Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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....l'ho notato anch'io....
per me e' stato solo un giroconto;).. tant'e' che sul book non si e' visto...

come non si è visto?
C'era un simpatico 500K in denaro..... nè basso nè altro..... mi sono messo nei paraggi, e come previsto è arrivato il venditore :up:
Poi però li ho ridati subito..... per prendere il successivo :D
come non si è visto?
C'era un simpatico 500K in denaro..... nè basso nè altro..... mi sono messo nei paraggi, e come previsto è arrivato il venditore :up:
Poi però li ho ridati subito..... per prendere il successivo :D

Sempre a cavalcare i book ...
Credo che se dobbiamo calcolare i trader che muovono sui GGB ci ritroveremmo, in massima parte, tra i forumisti di IO e Finanzaonline :up: :lol::lol::lol:.
Sempre a cavalcare i book ...
Credo che se dobbiamo calcolare i trader che muovono sui GGB ci ritroveremmo, in massima parte, tra i forumisti di IO e Finanzaonline :up: :lol::lol::lol:.

In realtà è la prima volta che lo faccio, altri forse sono molto più presenti di me... ma oggi l'obbligazionario era così noioso che ho messo ordini qua e là per vedere se succedeva qualcosa.... e alla fine ha funzionato perchè solo su questo book una bella cena di pesce per tutta la famiglia è saltata fuori.
Tra l'altro la settimana scorsa mi hanno strappato di mano l'altra che avevo (la 2011 3.9) quindi l'unica greca che mi resta in ptf è proprio la 2025 ;)
Greece cracks down on corruption in public sector

Tuesday August 03, 2010 05:30:16 AM GMT

ATHENS, Aug 2 (Reuters) - Greece launched 35 anti-corruption investigations against public employees and institutions on Monday, stepping up a much-publicised crackdown on public sector corruption to sooth popular demands for justice.
The government is keen to show it is responding to calls to punish those responsible for widespread graft and tax evasion as it imposes austerity measures agreed as part of an EU/IMF bailout plan.
In recent months it has threatened to confiscate the property of tax dodging doctors and wealthy owners of island villas. It has investigated hundreds of civil servants who have not filled their tax declarations or have been accused of wrongdoing through an anti-corruption hotline.
The government said on Monday it would look into 10 public institutions including some in the northern city of Thessaloniki, as well as hospitals, checking for possible over-spending and complaints of bad management.
It also said it would investigate 25 of its own employees, including in tax and customs offices, who may be involved in accepting bribes, falsifying tax returns and allowing illegal imports of textiles from China.
"The Finance Ministry is determined to investigate thoroughly its own services ... to restore the credibility of the financial services, which remain focused on the difficult target of increasing revenues," the ministry said in a statement.
Greece must slash its budget deficit to 8.1 percent of GDP this year, but its efforts to increase revenues is lagging behind schedule. In the first half of the year, net revenues of the government's central budget fell short of an annual 13.7 percent increase target, rising by just 7.2 percent.
In realtà è la prima volta che lo faccio, altri forse sono molto più presenti di me... ma oggi l'obbligazionario era così noioso che ho messo ordini qua e là per vedere se succedeva qualcosa.... e alla fine ha funzionato perchè solo su questo book una bella cena di pesce per tutta la famiglia è saltata fuori.
Tra l'altro la settimana scorsa mi hanno strappato di mano l'altra che avevo (la 2011 3.9) quindi l'unica greca che mi resta in ptf è proprio la 2025 ;)

Probabilmente altri due sono più attivi ... del resto, essendo i nostri titoli illiquidi, i compratori/venditori (escludendo gli istituzionali) credo siano sempre quelli...
Greek government uses Google Maps to find tax cheats

Posted by Seth Weintraub
August 2, 2010 11:27 AM

When you do a Google Maps or Google Earth fly over of residential neighborhoods, it is pretty easy to spot who has a pool and who doesn't. In fact, if you look closely, you can even see people enjoying themselves by their pools. This has been the case pretty much since Google bought Keyhole Technologies (the product that would become Google Earth) in 2004.
Fast forward six years, and the Greek government is proud to announce that they've discovered that you can see people who have pools, and Villas and other stuff that they've been lying about on their taxes for years. All using Google Maps' satellite view.
They use satellite pictures by Google Earth to locate country villas, swimming pools and properties. And these tactics have revealed that the suburbs didn't have 324 swimming pools, as was reported, but rather 16,974.
Previously, and even currently, they use a bit more dated tactics like flying expensive helicopter missions over the suburbs to exact the same information.
Maybe if the Greek government had been a little more tech savvy the past six years, they wouldn't be in such a financial mess?


Tremonti ha speso una fortuna per fotografare l'Italia dall'alto in cerca di immobili.

