorporates Moody's view that CIT's profitability will be constrained in future periods by higher funding costs. We believe that profitability, as determined by return on average managed assets, is likely to measure at the lower end of the firm's historical range. Additionally, profitability in recent quarters has been sustained in part by lower loss provisioning than historical norms; thus, unexpected deterioration in asset quality that results in accelerated provisioning is an additional risk factor to earnings strength.

On the other hand, CIT's ratings continue to be supported by its strong franchise positioning in commercial finance, including leading businesses in trade finance, vendor finance, corporate finance, aircraft finance and small business lending. Some of these businesses are exposed to a high degree of cyclical volatility, such as aircraft finance, but the balance and breadth of CIT's business activities provides for some stabilizing influence to overall results. The ratings also recognize CIT's experienced operating management and its commitment to maintaining a prudent balance between yield and underwriting considerations.
L'1 luglio 2008 mi quotavo per commentare ancora una operazione che segnava anche l'uscita di CIT da un settore di attività che allora sembrava il principale ad alto rischio...

Originalmente inviato da i98mark
Prima i miliardi USD da raccogliere tramite asset sales erano fra i 5 ed i 7, ora sono diventati 12, sempre in virtù di asset sales oltre che secured financing, dopo che hanno già venduto asset per 5 mld USD...

Cosa si può dire...

Portati a casa altri 1,8 mld USD in cash per tramite di due vendite che segnano l'uscita di Cit dal settore dei mutui immobiliari e dei finanziamenti correlati all'immobiliare residenziale (ristrutturazioni, arredo ecc.)

CIT Sells Units for $1.8 Billion to Exit Home Lending (Update1)

By Jon Menon

July 1 (Bloomberg) -- CIT Group Inc., agreed to sell its home-loan units for $1.8 billion as the business lender struggles to recover from four straight quarters of losses.

Lone Star Funds will buy Home Lending for $1.5 billion in cash and take on $4.4 billion of outstanding debt and other liabilities, New York-based CIT said today in a Business Wire statement. CIT also agreed to sell its $470 million ``manufactured housing portfolio'' to Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance Inc. for $300 million, the company said.

CIT forecast a pretax loss of $2.5 billion from Home Lending in the second quarter.

``The sales complete our exit from all home lending businesses, removing the uncertainty surrounding this asset class, and advances our strategic transformation into a company focused entirely on commercial finance, '' said Jeffrey Peek, chairman and chief executive officer of CIT.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Morgan Stanley advised CIT.
Il 7 luglio 2008, anche in funzione di proprie variazioni nella politica di assegnazione di rating ai bond ibridi (allora eravamo agli esordi del più generale sganciamento - che sarebbe arrivato in seguito - degli ibridi dai senior), S&P downgradava gli ibridi di CIT ai margini dell'IG. Postavo e commentavo.

S&P conferma il rating corporate ad A-, ma riduce il rating dei bond ibridi emessi da CIT a BBB-, tre livelli al di sotto del rating corporate generico, all'interno di un'operazione di riassegnazione dei rating in virtù della quale anche i bond ibridi che prevedano il differimento facoltativo del pagamento della cedola, al verificarsi di determinate condizioni, possono andare soggetti a riduzioni di rating fino a 3 livelli rispetto al rating corporate (come di norma S&P fa per i bond ibridi che prevedano il differimento obbligatorio della cedola) ove si verifichino presupposti che facciano pensare ad una concreta possibilità di valersi dell'opzione di differimento nel pagamento delle cedole.

In generale, S&P rileva come l'uscita dal settore dei finanziamenti all'immobiliare residenziale (mutui immobiliari e finanziamenti per ristrutturazioni edilizie) viene pagata da CIT con una perdita di 1,8 mld $ (stante il prezzo di vendita degli asset creditizi decisamente inferiore rispetto ai valori iscritti a bilancio) perdita da imputarsi nella prossima trimestrale.

L'outlook sul rating resta poi negativo in quanto in prospettiva le condizioni del mercato creditizio resteranno difficili e gli asset creditizi ancora in portafoglio a CIT soggetti a probabile declino qualitativo.

