out of this world
HEK293 cells, in which the vaccine adenoviruses are grown, are neuronal lineage, and
that the virus spike protein has many homologies with human proteins, the possibility
of a trigger of neurological autoimmune diseases cannot be ruled out in principle.
Understanding this possibility could help to better inspect the antibody and lymphocyte
reactions that are triggered by the vaccine, by measuring any autoantibodies against
neuronal proteins in the serum of the volunteers.
Neurological Adverse Events Emerging in Covid-19 Vaccine Trial. Is Autoimmunity Involved? (
that the virus spike protein has many homologies with human proteins, the possibility
of a trigger of neurological autoimmune diseases cannot be ruled out in principle.
Understanding this possibility could help to better inspect the antibody and lymphocyte
reactions that are triggered by the vaccine, by measuring any autoantibodies against
neuronal proteins in the serum of the volunteers.
Neurological Adverse Events Emerging in Covid-19 Vaccine Trial. Is Autoimmunity Involved? (