Eni...Dogs and Horses, for pussy's lovers only - Cap. 3

" after seeing a teenager receive the coronavirus vaccination, Brown wrote "I grew up in a home where I heard the horror stories of the Holocaust first hand. We used to wonder to ourselves as kids, 'how did they let this happen?' History repeats itself."

e la segre che dice?

fiber 15
dai in teoria dovremo esserci.
su un numero a caso :D

a proposito della senatrice Segre...

secondo voi sarebbe mai divenuta senatrice negli anni settanta?
in quegli anni sarebbe stata portata ad esempio e testimone della follia del nazismo e della tragedia della shoah???

erano gli anni in cui Alfredo Belli Paci era un almirantiano di ferro, esponente del msi fiamma tricolore + volte candidato con la destra estrema...

io dico di no

ma siccome, e per fortuna nn è l'unica sopravvissuta all'olocausto riporto il pensiero convinto di Vera Sharav che nn solo è una sopravvissuta ancora vivente ma è...

Vera Sharav, President for the US Alliance for Human Research Protection

un estratto e poi leggete da soli...sgomento incluso di chi riporta l'intervista(ovviamente pro pro vax)

News – Institute for Scientific Freedom

Vera Sharav, President for the US Alliance for Human Research Protection, believes in corona conspiracy
theories and makes totally unjustified comparisons with Nazi Germany

By Peter C Gøtzsche, Institute for Scientific Freedom

3 May 2021

A reader of the German translation of my vaccine book alerted me to a meeting for what he called “Corona
deniers” streamed live on 19 March 2021. A Corona Committee is run by lawyer Reiner Fuellmich who
appears in the video with Vera Sharav. He accepts everything she says and does not ask critical questions.
Sharav spoke over the subject, The roots of evil, after 3 hours and 10 minutes. The reader told me she is
believed by corona deniers to be a credible witness for the thesis that the governments only want to
subdue their populations. I therefore found it worthwhile to report some of what she said at the meeting.

Sharav talked endlessly about Nazi atrocities. Much of what she said was pure speculation or constituted
totally unjustified parallels to current day societies.

She started by mentioning the Nazi regime and the Jude star and what she experienced herself. “I learned
about the nature of evil. I know the consequences of being stigmatized as a spreader of disease.” She talks
about exclusionary laws that barred Jews from living a normal life and explains that these experiences
sensitized her to the current government dictates.

3.12.25: Sharav compares medicine under the Nazi regime with how it is now, speaking about how “moral
norms were systematically obliterated.”

3.12.45: “The Nazi system destroyed a social conscience in the name of public health. Violations against
individuals and classes of human beings were institutionalized. Eugenic public health driven policy replaced
the physicians’ focus on the good of the individual ... Criminal methods were used to enforce policies. Nazi
propaganda used fear of infectious epidemics to demonize Jews as spreaders of disease as a menace to
public health.”

3.14.22: “Medical mandates today are a major step backward towards a fascist dictatorship and genocide.
Governments dictate medical interventions. These undermine our dignity as well as our freedom. First, it
was vaccination mandates for children. Now, it is for adults ... The stark lesson of the Holocaust is ... that
medicine ... can be perverted from a healing humanitarian profession to a murderous apparatus ... The
objective of T4 [a campaign of mass murder by involuntary ‘euthanasia’ in Nazi Germany] was to eliminate
the economic burden of those the regime and the doctors deemed worthless eaters.”

vedere la sx che rende propria icona la moglie di un dx dx è stupefacente
al contempo si bypassa completamente il pensiero di una "pari" che evidentemente su tali temi ha da tempo qlc autorevolezza riconosciuta in +
oggi orgia gdp
attese per 8.5 ma penso double dgt
soldi a gratis
condizioni ideali per consumare

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