Tornando ai bond ibridi, sebbene S&P affermi che "possa essere consueto ratearli 3 livelli al di sotto del rating corporate dell'issuer, ove siano previste condizioni che impongano il differimento del pagamento della cedola al verificarsi di talune condizioni" per il caso di CIT a giustificare un simile trattamento è la preoccupazione per cui "ove la crisi creditizia dovesse protrarsi a lungo, CIT potrebbe scegliere (ndr: in via opzionale appunto, sussistendo una ipotesi di optional deferral, e non perché vi sia costretta da condizioni delle Offering Circular, come nel caso di mandatory deferral) di posticipare il pagamento delle cedole come maniera per preservare la liquidità ed al contempo di non imporre ulteriori diluizioni agli azionisti ordinari. (

CIT Group Inc. 'A-/A-2' Rating Affirmed; Outlook Negative

Publication date: 01-Jul-08, 14:53:01 EST
Reprinted from RatingsDirect

NEW YORK (Standard & Poor's) July 1, 2008--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today that it affirmed its 'A-/A-2' counterparty credit rating on CIT Group Inc. (CIT).

Standard & Poor's also said that it lowered the ratings on $1.75 billion of CIT's hybrid capital securities to 'BBB-', three notches below the counterparty credit rating, reflecting a reassessment of the application of
Standard & Poor's hybrid capital issue notching criteria.

The outlook on CIT remains negative.

The affirmation follows the company's announcement that it has agreed to sell its home lending portfolio and associated servicing operation as well as its manufactured housing portfolio for $1.8 billion in cash proceeds in two separate transactions.

"We believe that the disposition of its residential mortgage assets will remove a significant amount of uncertainty in terms of future profitability and asset quality," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Rian M. Pressman.

The transaction will generate an after-tax loss of about $1.8 billion in the second quarter (the assets are being sold at a significant discount to unpaid balance). However, the capital impact will be limited because of CIT's $1.6 billion equity raise ($1.0 billion of common stock and $600 million in convertible preferred stock) in April 2008.

CIT has been working to navigate the difficult credit market environment and has demonstrated measurable progress in terms of divesting assets and securing funding for its four core commercial businesses.

That said, the economic environment remains tough, and we will be looking for CIT to demonstrate satisfactory profitability in its commercial businesses given increased funding costs and, we expect, cyclically declining asset quality.

We also expect continued improvement in CIT's funding profile to maintain the 'A-/A-2' counterparty credit rating.

The downgrade of $1.75 billion of CIT's hybrid capital securities (including $750 million in junior subordinated notes, $500 million of preferred stock, and $500 million of convertible preferred stock) reflects a reassessment of the application of Standard & Poor's hybrid capital issue notching criteria.

We commonly rate hybrid capital issues that include mandatory deferral triggers three notches under the issuer credit rating.

In the case of CIT, the affected issues reflect our concern that if financial pressures were to continue over a longer time period, the company could ultimately choose to limit additional dilution to common shareholders and conserve liquidity by deferring payments. The near-term risk of such a deferral is limited.

Management has taken actions to alleviate the near-term risk that failure to meet a rolling fixed-charge coverage test could force it to defer payments. Specifically, it has entered into an agreement with third parties that extends until Sept. 30, 2008, that would enable CIT to meet the distribution requirements by issuing additional common stock, if necessary.

"The negative outlook reflects the difficult credit market conditions and the impact that this is having on CIT's funding profile," Mr. Pressman added. Although the disposition of the company's residential mortgage assets
removes some uncertainty in today's operating environment, maintenance of the current rating will depend on the company's ability to produce satisfactory financial results in its commercial businesses given the challenges associated with its funding model.

We could lower the rating because of a combination of factors: funding capacity issues; further asset encumbrance, especially regarding commercial finance assets; weak earnings; and significant deterioration in asset quality or capital.

We could revise the outlook back to stable if CIT can access the unsecured or secured debt markets at economically attractive rates while maintaining adequate asset quality and capitalization.
7 luglio 2008: CIT ripagava anticipatamente alle banche una parte dell'importo prelevato dalle linee di credito... Ne dava notizia Researcher.

CIT sembra che possa farcela

CIT to pay down $2.1 billion bank line early
Mon Jul 28, 2008

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Commercial lender CIT Group Inc (CIT.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) will pay down a $2.1 billion bank line later this week, three months before it comes due, the company said on Monday.

The early payment of the bank line signals that the company's funding problems are ebbing, after the credit crunch forced it to draw down on its full $7.3 billion of bank lines in March.

