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Greece Current Account Turns To Surplus

7/20/2010 5:35 AM ET

(RTTNews) - Greece's current account balance , which is the widest measure of the country's trade balance, swung to a surplus in May compared to the same month a year ago, official figures show.

A surplus of EUR 250 million was recorded in May, compared to a deficit of EUR 1.93 billion registered a year ago. This was mainly due to a large increase in the surplus in the current transfers account and a narrowing of the trade deficit and income account deficit.

The fall in the trade deficit was driven by a EUR 276 million fall in the trade deficit excluding oil and ships, while net payments for purchases of ships and the net oil import bill rose by EUR 47 million and EUR 37 million, respectively. The surplus in the services account rose by EUR 92 million as a result of the EUR 198 million increase in net transport receipts, while net travel receipts were down EUR 95 million annually.

The current transfers account recorded a surplus of EUR 2.04 billion in May compared with a surplus of just EUR 218 million a year ago. The income account deficit shrank by EUR 76 million due to lower net interest , dividend and profit payments.

Il tesoretto.


Greece Debt Agency Chief says please country has passed second borrowing test since EU/IMF deal



Greece Current Account Turns To Surplus

7/20/2010 5:35 AM ET

(RTTNews) - Greece's current account balance , which is the widest measure of the country's trade balance, swung to a surplus in May compared to the same month a year ago, official figures show.

A surplus of EUR 250 million was recorded in May, compared to a deficit of EUR 1.93 billion registered a year ago. This was mainly due to a large increase in the surplus in the current transfers account and a narrowing of the trade deficit and income account deficit.

The fall in the trade deficit was driven by a EUR 276 million fall in the trade deficit excluding oil and ships, while net payments for purchases of ships and the net oil import bill rose by EUR 47 million and EUR 37 million, respectively. The surplus in the services account rose by EUR 92 million as a result of the EUR 198 million increase in net transport receipts, while net travel receipts were down EUR 95 million annually.

The current transfers account recorded a surplus of EUR 2.04 billion in May compared with a surplus of just EUR 218 million a year ago. The income account deficit shrank by EUR 76 million due to lower net interest , dividend and profit payments.

Il tesoretto.

Gaudente Urge un Tuo Intervento Please:)Cmq mi pare che i dati confermino il netto miglioramento,mentre i titoli languono dimenticati...:rolleyes:


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Si fà Quello che si Può:DTu sei Un Martello Instancabile sulle News:up:,io leggo vari siti greci,ma visto che nulla si Muove,ultimamente mi limito a leggere le notizie che posti;)Grazie

Ritorno a quand'ero ragazzo ... in cerca di notizie.
Intanto ti lascio questo:
Bluerating.com ? Fondi, Fondi pensione, Fondi Hedge, Fondi Assicurativi, ETF e Certificati Tutto in un click - Stress test, i dubbi non mancano
Adesso pare che gli stress test (essendo positivi) non vadano più bene.


Forumer storico
Greece Sells 13-Week Bills as Demand Beats Last Week’s Auction

July 20, 2010, 5:32 AM EDT

July 20 (Bloomberg) -- Greece sold 1.95 billion euros ($2.53 billion) of 13-week Treasury bills, with demand topping that at last week’s auction on signs the European Union is giving the government room to tackle its budget deficit.
Demand for the bills was 3.85 times the securities offered, compared with a bid-to-cover ratio of 3.64 times at an auction of 26-week securities a week ago, data from the debt agency in Athens showed today. The bills were sold at 4.05 percent. It was the country’s second sale since it received an EU rescue package in May to stave off the threat of default.
“The last auction nurtured some hope in the market that Greece can come back,” Glenn Marci, a fixed-income strategist in Frankfurt at DZ Bank AG, said before the sale. “They are on the way back, but it’s going to be a slow and long process.”
Greece is trying to restore investor confidence after Prime Minister George Papandreou’s government cut wages, postponed retirements and raised taxes to trim the euro area’s second- highest budget deficit. Greece’s largest union for private- sector workers, the General Confederation of Labor, agreed last week to a three-year pay deal, which included a pledge to freeze salaries this year.
The debt agency sold the 26-week bills at a yield of 4.65 percent on July 13. About 4.5 billion euros of short-term securities come due this month and the rollover isn’t fully funded by the 110 billion-euro lifeline received in May, according to an International Monetary Fund document.

