Derivati, futures e certificati, sugli indici e commodities - Cap. 2 (2 lettori)


n'a piotta al dì
il recupero è stato molto feroce , a tal punto che alle 15 potrebbe reversare long il fotty ita. andrei cauto con gli sh spece sui bancari dopo il regalo che gli sta preparando renzi


il recupero è stato molto feroce , a tal punto che alle 15 potrebbe reversare long il fotty ita. andrei cauto con gli sh spece sui bancari dopo il regalo che gli sta preparando renzi

io starei cauto sul overnight

volano solo rassicurazioni per i mercati

-Greece defies euro zone on pension, labour reform

* Greek spokesman says Athens won't back down on everything
* Athens seeks statement of progress to unlock ECB help
* Greece is running out of cash, no deal with lenders

By Renee Maltezou and Alastair Macdonald
ATHENS/BRUSSELS,May 7 (Reuters) - Greece defied its
international creditors on Thursday by sticking to "red lines"
on pension and labour market reforms and urging lenders to give
ground, dimming prospects of progress next week towards securing
desperately neededfinancial aid.
Despite efforts by European Commission President Jean-Claude
Juncker to coax leftist Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras into
moving on two key conditions for releasing EU/IMF bailout funds,
the Greek government spokesman said lenderscould not expect
Athens to make all the concessions for a deal.
"There should not be an expectation on the part of
institutions ... that the government will back down on
everything," Gabriel Sakellaridis told a news conference. "When
younegotiate, there should be mutual concessions.
"We won't go beyond the limits of our red lines," he said.
"It's clear that we cannot cut pensions."
Athens is running out of cash but has yet to reach a deal on
reforms with its lenders, who have ruled out an agreement by
next Monday's meeting of euro zone finance ministers.
Sakellaridis spelled out Greek hopes that the Eurogroup
ministers will recognise progress towards an agreement in a
joint statement, giving the European Central Bankleeway to let
Athens sell more short-term debt to Greek banks.
That would ease the immediate funding crunch, helping the
government make a 750 million euro payment to the International
Monetary Fund on May 12 and pay wages and pensions later.
However, sources familiar with the deliberations said the
ECB was highly unlikely to make such a move unless the euro zone
ministers set out a very strong prospect of releasing the frozen
bailout funds.
"We're nowhere near that as things standtoday," said an
official close to the negotiations between Greece and European
Commission, ECB and IMF.
The central bank on Wednesday raised the amount of emergency
liquidity assistance Greek banks can tap to counter deposit
outflows and held off from tightening conditions for collateral
they must present. But without a political deal, the ECB could
toughen its stance in the next two weeks, the sources said.
Confidence between Athens and its euro zone partners is at a
low ebb after threemonths of radical rhetoric, obstruction of
EU and IMF officials, contradictory policy statements and
obdurate negotiations.

In frenetic diplomacy ahead of Monday's meeting, Juncker
said he discussed Greece with ECBPresident Mario Draghi by
telephone on Thursday and would be speaking to Tsipras again
later in the day, just 24 hours after their previous call.
Asked about the risk of a Greek default and exit from the
currency area, the EU chief executive said: "If I were to say
that "Grexit" was an option, what do you think would happen then
on the financial markets?"
A Commission spokesman said the so-called Brussels Group
negotiations would continue over the weekend.
French Finance MinisterMichel Sapin, who has been trying to
mediate between Athens and Germany, the EU's main paymaster,
said he did not expect a deal on Monday but in the following
days. Tsipras was totally engaged in seeking a solution to keep
Greece in the euro zone, hesaid.
Eurogroup chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem held talks in Berlin
to prepare for Monday's key session. In an interview with the
French daily Le Monde, he said that while the final deadline for
a deal was the end of June, "there could also be adeadline if
liquidity problems become too important for Athens".
He ruled out any discussion of debt relief for Greece until
the current bailout programme was successfully completed. Athens
has received 240 billion euros in two bailouts since2010, but
its economy has shrunk by 25 percent, poverty has soared and a
quarter of its workforce are unemployed.
Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, sidelined from the
conduct of the negotiations, said in Brussels he expected a deal
withindays or weeks, which should include privatisations,
reform of the pension system, the judiciary and value added tax.
He also suggested Greece needed a bad bank to deal with
non-performing loans and unclog the banking system. To prevent
futureexcessive borrowing, Athens could introduce a legal debt
brake, he said.
Reprising comments that have made him a leftist standard
bearer but infuriated euro zone partners, Varoufakis said Greece
should never have been given a bailout in 2010 andGermany
should come to terms with the failure of the previous programme.
He charged that 91 percent of the bailout funds had gone to
repay mostly northern European banks.


Forumer attivo
MARKET TALK: borsa, volatilita' ai massimi e occhio a Grecia

MILANO (MF-DJ)--Apertura sulla parita' per Wall Street.

Questa mattina i future trattavano in netto ribasso dopo che Wall Street ha
chiuso in territorio negativo in scia alla deludente stima Adp e alle parole
del presidente della Fed, Janet Yellen, che ha definito le quotazioni
sull'azionario abbastanza alte.

Prima dell'apertura di Wall Street pero' i mercati si sono calmati, con il
selloff sull'obbligazionario che si e' ridimensionato. Il Dow Jones cede lo
0,07%, mentre l'S&P 500 sale dello 0,01% e il Nasdaq Composite dello 0,03%.

Sul fronte macroeconomico, le richieste di sussidi di disoccupazione Usa
sono salite a 265.000 unita', ma al di sotto di quanto si aspettasse il
consenso (279.000). Il cambio euro/usd e' sceso fino ai minimi intraday a
1,1263 ed e' ora a 1,1291, mentre il rendimento del Treasury, sceso dall'2,31%
al 2,19% grazie al recupero dell'obbligazionario a livello globale, e' ora al

Craig Erlam, analista senior di Oanda, puntalizza che "i movimenti sul
mercato dei bond hanno sempre ripercussioni di carattere generale perche' gli
investitori tendono a ribilanciare i loro portafogli".

Sul mercato prevale comunque la cautela, visto che gli investitori restano
in attesa della pubblicazione del report sul mercato del lavoro statunitense di
domani pomeriggio.


[email protected]

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 07, 2015 09:39 ET (13:39 GMT)

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