After the payment on July 30, CIT will have $5.2 billion of borrowing outstanding from its U.S. bank lines, maturing in April 2009, April 2010 and December 2011.

CIT has struggled to raise funds to pay back billions of dollars of maturing debt, and earlier this month posted a $2.1 billion quarterly loss. But it has also shed $10 billion of mortgage assets and borrowed in the secured bond markets, reducing concerns about its ability to pay back its maturing debt.

CIT shares have fallen 65 percent this year. They closed at $8.13 on Friday.
Il 13 luglio 2008, arrivava il commento di Moody's che teneva l'outlook dell'emittente a negativo, pur confermando il rating. Postavo e commentavo a mia volta...

Secondo Moody's, le operazioni realizzate da ultimo sarebbero riuscite a costruire un cuscinetto di liquidità adeguato a sostenere le esigenze operative di CIT Group fino a fine 2009 (oltre alle dismissioni per complessivi 3 mld USD, l'emissione di strumenti di acquisizioni di liquidità - ora non ricordo se azioni ordinarie, preferred shares, bond ibridi o altro o altro - per 4 mld USD ed una "facility" - finanziamento o linea di credito - secured per 3 mld USD accordata da Goldman Sachs).

Però la società continua ad avere difficoltà ad accedere al mercato dei capitali e soprattutto priva di un modello di approvvigionamento delle liquidità occorrente per l'attività corporate (prestare soldi), per la quale la stessa Moody's sottolinea come occorra recuperare la confidenza degli investitori unsecured...

Insomma, hanno messo una bella pezza...
ma sempre per l'agenzia, finché non reperiscono un modello di funding stabile, occorrerà che dispongano di liquidità adeguata a coprire gli impegni finanziari legati alle scadenze del debito per almeno 12 mesi per poter confermare il rating attuale (ndr: che è come dire che ci aggiorniamo a fine anno...

Considerata l'estrema difficoltà allo stato di acquisire nuovi capitali tramite l'emissione di nuove azioni o di strumenti ibridi (per i quali Moody's indica come già raggiunta la soglia massima della percentuale di mezzi propri che può essere raggiunta tramite l'emissione di siffatti strumenti); il possibile deterioramento qualitativo degli asset ancora detenuti legato alle incertezze congiunturali ed inoltre l'alto livello di leverage, il rafforzamento della capitalizzazione di CIT appare dipendente dalla sola capacità di generazione di utili...

Vedremo come andrà...

Moody's confirms CIT's Baa1 rating; outlook is negative

New York, August 13, 2008 -- Moody's Investors Service confirmed the Baa1 long-term ratings of CIT Group Inc. and affirmed its Prime-2 short-term rating. The outlook for the ratings is negative. This concludes Moody's review of the long-term ratings initiated on May 29, 2008.

In confirming the Baa1 ratings, Moody's noted that CIT has made important strides in improving its operating flexibility and building liquidity.

In July 2008, CIT sold its underperforming home lending business for total proceeds of $1.8 billion. Moody's believes this sale will reduce CIT's earnings volatility and position the firm to generate capital in future periods. Additionally, the home lending sale allows CIT management to focus on the company's core commercial finance businesses. The ratings confirmation considers CIT's strong franchise positioning in commercial finance, including leading positions in factoring, transportation finance, vendor finance and corporate finance.

CIT also completed a number of liquidity initiatives during the quarter, including a $3 billion secured financing facility from Goldman Sachs, $4 billion in other new funding, and $1.2 billion in non-mortgage asset sales. Combined, these measures are expected to extend CIT's funding availability into late 2009, providing the firm additional time to streamline its operations and strengthen its funding alternatives.

"CIT's achievements in the quarter have given it additional operating headroom," said Moody's analyst Mark Wasden. "However, the firm hasn't yet firmly established a practical long-term funding model. To do that, it must regain the confidence of unsecured lenders," he added.

The negative outlook for the ratings recognizes that CIT continues to face a difficult funding and operating environment. Inability to access the broader capital markets, should it continue to persist, would undermine CIT's recent capital and liquidity-building efforts.

"Given its reliance on confidence sensitive wholesale funding, CIT will need to maintain a minimum of 12 months liquidity; any shortfall would jeopardize the Baa1 rating," said Wasden. CIT's sources of liquidity to cover maturing debt and business investment requirements include cash, committed and available funding capacity, and cash from operating activities. Moody's will actively monitor CIT's funding status for additional progress toward re-engaging unsecured investors.

