Dipinti e disegni antichi

Usò anche tecniche diverse. Riporto qui un disegno passato in asta da Sotheby's, mm 29x20 ad un prezzo che fa €4000 al centimetro quadrato.
Descritto come chalk and stumping che dovrebbe essere "gessetto e sfumino".

Vanno sempre rilevate le difficoltà di attribuzione. Il disegno del bambino sopra è così firmato: G. Gandolfi / Ritratto d'Emidio Gandolfi d'Anni 6
Correttamente la casa d'asta dice nella scheda:

Gandolfi's trois crayons portraits of children, often his own family, are among his most appealing and accomplished works. The subjects are very charming: round-cheeked, big eyed young boys and girls, often wearing hats or turbans as in this example, and they fill the page in striking compositions. The medium is perfectly suited to the image, making the drawings more vivacious than the paintings which Gaetano also produced. It has been remarked that Gaetano may have been influenced by Piazzetta's studies of heads which he could have seen during his Venetian visit in 1760.

The inscription on the back of the drawing, which seems to be in Gaetano's hand, identifies this child as Emidio, the last of his children, born in 1780. There were seven children in the family, which would have provided Gaetano with a ready supply of models. Presumably the head studies were not just to be enjoyed by the family but could be sold to collectors as they must have been as popular as Piazzetta's works of this type. Mimi Cazort, in her important article on the children's portraits, notes that in this drawing there is a slight shift in Gaetano's style: 'In the mid-1780s Gaetano moves toward a technique of describing forms less with pure line and more with streaks and masses of dark, which produces a delicate interplay between broken contour and modelling.' She also identifies Emidio in another drawing, with his brother Protasio, in the Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna.
Per adesso chiuderei qui con Galdolfi perchè vorrei passare in rassegna più nomi a volo d'uccello, anche se si sacrifica qualcosa (tanto!) in termini di approfondimento. In ogni caso è sempre possibile riprendere i post precedenti per aggiungere informazioni.
Proseguo facendo un salto all'indietro con Giovanni (o Giovan) Mauro della Rovere detto Il Fiamminghino, 1575-1650 (ved. DELLA ROVERE, Giovan Mauro, detto il Fiamminghino in "Dizionario Biografico").
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