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China visible in euro zone bond buys -EU trade chief

SHANGHAI | Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:16pm EDT

SHANGHAI July 22 (Reuters) - China's presence is visible in Europe through its purchases of bonds as well as large scale investments, the European Union's trade chief said on Thursday.
"China's presence in Europe is visible across the board whether in China's recent purchase of several hundreds of millions of euros of government bonds in the euro zone, particularly Spain or Greece, or in other large-scale investments too, such as the acquisition of Volvo by the car maker Geely," European Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht said.
De Gucht was making a speech at the Shanghai World Expo.
Greece, Spain bonds good for China -EU trade chief

SHANGHAI | Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:24am EDT

SHANGHAI July 22 (Reuters) - China's purchases of bonds from Greece and Spain are a good investment and will keep their value, European Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht said on Thursday.
The several hundreds of millions of euros bought pose no risk for China, De Gucht told reporters at a news conference.

There is no imminent bankruptcy of Greece, said, Moody’s Vice President, Thomas Byrne, in an interview with the American network CNBC. ” We do not think Greece faces an imminent bankruptcy, especially when the aid package they have received from the IMF and the EU, enables Greece to fund their deficits for the next three years without having to resort to the markets ‘. “On the other hand, there are certainly long term challenges for Greece, which are extremely serious,” he said. “We take seriously any evaluation, whether it’s a small or big country.
Scenarios on Greece’s restructuring of the debt and will probably not come forward before the end of 2011, thereby giving the country the opportunity to prove it deserves the support it has been given, states Anke Richter to FT, executive director at Conduit Capital Markets.
Richter, also considers that if the country shows that it deserves the support given, it will receive further assistance from its lenders, thus the scenarios on restructuring are out of the agenda.
“It is definite that Greece will make progress in budgetary consolidation, however we are less sure they will achieve their goals,” and stated that it is not convinced that the EU and the IMF rescue package will lead to financial sustainability.
“We believe that they see it as a trial period for Greece, which is required to prove that it deserves their support … we believe that Greece will receive further support if it proves it self,” Ritcher, stresses and adds that restructuring will be discussed only if the financial progress seems to have no hope.In this case, they provide a 40-50% haircut and the possible removal of Greece from the euro zone.

(Greek Reporter)
Spread bund con chiusure nella fascia alta di oscillazione per i nostri ellenici. In recupero i lusitani, sostanzialmente invariato il resto del gruppo.

Grecia 801 pb. (798)
Portogallo 285 pb. (296)
Irlanda 282 pb. (283)
Spagna 172 pb. (171)
Italia 137 pb. (139)
Notable growth in exports to Black Sea states

Greek exports to Black Sea countries posted greater growth over other markets in the first four months of 2010, illustrating that this region of 322 million consumers contains strong potential for products made in Greece.
Provisional data by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) reveal that in the January-to-April period this year, compared to the same period last year, Greek exports to the countries of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation posted 8.3 percent growth, reaching 1.017 billion euros. The growth in Greek exports to all countries for the same period came to just 2.1 percent.
This rise is due to the increase in exports to Turkey (35.4 percent) and Russia (27.2 percent).
As far as imports from the Black Sea countries are concerned, these showed a considerable decline in value in the first four months of 2010, dropping to 1.319 billion euros from 1.912 billion euros last year. Greek imports in total posted a 15.8 percent contraction. In addition, the trade balance with the region remains negative but has dropped to 301 million euros in the aforementioned period from 972 million euros in January-April 2009.


There is no imminent bankruptcy of Greece, said, Moody’s Vice President, Thomas Byrne, in an interview with the American network CNBC. ” We do not think Greece faces an imminent bankruptcy, especially when the aid package they have received from the IMF and the EU, enables Greece to fund their deficits for the next three years without having to resort to the markets ‘. “On the other hand, there are certainly long term challenges for Greece, which are extremely serious,” he said. “We take seriously any evaluation, whether it’s a small or big country.
Scenarios on Greece’s restructuring of the debt and will probably not come forward before the end of 2011, thereby giving the country the opportunity to prove it deserves the support it has been given, states Anke Richter to FT, executive director at Conduit Capital Markets.
Richter, also considers that if the country shows that it deserves the support given, it will receive further assistance from its lenders, thus the scenarios on restructuring are out of the agenda.
“It is definite that Greece will make progress in budgetary consolidation, however we are less sure they will achieve their goals,” and stated that it is not convinced that the EU and the IMF rescue package will lead to financial sustainability.
“We believe that they see it as a trial period for Greece, which is required to prove that it deserves their support … we believe that Greece will receive further support if it proves it self,” Ritcher, stresses and adds that restructuring will be discussed only if the financial progress seems to have no hope.In this case, they provide a 40-50% haircut and the possible removal of Greece from the euro zone.

(Greek Reporter)

Certo che ad abbassare il rating a spazzatura della Grecia non c'hanno pensato due volte. Ora invece temono che la Grecia possa farcela...
Cyprus deal vital, says Greek PM

Prime Minister George Papandreou yesterday expressed Greece’s full support for Nicosia’s efforts to revive peace talks on the divided island of Cyprus and called on Turkish Cypriots to be more cooperative to ensure sputtering negotiations remain on track.
At a time of increased tension in the Aegean, where Turkish vessels and aircraft have been encroaching on Greek air space and territorial waters, Papandreou also stressed the importance to Athens of a Cyprus solution. “For us, solving the Cyprus problem is a precondition for full normalization of Greco-Turkish relations,” said Papandreou following talks with Cyprus President Dimitris Christofias in Nicosia.
“As far as Greece and Turkey are concerned, Cyprus can either divide us or unite us. Obviously we seek the latter,” said the Greek premier, who on Tuesday received Cyprus Foreign Minister Markos Kyprianou in Athens for talks. Speaking a day after Turkish-Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu accused Nicosia of intransigence, Papandreou appealed to the Turkish-Cypriot administration to “seriously study” a package of proposals put forward last week by Christofias. Papandreou praised the efforts of Christofias in pursuing a consensus with hardliner Eroglu and said Greece backed the Cyprus leader’s proposals. “This shows that President Christofias is one step ahead in initiatives to solve the Cyprus problem,” Papandreou said. Later yesterday, the Greek premier flew to Israel for an official visit.
One of Christofias’s proposals sees the port of Famagusta in the Turkish-occupied north of Cyprus being opened to direct trade under the auspices of the European Union in exchange for the return of the area of Varosia to Greek Cypriots. Eroglu on Tuesday ruled out the return of Varosia and called on Nicosia to be more cooperative with the Turkish-Cypriot administration.


Un altro fronte aperto per Papandreou.

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