The negative outlook also incorporates Moody's view that CIT's operating margins are under pressure due to higher borrowing and operating costs. Expected cyclical softening in asset quality could further pressure profitability. However, Moody's expects that CIT's credit management response to weakening economic conditions should prevent asset quality erosion beyond historical levels. An aggregate rate of net charge-offs as a percentage of average managed finance receivables that exceeds .8% in CIT's commercial businesses could result in negative ratings pressure.

Moody's noted that CIT's ability to raise additional equity capital is constrained, which limits its financial flexibility. CIT has relatively high leverage as a result of its second quarter loss and the disqualification of approximately $560 million of hybrid securities from having equity treatment, due to the firm surpassing Moody's 25% limitation for this form of equity. To strengthen its capital base, CIT must rely upon earnings for capital generation, highlighting the importance of risk management and expense control in future quarters.

Ratings confirmed, with a negative outlook, include:

Issuer Rating, Baa1

Senior Unsecured, Baa1

Senior Secured, A3

Senior Subordinated, Baa2

Junior Subordinated, Baa3

Preferred Stock, Baa3

Ratings affirmed, with a negative outlook, include:

Short-term, Prime-2

CIT Group, Inc. is a global commercial finance company located in New York City and Livingston, New Jersey. CIT reported total assets of $87.8 billion and a net loss of $2.1 billion for the quarter ended June 30, 2008.
Stessa data, con Researcher facevamo qualche considerazione su come potesse evolvere la situazione, anche in vista di possibili ingressi nei bond...

Originalmente inviato da researcher
Stavo pensando di reinvestire il ricavato dei bond Glitnir su qualche bond CIT in euro, ma vedo che scambiano al lumicino e con spread bid-ask notevoli......

Mah, continuo a non capire che ruolo abbiano le finanziarie "generaliste"... passi per quelle specializzate, che fanno valere il loro rapporto di contiguità con il cliente... sono Ford Credit Motor ed offro un servizio completo al cliente che acquista la macchina a rate, fa il leasing ecc. ecc.

Ma se sono una società che ha bisogno di un finanziamento, vado in banca...

Si parla tanto di una corretta gestione del rischio di credito, ma non vedo quale valore aggiunto possa offrire la intermediazione di una finanziaria (anzi, se il loro ruolo deve consistere nel consentire un "rilassamento" delle garanzie offerte dal cliente rispetto a quelle che sarebbero accettabili direttamente dalla banca, mi chiedo davvero quale sia la loro prospettiva futura...)

Riflessione "a prescindere", come si suol dire...


E Researcher, di rimando...

Perfettamente d'accordo, dalle finanziarie, in genere, vanno i "cattivi pagatori" e quelli che non hanno le garanzie richieste dalle banche....chissa se, in prospettiva, ci può essere la "conversione" di alcuni di questi soggetti in banche specializzate nella gestione di crediti "a rischio"?
16 ottobre 2008: i dati essenziali in trimestrale ed un mio commento lampo.

E' arrivata la trimestrale... hanno registrato una perdita per 301 mln $, sono stati costretti ad irrigidire le condizioni di erogazione del credito, stanti le condizioni del mercato (così da evitare un aumento delle delinquencies in futuro) e dichiarano di avere bisogno di reperire funding per 13 mld $ per i prossimi 12 mesi...

CIT Group Q3 Net loss available to common stockholders widens - Quick Facts
10/16/2008 7:32 AM ET

(RTTNews) - CIT Group Inc. (CIT: News ) reported a loss from continuing operations, before preferred stock dividends, for the third quarter of $301.6 million, compared to income of $208.5 million in the comparable 2007 quarter.

Net loss available to common stockholders was $317.3 million, versus a loss available to common stockholders of $46.3 million in the same period last year. Net loss per share totaled $1.11 per share, versus a loss of $0.24 per share in the last year quarter.

The company also announced that it is undertaking a restructuring of Vendor Finance unit as its returns were disappointing.

In addition, the company said it has further tightened underwriting and origination strategies in response to current market conditions.

The company noted that its estimated funding needs for the next twelve months, including unsecured debt and bank line maturities and equipment purchase commitments, approximate $13 billion.

by RTT Staff Writer
Sempre 16 ottobre 2008... rispondo ad una richiesta di opinione.

