Obbligazioni a tasso fisso CRISI UCRAINA, Bond Russia, Ucraina, Gazprom e altro

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Ultima modifica:
  • On March 3, 2022, S&P Global Ratings lowered its foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings on Russia to 'CCC-/C' from 'BB+/B' and 'BBB-/A-3', respectively. We also revised downward our transfer and convertibility assessment to 'CCC-' from 'BBB-'. The ratings remain on CreditWatch with negative implications, where we placed them on Feb. 25, 2022.
  • The sovereign downgrade reflects the consequences of Russia's military conflict with Ukraine, which has prompted a new round of G7 government sanctions, including ones targeting the foreign exchange reserves of The Central Bank of Russia (CBR). This has rendered a large part of these reserves inaccessible, undermining the CBR's ability to act as a lender of last resort and impairing what had been--until recently--Russia's standout credit strength: its net external liquidity position.
  • To mitigate the resulting high exchange rate and financial market volatility, and to preserve remaining foreign currency buffers, Russia's authorities have--among other steps--introduced capital-control measures that we understand could constrain nonresident government bondholders from receiving interest and principal payments on time.
  • We also believe that virtually all rated corporates and utilities companies in Russia are directly affected by uncertainties around their technical ability to make timely debt payments to all creditors due to the measures imposed by the Russian authorities, irrespective of their financial capacity to pay.
  • As a result, we downgraded 52 Russian corporates and utilities companies to 'CCC-', the same level as the foreign currency rating and the transfer and convertibility assessment on Russia, to reflect the heightened sovereign risk for all Russian corporate issuers. At the same time, we placed all our issuer credit and issue ratings on these companies on CreditWatch with negative implications.
NEW YORK (S&P Global Ratings) March 7, 2022--S&P Global Ratings said today that it downgraded 52 Russian corporates and utilities companies to 'CCC-', the same level as the foreign currency rating and the transfer and convertibility assessment on Russia, to reflect the heightened sovereign risk for all Russian corporate issuers. At the same time, we placed all our issuer credit and issue ratings on these companies on CreditWatch with negative implications (see ratings list).
The downgrade of these 52 Russian corporates and utilities companies follows the imposition of measures that we believe will likely substantially increase their risk of default. Among these are capital controls introduced by authorities that aim at shielding the ruble from the impact of severe economic sanctions while preserving remaining useable reserve buffers. The new G7 government restrictions were imposed on Russia in response to its military actions in Ukraine. We understand from public information and press reports that capital-control measures entail the ban on cross-border financial flows, including debt service payments of both the private sector and the government. We believe this will very likely restrict the ability of non-resident domestic and foreign currency bondholders to receive interest and/or principal payments on time.
Therefore, today's rating actions reflect our view of the uncertainties for virtually all rated Russian corporates and utilities companies, whether they are government-related entities or privately owned companies, around their technical ability to make timely debt payments (interest and/or principal) to all creditors and in full, due to measures imposed by the Russian government, irrespective of their financial capacity to pay.
Below is the list of all the affected companies and their subsidiaries.

Tornando a questa notizia, bisogna capire le tempistiche. Sicuramente i soldi erano già stati depositati da Gazprom prima della nuova "regola Putin", e quindi è anche comprensibile che siano stati effettuati i pagamenti. Bisogna vedere ora nei prossimi giorni se si ripete la stessa cosa.
The odds of Russia making its foreign debt payments are diminishing as bond prices fall, recession in the nation looms and various payment restrictions pile up after the invasion of Ukraine, according to Morgan Stanley & Co.

“We see a default as the most likely scenario,” Simon Waever, the firm’s global head of emerging-market sovereign credit strategy, wrote in a Monday note. “In case of default, it is unlikely to be like a normal one, with Venezuela instead perhaps the most relevant comparison.”

Le probabilità che la Russia effettui i pagamenti del debito estero stanno diminuendo con il calo dei prezzi delle obbligazioni, la recessione nella nazione incombente e varie restrizioni di pagamento che si accumulano dopo l'invasione dell'Ucraina, secondo Morgan Stanley & Co.

"Vediamo un default come lo scenario più probabile", ha scritto in una nota di lunedì Simon Waever, responsabile globale della strategia di credito sovrano dei mercati emergenti dell'azienda. "In caso di default, è improbabile che sia normale, il default del Venezuela invece è forse il confronto più appropriato".
per me non è appropriato neanche un pò ...lì era un paese con quasi 0 riserve e con produzione di petrolio a picco ...vedremo il prosieguo delle vicende
su Biden che vuole fare l embargo sul petrolio russo è un boomerang spaventoso per noi europei ..il petrolio rischia di andare a 200$ e a questo punto il putino anche se ne vende solo 2/3 ai paesi canaglia guadagna molto di più e noi avremo un inflazione a 2 cifre = Biden idiota

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