Questi blogger sono americani e non conoscono l'Italia degli anni '70.
La soluzione è che il governo si metta a bere al posto del cavallo consumatore. Ad es. con degli stipendi alzati per legge, con lo stato che entra nelle imprese, che produce e consuma contemporaneamente, che diventa datore di lavoro, ti assume per scavare delle buche e poi chiuderle, e poi ti aumenta gli stipendi, ecc ecc. In Italia successe qualcosa del genere con la scala mobile e le aziende statali. Insomma una "bella" economia socialista...
L'aumento del minimum wage me lo aspettavo da mesi vedremo
Metatarso ... ma sei sicuro di essere un austriaco ? Von Mises si rivolterebbe nella tomba
prendendo sempre con le dovutissime molle ogni notizia che arriva dagli States (personalmente non ritengo affidabile qualsiasi nuova emerga da quelle parti ), da buon contrarian mi tocca contrastare la buona nuova riportata da I98mark ... i SIV sono solo una parte degli off-balance sheet vehicles ... la FED valutava questi ultimi in almeno 900 miliardi di dollari solo per le diciannove banche del famigerato inutilissimo burlesco stress test ...... quindi se la FED dice 900 miliardi le probabilità che siano almeno il doppio ci sono sicuramente
il banco è saltato ... questione di tempo .... poco tempo
dimenticavo ... il rientro nei bilanci sarebbe non prima del 2010 ... come dire i bilanci di adesso sono ovviamente totalmente falsi ... e se i recuperi sono quelli vi lascio ogni considerazione sulle perdite in arrivo e ad oggi occultate
US accounting changes: The word on the web
Cardiff de Alejo Garcia and Matt Turner
20 May 2009
Regulators in the US have voted through new accounting rules that will force banks to move securitised assets, previously held in separate vehicles, to their balance sheets – potentially bringing $900bn in troubled assets back onto the books of 19 banks that have been subject to the Federal Reserve’s recent stress tests. Financial News has searched the web for a selection of analysis on what the changes will mean for the securities industry.
The Financial Accounting Standards Board had delayed the vote for nearly a year but the amendments, which will come into force at the end of this year, will severely limit the cases in which a US company is allowed to hold securitised assets in special off-balance sheet entities.
The US Federal Reserve had measured the potential impact of this rule change when conducting its stress tests of 19 domestic banks, the results of which were published earlier this month. The Fed calculated that an extra $900bn in assets could be added to the balance sheets of these banks as a result of the measures.
Below is a selection of commentary from around the web on the impact of the changes.
• FASB statement:
Under existing guidance, as expected credit losses increased significantly due to unpredicted market events, some companies did not reconsider whether they should consolidate a variable interest entity. The new standard requires a company to update its consolidation analysis on an ongoing basis.
• The Associated Press via the New York Times:
In its quarterly regulatory filing earlier this month, Citigroup said the rule change could have 'a significant impact' on its financial statements. Citigroup estimated it would result in the recognition of $165.8 billion in additional assets, including $90.5bn in credit card loans.
• Bloomberg
"In March, JPMorgan estimated in its annual report that the “impact of consolidation” could be as much as $70 billion of credit card receivables, $40bn of assets related to so- called conduits and $50 billion of other loans, including residential mortgages."
• A passage in this week’s issue of the Economist that explain why US banks used off-balance sheet vehicles so much more than their European counterparts:
“Matt King, an analyst at Citigroup, believes that the surge in securitization during the bubble can partly be explained by a massive mismatch between the regulatory regimes of American and European banks. Those American banks whose regulator imposed a leverage ratio had an incentive to move assets off their balance-sheets. European banks which operated only under a risk-weighted capital regime were able to buy those very same assets because they attracted a low capital charge.”
• Daily Markets:
"The rules will certainly improve the transparency of the banks’ balance sheets. In the stress tests recently conducted, the Federal Reserve had estimates of assets likely to be brought onto the balance sheet as a result of these amendments. It is estimated that 19 banks subjected to stress tests would have to bring about $900 billion of assets onto their balance sheets."
• The Economic Populist:
"So, did the accountants get their revenge? Maybe, revenge is too strong of a word. FASB is doing the right thing by pushing for more disclosure of off-balance vehicles.
"This is how you restore confidence in the market - make these financial conglomerates disclose any off-balance sheet junk."
• Seeking Alpha:
"We think that the new rule is a very positive move by FASB, after the much criticized and much debated revision allowed by it (under intense pressure from Congress) on mark-to-market accounting recently."
• Wall Street Pit:
"Citigroup and JPMorgan will be required starting next year to add billions of dollars of assets and liabilities to their balance sheets under rules approved today (Monday) by the Financial Accounting Standards Board."