Forumer storico
Il 4 novembre 2008, un altro commento (non mio) ad una news positiva: si intravede il possibile soccorso dello stato ...
Oggi CIT ha ottenuto il prestito 500mln $ da WellsFargo, inoltre pensa di poter usufruire di aiuti di stato americano ( non e' ancora ben chiaro se cedendo quote di capitale o solo con rifinanziameto di commerical papers).
Non e' out of woods, rischio resta elevato ma e' un buon passo in avanti per evitare fallimento
Ed il 13 novembre 2008, la notizia che CIT Bank, società del gruppo, faceva richiesta per divenire holding bancaria (così guadagnando una serie di prerogative) e CIT chiedeva l'accesso ai fondi TARP
CIT diventa una banca, con tutte le protezioni relative , riskio liquidita' a questo punto si dovrebbe eliminare ...good x bond holders...
CIT Group Inc. (NYSE: CIT), a leading commercial finance company, today announced that it has applied with the U.S. Federal Reserve Board of Governors to become a bank holding company. Concurrently, CIT Bank, a
Utah-based wholly-owned subsidiary of CIT, filed an application to convert its charter from an industrial bank to a Utah State Bank. CIT has also submitted an application to participate in the U.S. Treasury’s Capital
Purchase Program (TARP), conditional upon being granted status as a bankholding company by the Federal Reserve.
These actions are intended to provide CIT with expanded opportunities for funding and greater access to capital. They will permit CIT to continue its current business activities and increase its deposit-taking
capabilities, which will provide further stability and diversity to CIT’s long-term funding model.
“As the bridge between Wall Street and Main Street, CIT remains one of thefew significant sources of liquidity for small and mid-sized businesses who are struggling to survive in today’s challenging environment,” said
Jeffrey M. Peek, Chairman and CEO. “Our commitment to the success and continued viability of middle market businesses has not wavered throughoutour 100 year history. The middle market is the cornerstone of the U.S.economy, providing more than 32 million jobs nationwide and generating more than $6 trillion in annual revenue. As a bank holding company CIT would be well-positioned to ensure the continued flow of liquidity directly to main street businesses and entrepreneurs."
While CIT has been engaged in discussions with Federal and State regulators for several weeks, CIT cannot assure that it will become a bank holding company or that it will participate in the TARP program.
Oggi CIT ha ottenuto il prestito 500mln $ da WellsFargo, inoltre pensa di poter usufruire di aiuti di stato americano ( non e' ancora ben chiaro se cedendo quote di capitale o solo con rifinanziameto di commerical papers).
Non e' out of woods, rischio resta elevato ma e' un buon passo in avanti per evitare fallimento
Ed il 13 novembre 2008, la notizia che CIT Bank, società del gruppo, faceva richiesta per divenire holding bancaria (così guadagnando una serie di prerogative) e CIT chiedeva l'accesso ai fondi TARP
CIT diventa una banca, con tutte le protezioni relative , riskio liquidita' a questo punto si dovrebbe eliminare ...good x bond holders...
CIT Group Inc. (NYSE: CIT), a leading commercial finance company, today announced that it has applied with the U.S. Federal Reserve Board of Governors to become a bank holding company. Concurrently, CIT Bank, a
Utah-based wholly-owned subsidiary of CIT, filed an application to convert its charter from an industrial bank to a Utah State Bank. CIT has also submitted an application to participate in the U.S. Treasury’s Capital
Purchase Program (TARP), conditional upon being granted status as a bankholding company by the Federal Reserve.
These actions are intended to provide CIT with expanded opportunities for funding and greater access to capital. They will permit CIT to continue its current business activities and increase its deposit-taking
capabilities, which will provide further stability and diversity to CIT’s long-term funding model.
“As the bridge between Wall Street and Main Street, CIT remains one of thefew significant sources of liquidity for small and mid-sized businesses who are struggling to survive in today’s challenging environment,” said
Jeffrey M. Peek, Chairman and CEO. “Our commitment to the success and continued viability of middle market businesses has not wavered throughoutour 100 year history. The middle market is the cornerstone of the U.S.economy, providing more than 32 million jobs nationwide and generating more than $6 trillion in annual revenue. As a bank holding company CIT would be well-positioned to ensure the continued flow of liquidity directly to main street businesses and entrepreneurs."
While CIT has been engaged in discussions with Federal and State regulators for several weeks, CIT cannot assure that it will become a bank holding company or that it will participate in the TARP program.