Eni...Dogs and Horses, for pussy's lovers only - Cap. 3

l'ideale sarebbe il tg di ciccio col breadth a schifio...
da domani ci sarebbero delle gran sorprese


c'è il piano online e vi saluto



poche variazioni

solito discorso di ti in ribasso costante che di certo alleggeriranno le situazioni nelle strutture sanitarie
è dal 23° giorno che abbiamo oltre 500 decessi...eccetto un giorno
è evidente che ci siano errori che son stati ripetuti e che ancora oggi continuano

è del pari evidente che ci siano focolai multipli familiari e che lasciare tutti a casa a infettarsi senza tamponi senza test è CRIMINALE!

Oggi è morto il papà di una mia cara amica.
Un mese di ti
Quando ha avuto i sintomi gli hanno detto di aspettare...
Quando è arrivato in ospedale aveva già il 75% dei polmoni compromesso.
Non c'è altro da dire, la maggior parte è morta così, compromettendo a casa i polmoni per negligenza, impreparazione, stupidità, dolo....
Io non so il motivo fra quelli elencati (elenco non esaustivo), ma secondo me sono morti come il papà della mia amica.
Non ci sono parole per giustificare una tale carneficina.
Ultima modifica:
For almost fifty years I have loved Italy, the people, the culture, the food, the history and more recently the island of Sardinia.
Italy offered us work when there was none, especially each summer in the 70s, gigs were always found and some of our best and most chaotic tour experiences were when we were driving ourselves all over the country for a hodge-bodge of brilliant gigs, from seaside discos to football pitches in the mountains.
Both Genesis and my music found wonderful and passionate audiences that used to sing along with us throughout the gigs and whenever I was doing a live album I would always ask first whether it could be arranged in Italy.
I speak some Italian – really badly, but enough for it to feel like our home from home. It really hit us hard as a family, to watch the daily reports of deaths and devastation that this brutal virus has brought.
Ten years ago, I asked my daughter Anna (@eyedphotographs) to film the show that we were planning to play with an orchestra at the Arena di Verona, which is an extraordinary place in which to be able to perform. Although I was recovering from a cold and not quite hitting the notes as I wanted, Anna did a wonderful job with her collaborator Andrew Gaston, and a great team, in capturing a very special night.
The films she made have not been seen by a wide enough audience. Now many of us are at home and isolated, so we wanted to make them available to anyone interested, on the Real World Vimeo channel with the sole request that you consider contributing to one of these organisations raising money to fight the virus:
Italian Red Cross OR Civil Protection Department - link in bio
If you prefer to donate some money more locally, then please do that instead.
We are thinking of all our friends and fans and everybody who has been hit in one way or another by this virus in Italy and around the world. We are also worried we are not far behind you in the UK.
Really looking forward to seeing you all when this genie is back in the bottle.
Enjoy the films and stay safe,
– PG


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