Petrolio Crude oil buy 47$


Penso sia una buona occasione io sono lungo di 1 da 55,50 e uno preso stasera a 47,275 a 45 entrera il terzo :titanic: il tempo sara' ancora galantuomo??:lol::lol: buona gg
ci siamo + 3 crudi media 49,25 vale 45,625

il spmib vale 18600 ed io compero un fib che n chiudero sui valori di venrdi qui c'è un gap settimanale mensile e giornaliero lo chiudera ???

ovviamente io mi auguro di si :down::titanic::titanic::titanic::titanic:
Ammazza, cambiano i post ma Soraya esordisce sempre con loss clamorosi! Insomma, cambiando l'ordine dei post il prodotto non cambia! :lol::lol::lol:

SORAYA, un loss, una certezza!

Ultima modifica:
$50 Average
Merrill reiterated a Nov. 26 forecast that oil futures traded in New York will average $50 a barrel next year. Prices “could find a trough” at the end of the first quarter and undergo a “modest recovery” in the second half as economies strengthen, according to today’s report.
“We expect strong cooperation to emerge” among members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries as prices fall below $50, Blanch said. OPEC, producer of more than 40 percent of the world’s crude, was still pumping about 1 million barrels a day more than its official target of 27.3 million barrels a day last month, according to a Bloomberg survey.
Producers in Canada may shutter almost 800,000 barrels a day if prices decline below $35 a barrel, Blanch added.
Merrill’s $50-a-barrel assessment for 2009 is the second- lowest among 32 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg, after a prediction of $43.13 by ANZ Banking Group Ltd. issued on Nov. 18.

December 4, 2008 09:27 EST
Tranquillo soraya, a sto giro c'ho creduto pure io e sono entrato proprio lì sotto, ai due test dei minimi di oggi. Il primo è stato un successo, il secondo...boh!

Un saluto a todos

Supporto critico per il crude Oil in area $40-41 (picco di fine 1990 e supporto di un ritracciamento del 2004 )

Ultima modifica:
Ammazza, cambiano i post ma Soraya esordisce sempre con loss clamorosi! Insomma, cambiando l'ordine dei post il prodotto non cambia! :lol::lol::lol:

SORAYA, un loss, una certezza!


Pinocchio.....FORSE è IL TIMING da resettare ma vedo che nonostante....... anche tu'...:wall:

milano sottoperforma rispetto tutti siamo a -59% :eek:dai valori di inizio anno

nqx -45
daf -39
ftse -34

sarebbero da arbitraggiare oramai e bisca a tutti gli effetti lunedi se apre in gap down di qualche centinaio di tick medio

l'obbiettivo rimane quota 20mila buon fine settimana a tutti
Ah menomale, dai, stavolta non l'abbiamo buttata sulla 'caciara' :D
Si, anche io :wall: non sbagli e speriamo quel colpo di reni dell'america di venerdì in close non sia l'ennesimo gatto morto ma ci porti verso quei 20.000 che indichi quanto prima possibile.

Per il crude, se non avessi dirottato il money su altri business, mi ci butterei di medio-lungo

8:04 a.m. EST Dec. 10, 2008

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Oil futures rallied more than 4% early Wednesday ahead of data on U.S. petroleum inventories due later this morning. Crude oil for January delivery rose $1.88, or 4.4%, to $43.94 a barrel in electronic trading on Globex. On Wednesday at 10:35 a.m. EST, the Energy Information Administration and American Petroleum Institute will release two separate reports on U.S. petroleum supplies for the week ended Dec. 5. Analysts polled by Platts expect a 2.7-million-barrel build in U.S. commercial crude-oil stocks.}&dist=hplatest
Il supporto critico in area $40-41 aveva retto.

Thursday, December 11, 2008;

LONDON (Reuters) - Oil rose toward $45 a barrel on Thursday after the International Energy Agency predicted global demand would grow in 2009 and on expectations OPEC would cut supplies at a meeting next week.
World oil demand growth would return in 2009 after shrinking this year for the first time since 1983, the IEA said in a monthly report. The agency also cut forecasts for supply outside OPEC next year.
"We knew the bad bits, demand down, but the supply downgrade was supportive," said Rob Laughlin of MF Global.
U.S. crude was up $1.39 at $44.91 a barrel by 5:06 a.m. EST, after surging $1.45 to settle at $43.52 on Wednesday. Brent crude was up $1.35 at $43.75.
The IEA's view that demand would grow in 2009 contrasts with that of the U.S. government's Energy Information Administration, which forecast this week that world consumption would decline by 450,000 bpd next year.

In its monthly report, the Paris-based IEA also lowered forecasts for supply from outside OPEC in 2009, leading to a 200,000 bpd increase in the amount that OPEC needs to pump to balance the market.
Oil also drew support from expectations that OPEC will take additional steps to prop up the market at a meeting next week.
Saudi Arabia told some of its biggest customers it was reducing supplies substantially next month in a move that could bring the kingdom's output below its implied OPEC target of 8.47 million barrels per day.

Oggi circa una decina di minuti fa

NYMEX Crude Oil Front Month CL.1:NYM Jan09 Future

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