Il governo greco ha fatto tutto in "economia" :D.
ciao a tutti ferdo a 42 il 2025 non e' mai arrivato il minimo e' stato a 43 io l'ho preso a 43,18 ultimo scarico dopo che mark aveva detto che i fondi dovevano uscire entro fine luglio pero' avevo comprato anche a 72,5 ho abbassato il pmc a 58 ciao tommy poi quando ritornero' dalle ferie vedremo che tattica adottare
ciao a tutti ferdo a 42 il 2025 non e' mai arrivato il minimo e' stato a 43 io l'ho preso a 43,18 ultimo scarico dopo che mark aveva detto che i fondi dovevano uscire entro fine luglio pero' avevo comprato anche a 72,5 ho abbassato il pmc a 58 ciao tommy poi quando ritornero' dalle ferie vedremo che tattica adottare

hai ragione ... forse mi era rimasto in mente il denaro a 42 di quei giorni
Ieri è proseguita la fase di tranquillità sui bond del Club Med: ne approfittano tutti per restringere, salvo la nostra Grecia che rimane stabile sulle posizioni abituali.
Tra parentesi la chiusura di venerdì. Fonti Thomson-Reuters:

Grecia 763 pb. (764)
Portogallo 255 pb. (264)
Irlanda 235 pb. (241)
Spagna 149 pb. (159)
Italia 122 pb. (130)
Greece Passes First Deficit-Reduction Test as Budget Challenges Increase

By Maria Petrakis - Aug 2, 2010 11:01 PM GMT+0200 Mon Aug 02 21:01:00

Greece’s austerity drive may pass its first test this week as a European Union-led mission prepares to dole out more rescue funds for a government trying to cut the euro-region’s second-biggest budget gap and weather a recession.
In approving the second tranche of a three-year, 110 billion-euro ($145 billion) bailout, the EU and International Monetary Fund are likely praise Greece’s progress and say that more work is needed to lock in the gains, economists said. Greece is battling the highest inflation rate in the 27-nation EU, revenue is trailing targets and the EU and IMF forecast the economy will shrink as much as 4 percent this year.

Prime Minister George Papandreou has raised taxes, cut wages and overhauled the state-run pension system, while braving months of strikes against the measures that helped shrink the budget gap by 45 percent in the first half. Sustaining the effort and qualifying for another 9 billion euros of EU-IMF funds will be complicated by a recession that has been deepened by his steps.

“They’re implementing the structural reforms being demanded,” said Ben May, an economist at Capital Economics Ltd. in London. “We still remain a little concerned from a medium- term perspective in the sense the government is banking on a return to growth in 2012 that could prove optimistic given the scale of the fiscal adjustment going on.”
The EU and the IMF plan to hold a press conference between Aug. 4 and 6 to discuss Greece’s progress, says IMF spokeswoman Jennifer Beckman.

Brink of Default

Officials from the EU, IMF and European Central Bank, dubbed the “troika” in the Greek media, have been auditing the country’s progress since July 26 in the first official review since the loans were decided on May 2. The bailout was triggered after investor concern about the deficit led to soaring borrowing costs that pushed Greece to the brink of default on its 300 billion-euro debt.

Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said last month he’s confident of drawing down the second loan payment and that Greece may beat this year’s deficit target of 8.1 percent of gross domestic product, down from 13.6 percent last year. He said the forecast of an economic contraction of 4 percent was “overly pessimistic.”
Greece’s benchmark ASE stock index has gained 20 percent since July 1 on signs that the government’s deficit plan was working. Shares of banks, the biggest holders of Greek bonds, have led the advance as the default risk subsided. EFG Eurobank Ergasias SA, the second-biggest bank, rose more than 70 percent in the period. Alpha Bank SA and Piraeus Bank SA have gained more than 50 percent.

Risk Remains

Still, the yield premium that investors demand to buy Greek debt over comparable German bonds remains at 750 basis points, more than five times the spread between Spain and Germany.
In interim reports last month, both the EU and IMF said deficit-cutting was broadly on track, with risks seen in lagging revenue, the effect of tax increases on inflation and the impact of the finances of hospitals and state-controlled companies such as Hellenic Railways Organization SA on the budget.

Doros Constantinou, the chief executive of Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Co, the world’s second-largest bottler of Coke drinks, says the government needs to focus on aiding growth rather than raising taxes when it begins drafting the budget for next year, which targets a deficit of 7.6 percent.
“If you don’t grow the top line, there’s no future,” Constantinou told analysts in a conference call on July 29. “The government has to come back with some measures that will boost growth.”

Economic Slump

Greece’s economy shrank an annual 2.5 percent in the first quarter, with unemployment and consumer confidence both at the worst in 10 years. Even with the contraction, June’s inflation rate reached 5.2 percent, close to a 13-year high and more than three times the euro-region rate, as the tax increases boosted the costs of fuel, alcohol and tobacco.
The recession may deepen this year as austerity measures adopted in the second quarter kick in.
‘It’s very premature to argue that you’re not going to see a big contraction in the coming 18 months,” said David Mackie, chief European economist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in London. “The measures in May are not feeding through till the second half.”
Government revenue increased 7.2 percent in the first half, trailing a 13.7 percent forecast. Finance Ministry officials said last week that new increases in sales taxes, which took effect in July, will help boost revenue in the second half. A 4 billion-euro “cushion” from spending cuts will help cover any shortfall in a plan to reduce costs at public companies and hospitals.

Trucker Strike

For Papandreou, abiding by the EU-IMF recommendations may trigger further protests. Both institutions have said part of the inflation jump is from a lack of competitiveness that can be addressed in part by opening up professions deemed “closed,” such as trucking.
Truckers last week starved the country’s gas stations of fuel as they opposed the government’s plan to issue the first new licenses since 1971. The strike was called off on Aug. 1 after the government commandeered trucks and said the drivers would be prosecuted. Papaconstantinou has pledged to push ahead with changes to open up professions ranging from pharmacists to architects.
“Closed professions will open,” he said in Parliament on July 28. “They will open because prices must fall. They will open because this will help the budget of each household and they will open because that is how the country’s growth will be helped.”

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