Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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per assurdo, infatti, a questa "euforia" io mi sento un po' guardingo... perché non capisco quali conseguenze possa derivarne in concreto. Oltre al fatto che non falliranno, ma questo...

"Euforia" è un termine esagerato, diciamo che l'indice ASE è fuori dai minimi registrati intorno ai 1400 punti ...
Citi: Contraction Of Greece May Be Less Severe Than Estimated

The policy-induced recession in Greece deepened in H1 2010, with GDP probably falling by 3.0% YY in Q2-but recent data suggest the contraction may be less severe than assumed in the IMF/EU adjustment programme, Citi says in a report dated July 21st.

It adds that fiscal data up to June showed the first effects of the sizable fiscal tightening: in H1 10 the deficit is around 40% lower than one year ago.

Still, it stresses that risks remain elevated about the possibility of a sovereign default in coming years, as domestic banks have been significantly weakened by the crisis and may need public money for recapitalisation, unemployment is rising and a vicious spiral between tighter fiscal policy and falling GDP may still occur.

Israel offers sympathy, economic co-operation to Greece during rare visit by Greek premier

By The Associated Press (CP) – 10 minutes ago

JERUSALEM — Israel's prime minister says he identifies with his Greek counterpart's economic struggles and pledges co-operation.
The two leaders met in Jerusalem Thursday during the first visit to Israel by a Greek premier in three decades.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu takes credit for helping nudge Israel from a centralized economy to a free market system a decade ago.
He acknowledged the national debt crisis faced by Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou.
At a joint news conference, Netanyahu said, "I know how difficult economic reform can be, I want to do everything I can to improve Greece's and Israel's economic ties."
Papandreou said he hoped for stronger co-operation between the two nations in many fields.

Anche in politica estera Papandreou ha scompaginato le carte: una visione molto realistica e concreta, dopo decenni di immobilismo.
Noto che i rendimenti maggiori adesso si sono, per cosi' dire, "spostati" sulla fascia 2013-15 dopo che avevano a lungo stazionato sulle scadenze intermedie intorno al '19
a me risulta quasi piatta da 2013 a 2019

In effetti le differenze sono nell'ordine di decimali pero' in questo momento, sul mercato tedesco, i titoli (sulla lettera) con piu' alto rendimento risultano essere quelli con scadenza 2014 (4,5% e 5.5%).

Un salutone al mio "compaesano" Gaudente...su, su, fatti risentire, un commento alle ultime vicende greche e' d'obbligo!!!
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