Derivati, futures e certificati, sugli indici e commodities - Cap. 2 (6 lettori)


no Gas no Party!
pre merikkioni

2015-11-10 14_08_05- - Remote Desktop Connection.png

luca 1972

Forumer storico
alleggerito in micro gain lo short dax , per pareggiare mi servirebbe un 10.450 circa, ma con un cambio 1,06
come azz fa a scendere sto indice ?? :wall:


CEO sunday's artdealers

spazzatura finanziaria - moriremo sommersi da una montagna di debiti - Business

Titolo: 15:18 DJ Bad Loans Up At Italian Lenders -- Market Talk

Testo: 1418 GMT The Bank of Italy says non-performing loans at local lenders rose to EUR200.4 billion ($214.4 billion) in September, showing just how difficult it is for banks to stem the rise. Non-performing loans in August were EUR198.5 billion, says the central bank. Earnings at Italian banks have been hit by provisions for bad loans as the country struggles to emerge from its biggest postwar recession. The Bank of Italy also says lending by local banks to non-financial companies continued its downward trend by falling 0.9% in September, after shedding 0.8% in August.

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