Originalmente inviato da Fufu
Grazie. Tu che faresti?

Il rischio default in realtà è abbastanza elevato: scegliere se sostenerlo oppure vendere in perdita dipende dal tuo profilo di rischio e dalla quantità in portafoglio (in percentuale rispetto al valore totale del portafoglio).

Se hai letto le opinioni che ho espresso prima, ero scettico sul modello di business e sulla situazione della società fin dai primi interventi....

Poi dire a qualcuno "vendi" vuol dire tenerlo sulla coscienza se la società trova la maniera di salvarsi, magari vendendosi a terzi, senza pregiudicare i creditori.

Dirgli "tieni" vuol dire vuol dire tenerlo sulla coscienza se sciaguratamente un giorno la società dovesse andare in default...

Purtroppo, è anche da dire che questo era in partenza un investimento non speculativo, che però è diventato tale per effetto di una crisi quale quella in corso, che non ha precedenti negli ultimi 70 anni come dimensioni....

Quindi può darsi che tu lo abbia sostenuto come investimento non rischioso e te lo sia ritrovato oggi come investimento a rischio: se fosse così e tu avessi un profilo di rischio basso ed una esposizione sul titolo alta rispetto al portafoglio, prenderei in considerazione la possibilità quantomeno di ridurre....
Sempre in data 16 Ottobre 2008, Moody's metteva CIT in osservazione per una riduzione dei rating.

Pare vadano a rivedere i rating ben prima. In creditwatch negativo dopo la pubblicazione della trimestrale... i problemi restano quelli consueti, il rischio è di un loro prossimo aggravamento... c'è anche qualche nota positiva, nonostante tutto.

Moody's reviews CIT's ratings for possible downgrade

New York, October 16, 2008 -- Moody's Investors Service placed CIT Group, Inc.'s Baa1 long-term and Prime-2 short-term ratings on review for possible downgrade. The review is based on Moody's concerns regarding the sustainability of CIT's liquidity position, adverse trends in CIT's asset quality and borrowing costs, and their potential effect on the firm's profitability in future quarters.

Moody's said that protracted capital market contractions could reduce the number and quality of liquidity alternatives CIT could reliably turn to in order to preserve operating flexibility. Moody's believes that CIT should maintain a minimum of 12 months forward liquidity while it transitions its funding profile to ultimately include more secured debt and deposits and less unsecured debt and bank loans. Positively, during the third quarter, CIT completed several funding initiatives that lengthened its liquidity horizon to the end of 2009, including renewing conduits totaling $6 billion, entering into a $500 million funding commitment with Wells Fargo, and growing deposits. In Moody's view, however, maintaining 12-months forward liquidity will become progressively more difficult for CIT given continued challenging market conditions.

"In our view, recent conditions have presented obstacles to CIT's forward momentum in terms of achieving a stable funding profile," said Moody's senior analyst Mark Wasden. During its review of CIT's ratings, Moody's will assess the adequacy of CIT's near-term liquidity options and its plans for providing greater funding stability to support its businesses in the future.

Moody's review of CIT's ratings is also based upon weakening trends in asset quality and borrowing costs, which is pressuring profitability. CIT reported third quarter 2008 earnings of $75.1 million, excluding a $363.6 million after-tax goodwill write-off and $28.8 million of other items. This is equal to an annualized return on average managed assets of .34%, which is well below CIT's historical range.

CIT's results incorporate loss provisions in continuing operations of $210.3 million that strengthened loss reserves to 1.57% of finance assets from 1.47% the prior quarter and 1.00% the prior year, in anticipation of higher trending losses. Net charge-offs in CIT's core commercial finance businesses reached an annualized rate of .95% of average managed finance receivables for the quarter. Moody's believes this could signal an acceleration and deepening of cyclical asset quality trends - particularly given the potential for a lengthy economic slowdown.

Adding to earnings pressure are higher funding costs, which have compressed net interest margins and could continue to be an issue in coming quarters as older debt runs off.

During its review, Moody's will assess CIT's ability to enhance its liquidity profile to provide greater operating flexibility; additionally, Moody's will analyze CIT's asset quality trends and borrowing costs, and their effect on CIT's earnings profile going forward.

CIT Group, Inc. is a global commercial finance company located in New York City and Livingston, New Jersey. CIT reported total assets of $81 billion at September 30, 2008.

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