Spain, Irish Sales
Spain sold 6 billion euros of bills today, the maximum target for the auction, as increased demand pushed down the country’s borrowing costs. Ireland auctioned 1.5 billion euros of securities. Demand for the 2016 bonds exceeding supply by 3.6 times, compared with 3.1 times at a sale in June.
Papandreou, 58, pledged to overhaul Greece’s pension system to secure the emergency loans from the EU and the IMF. The government has adopted budget cuts and additional revenue- raising measures worth more than 14 percent of gross domestic product since it took office in October. Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said July 5 the country may beat a target to reduce the budget deficit to 8.1 percent of GDP this year from last year’s 13.6 percent of GDP, the second highest in the euro region.
Europe’s sovereign debt crisis was triggered after Papandreou’s Pasok party took power and said the deficit was more than 12 percent of GDP, twice the previous government’s estimate. That sparked a surge in bond yields, while Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s Investors Service cut the nation’s credit rankings to below investment grade.

Previous Greek Sale
Greece last sold 13-week bills in April 20, when it raised 2.4 billion euros at an interest rate of 3.65 percent, the highest for the debt of this maturity since an auction on Sept. 30, 2008.
Papaconstantinou said on July 13 the government decided not to roll over 52-week bills because an indicated rate of 7 percent would have been too high. He also said he was satisfied with the results of that day’s auction, and that the government may resume bond sales next year.
The nation’s unemployment rate rose to an annual 11.9 percent in April from 11.6 percent in March, the Hellenic Statistical Authority said on July 15, as austerity measures deepened a year-long recession.
Over 130,000 more people were without work in April compared with the same month in 2009, the agency said.
Greek bond yields still show elevated concern among investors that the country won’t meet its debt obligations. Ten- year bonds yield 775 basis points, or 7.75 percentage points, more than German debt. While that’s down from a record 965 basis points on May 7, just before a 750 billion-euro EU-IMF regional rescue was announced, it’s about three times the average of 263 basis points since the Lehman failure.


Ritorno a quand'ero ragazzo ... in cerca di notizie.
Intanto ti lascio questo:
Bluerating.com ? Fondi, Fondi pensione, Fondi Hedge, Fondi Assicurativi, ETF e Certificati Tutto in un click - Stress test, i dubbi non mancano
Adesso pare che gli stress test (essendo positivi) non vadano più bene.

Sono Molto Dubbioso ANchio,anche perchè se leggi sul 3d delle P,vedi che ci sono Banche che sono state aiutate pesantemente dai vari stati,e anno core t1 molto elevati,quindi passeranno gli Stresstest senza problemi,mentre altre(che non hanno avuto aiuti di stato,quindi + sane)verranno penalizzate perchè il loro ct1 è + Basso.

Secondo me è tutta una Buffonata,e lo dimostra il tasso eur3m che sale da mesi,sintomo che tra di loro le banche non si prestano soldi.

Fanno le cose che non servono,ma quelle che servono badano bene a metterle in atto(Limitazione della Leva,Artifizi Contabili,Agenzia di Rating Europea ecc):-o

Oltretutto Dati e Bilanci non sono più veritieri,alcune Banche Portoghesi hanno ottimi bilanci,ma voci di nazionalizzazione imminenti lasciano basiti,capisci che se i numeri non sono attendibili nulla è attendibile


scusa hai trovato qualcosa di negativo su Banco Comm Portog ?

Come ho scritto ho venduto settimana scorsa,addirittura c'erano voci di fallimento/nazionalizzazione,poi smentite.Capisci però che è un paese fragile e le sue Banche ancor di Più.Cè poca Chiarezza e quindi
ho preferito lasciare perdere visto che ho già la Palla al Piede greca:DDove però abbiamo molte news

Leggiti Questo Sito ,x ora Solo Voci,ma come sai Basta poco per far venire meno la fiducia e far calare i titoli

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