Macroeconomia Crisi finanziaria e sviluppi


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Spain's 2011 deficit could hit 90 pct of GDP-report
Reuters - 11/07/2009 14:42:43
MADRID, July 11 (Reuters) - Spain's budget deficit could easily balloon to the equivalent of 90 percent of national income by 2011 if its public finances are not overhauled, Europa Press reported an economy ministry official as saying.

Luis Espadas, budget and spending secretary at the ministry, added that the outlook for Spain's public debt this year was "brutally negative" and estimates that it would increase by nearly 20 percent "could be short of the mark", news agency Europa Press reported late on Friday.

The government had previously said that public debt would jump 15 percentage points of GDP to reach 60 percent of national output by the end of 2010 as the public sector steps into the breach left by property developers and other businesses left without customers and struggling under massive debt loads.

Up until now the government has argued that it has greater margin for public spending in the economic crisis because its public debt as a proportion of GDP sits around 15 percentage points lower than European counterparts. (Reporting by Ben Harding, editing by Anthony Barker)
traduzione dell'articolo di Robert Reich ... 'quando comincerà la ripresa ? mai'

ad aprile quasi 34 milioni di statunitensi con la tessera sociale per mangiare

un pò di sano complottismo

aggiornamento California, sempre ricordando che 'Many other states have serious budget problems too.
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Ve li ricordate i SIV (in specie, quelli di Citigroup) all'inizio della vicenda della crisi finanziaria ? Bene, sono andati...

Fitch: SIV Market Has Disposed of 95% of Assets Since July 2007

07 Jul 2009 4:00 AM (EDT)

Fitch Ratings-London-07 July 2009: Fitch Ratings calculates that the Structured Investment Vehicle (SIV) market has disposed of approximately 95% of the USD400bn of assets under management held at the peak of the market in July 2007.

"Initially there were significant market concerns that the failure of the SIVs would result in a mass fire sale of assets," says Glenn Moore, Director in Fitch's European Structured Credit team. "Although substantial, the asset disposals have been relatively orderly over the past two years. As the process comes to a close and the oversupply of assets from the SIV sector is removed this is one less factor weighing on structured finance valuations."

The deleveraging of the SIV market has been substantial. It took the SIV sector 21 years to grow to USD400bn of assets under management and less than two years dispose of the majority of them. This contraction came at a significant cost to SIV investors. Capital note holders have generally suffered a 100% loss. In cases where the SIVs were unable to consolidate or restructure the senior note, investor losses averaged 50% although there has been considerable variation ranging from negligible losses to losses approaching 100%.

Historically the SIV business model offered investors stable returns by investing in highly rated, often illiquid assets and funding them with shorter dated liabilities. However, this maturity mismatch ultimately led to the demise of the SIV market as the US sub-prime residential mortgage-backed securities market triggered the largest liquidity crisis in decades.

Without the ability to refinance maturing debt in the capital markets, SIVs had limited options available.

"Initially the SIVs disposed of assets through open market sales, exchanged assets for SIV notes with existing investors and entered repurchase agreements in an attempt to repay the senior investors as their notes fell due," says Moore. "However, the continued market value decline of the asset prices combined with the closure of the capital markets eventually signified the end of the SIV sector."

SIVs suffered a variety of fates. Of the 29 SIVs: five were restructured; seven defaulted on payments to their senior notes; 13 were supported by the sponsoring bank - a number of which have since delevered; and Fitch estimates that the remaining four SIVs have also delevered

SIVs suffered a variety of fates. Of the 29 SIVs: five were restructured; seven defaulted on payments to their senior notes; 13 were supported by the sponsoring bank - a number of which have since delevered; and Fitch estimates that the remaining four SIVs have also delevered

Meglio: qui spiega bene cosa è successo... direi liquidati in contesti diversi: talvolta il default, altre volte la ristrutturazione...
Dismesso il 95% degli asset, sono stati liquidati ... con perdite a carico degli azionisti nell'ordine del 100% e degli obbligazionisti variabili in considerazione di quanto indicato nel report (fra perdite modeste ed il 100% con un average elevato ... il 50%)

ciumbia! un bel colpo davvero:D
Il problema è che siamo in una recessione causata dal credito che è cresciuto troppo, e ora non può più crescere: il cavallo non beve.
Questi blogger sono americani e non conoscono l'Italia degli anni '70.
La soluzione è che il governo si metta a bere al posto del cavallo consumatore. Ad es. con degli stipendi alzati per legge, con lo stato che entra nelle imprese, che produce e consuma contemporaneamente, che diventa datore di lavoro, ti assume per scavare delle buche e poi chiuderle, e poi ti aumenta gli stipendi, ecc ecc. In Italia successe qualcosa del genere con la scala mobile e le aziende statali. Insomma una "bella" economia socialista...
L'aumento del minimum wage me lo aspettavo da mesi :rolleyes: vedremo

bravo..eran settimane che non leggevo qualcosa di condivisibile,a mio parere,qui

anche se la teoria non è innovativa:rolleyes::rolleyes:
ma su tutti i testi

pero`..francamente mi sfugge `l`accostamento con gli anni 70 italiani
dammi solo una "chiave" di riferimento...
io c`ero.......


scusa..rettifico a posteriori...mi era sfuggita una frase.........CONCORDO IN PIENO.......
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