Banks could need to raise 100 bln eur under tougher test * Some 48 banks could fail health check vs 8 in July test * Banks told to submit new data by end of today (Adds details, estimate of capital needed) By Philipp Halstrick and Andreas Framke FRANKFURT, Oct 11 (Reuters) -
Europe's banking regulator has demanded that lenders achieve a significantly stronger capital position under a quick-fire health check and may need to raise about 100 billion euros ($136.6 billion),
banking and regulatory sources told Reuters on Tuesday.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) wants banks to hold a minimum core Tier One ratio of 7 percent under a recession scenario, and those who fail will be asked to bolster their capital position, two banking sources said.
It remains unclear whether capital that qualifies as core Tier One will be defined according to rules known as Basel III,
or whether a more lenient earlier version,
known as Basel 2.5, will be applied, these sources said.
The data was requested on Friday and banks have been asked to submit it by the end of today, three sources said.
The data is based on the end of June.
"A significant number of banks are expected to fail the stress tests," one of these sources said.
A "stress test" of 90 banks run by the EBA this summer was criticised as not being tough enough.
It required core capital of 5 percent to be held, but did not apply severe losses on holdings of Greek and other sovereign debt.
The current test is expected to mark peripheral euro zone debt to market prices.
Using a 7 percent pass mark, previous stress test data, and current market prices for sovereign bonds, some 48 banks would fail the test and need to raise 99 billion euros, according to Reuters Breakingviews data. Only eight banks had failed the test in July. ($1 = 0.732 Euros) (Editing by David Holmes)
FRANCOFORTE, 11 ottobre (Reuters) - L'Autorità bancaria europea (EBA) ha chiesto che gli istituti di credito raggiungano un Core tier 1 di almeno il 7% nell'attuale fase di stress test interni.
Lo dicono fonti bancarie e delle istituzioni di controllo.
Non è chiaro se il capitale in questione sia quello definito secondo le regole di Basilea 3 o secondo la precedente versione.
Alle banche che non supereranno il coefficiente minimo di Core tier 1 sarà chiesto di rafforzare il loro patrimonio" hanno precisato due fonti bancarie.

"Un significativo numero di banche dovrebbero fallire lo stress test"
ha detto una di queste fonti