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July turns into record month thanks to banks

July proved to be the second-best month in the last five years for the local stock market, with the Athens Exchange (ATHEX) posting gains of 17.27 percent from the end of June.
The ATHEX general index starts the new week today at 1,681.98 points, 5.75 percent higher than the 1,590.50-point level a week earlier.
Banks led gainers on the bourse last week, with their sectoral index climbing 7.64 percent for the week and 35.33 percent over the entire month of July. This came on the back of a number of reports and rumors regarding further concentration in the local banking market, but traders warn that if the international atmosphere deteriorates or expectations are dashed, the hedge funds involved in this rally are unlikely to think twice before making a sharp exit. However, the market is right in expecting local lenders to proceed to strengthening their capital adequacy.
Average turnover last week grew to 139.3 million euros per day from 100.6 million during the previous week.


Grecia, banche in rialzo del 5% su voci fusioni

lunedì 2 agosto 2010 10:50

ATENE 2 agosto (Reuters) - Le banche greche hanno inaugurato la settimana con forti guadagni sulle voci di fusioni.
"Ci sono continuamente voci di possibili fusioni e il mercato si aspetta qualche accordo" spiega un trader. "Il rally iniziato qualche tempo fa ha ancora spazio per avanzare".
L'indice del settore bancario greco è in rialzo del 4,7% circa, sovraperformando lo stoxx europeo SX7P che sale del 2,9%, sulla scia delle buone trimestrali di Bnp e Hsbc.
Alpha Bank (ACBr.AT: Quotazione) avanza di oltre il 5%. Ieri il presidente dell'istituto ha dichiarato su un quotidiano nazionale che la banca valuterà la fusione con una banca straniera se questa fosse sufficientemente grande e forte.
La fonte della "news" è greca, quindi relativamente attendibile. Non credo abbiano interesse a "soffiare" contro.
La notizia dei 200 MLD è assurda semprechè, come dici tu, non facciano riferimento anche al collaterale.

Probabilmente per "carta greca" intendono anche titoli bancari, la notizia in se sarebbe positiva peraltro, in quanto Trichet e soci sarebbero disposti ancora ad aprire i cordoni della borsa per fronteggiare nuovi attacchi speculativi.
EU/IMF Mission Expected To Produce A Favorable Report

Ministry of Finance officials Sunday said that the second installment of a EUR9 bil. loan is given.

Still, they added that the progress report will be countersigned by the Minister of Finance and therefore should be a ΄consensus΄ text, implying that there will be some intervention points in case points of the text could be interpreted as a directive for additional measures.

The EU/IMF mission expressed its satisfaction on the implementation of the majority of the measures foreseen in the memorandum, but still they pointed to structural and fiscal issues that threaten to cause protests.

Their proposal to sell 40% of PPC’s capacity worried GENOP DEI, the company’s trade union, which threatened to strike. This forced the Finance Minister to clarify that the directive of the troika will not materialize.

The mission also commented on the revenue shortfall, and this could lead to a new tax spree before the end of the summer.

There were also sharp comments on inflation (5.2% in June).

Still, sources from the Finance Ministry noted that the report on the progress of implementation of measures and reforms the country committed to under the memorandum is positive.

Perché ancora da acquistare? Intendono raccogliere 200 miliardi ma 40 + 110 li hanno già acquistati. Ne mancano 50....noccioline :)

Sinceramente, a tutt'oggi, non si conoscono ancora gli acquisti di TdS Grecia effettuati dalla BCE sul secondario.
Sappiamo, a grandi linee, che gli importi - durante il mese di luglio - sono andati via via diminuendo, lasciando presagire la conclusione di questa prima fase.
ECB Looks Into Ways To Deal With Greek Paper It Has Accumulated

The Frankfurt based bank has directly purchased more than EUR40 bil. of government bonds, while it also holds EUR110 billion of sovereign and bank paper as collateral for liquidity.


i numeri sono questi, se capital.gr non ha cannato...
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