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Il finale era ampiamente previsto in positivo :up:.
Quindi notizia scontata ... nessun apprezzamento dei bond :lol::lol::lol:.
Teniamo duro, ma stiamo sempre "in campana"... ;).

Ok ti ringrazio della notizia, che fosse scontata è vero, ma non si sa mai.................. adesso mi butto nella lettura dei vostri post!

Πηγή: ΑΠΕ 09/08/10-09:48

Next year will be a year of 'hard work' for the government, finance minister George Papaconstantinou said in an interview, referring to the big wager of restarting the economy, while he also stressed categorically that new measures are not anticipated with respect to revenues, or additional cuts in remuneration but, rather, the government was looking to completion of the major structural changes.

In an interview with the financial newspaper Isotimia appearing on Saturday, Papaconstantinou said that the salary developments in the private sector were set out in the Collective Labor Agreement recent agreed between the social partners. "It is already known a new framework exists for regulation the regulation of labor relations, which is being advanced by the relevant ministry, and no abolition of the 13th and 14th salary (half-salary Easter and summer vacation bonuses and full-salary Christmas bonus) are foreseen in that framework," he said.

On speculation of a prospective government reshuffle, Papaconstantinou said that the formation of the governmental scheme that must carry out this immense project is the responsibility of the prime minister, and it is the premier who assesses the needs with respect to staffing the government and the performance of each individual minister in implementing government policy. He added that the smooth implementation of the policy set out in the Memorandum, but also of the overall policy of the government, is not the responsibility of only one minister but a collective effort for achieving the many and varied targets that have been set out for the country's overall progress.

Asked whether the Memorandum or the government's pre-elections program is the 'bible' for ruling PASOK, Papaconstantinou noted that "a more fair taxation system, putting the country's finances in order with major changes with respect to the budget and fiscal management, the opening of the closed-shop professions, reduction of bureaucracy, acceleration of the NSRF (National Strategic Reference Framework) investments, facilitation of entrepreneurship, the Kallikratis program, the creation of a viable social security system and a series of other policies that are contained in the Memorandum and which the government has already instituted and is materialising or have been planned with strict timetables for the coming period were all included in PASOK's pre-electoral commitments.

On the cooperation with the European Commission (EC), European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) 'troika', Papaconstantinou said the cooperation itself was an unprecedented procedure not only for Greece but for the three participating organisations themselves because, although the EC, ECB and IMF have collaborated many times with such interventions in other countries, this is the first time that such a large loan agreement and such a wide-ranging program is being implemented and, indeed, in a eurozone country at that. "All these create many restrictions for everyone and have led to necessary decisions for everyone. However, a categorical evaluation of the program - positive or negative - is not easy, especially this early on. Besides, the program itself is a dynamic process, and the main 'shareholder' of the program is the Greek government," the finance minister added.

On the privatisations program, Papaconstantinou stressed that from here on and until the end of the year, there will be specialisation of the moves in some sectors, with priority on those sectors that have major structural problems, such as the Hellenic Rail Organization (OSE) for example, for which a restructuring plan is being prepared, but also in areas that have substantial prospects for regulation of the market and boosting state revenues, such as gaming.

Asked when the country will return to the international markets for borrowing, Papaconstantinou said that "we will not have a practical need for returning to the markets until the end of next year, and this gives us a margin of time to carry on with our program, to restore the credibility of and confidence in our economy to the degree possible and therefore to return to borrowing on the markets at a time when we will be able to secure better terms...consequently, there is no specific date at this time, everything will be done in due course".

ECB government bond purchases slow again

Monday, 9 August 2010 16:20

The European Central Bank said today it had bought very few government bonds last week, a sign that a key euro zone financial market is stabilising.
The ECB purchased just €9m, continuing a downward trend since its controversial programme aimed at supporting financial markets began in May.
Bond purchases the week before amounted to €81m, which was already down sharply from €176m the week before that.

When the ECB began its Securities Markets Programme, it bought more than €26 billion worth of bonds in the first two weeks, mainly those issued by Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain.
The ECB offsets such public bond purchases by taking in an equal amount of one-week deposits from commercial banks so the operations do not increase the amount of money in circulation, which could fuel inflation.

Greek Bonds Remain Off-Limits for Many Investors


What does Greece have to do to get a little credit from investors? Greek bonds, while off their lows, showed virtually no reaction to recent praise dished out by the International Monetary Fund. A combination of illiquidity, technical factors and binary valuation arguments are stifling the market.
This is despite seemingly juicy returns on offer. The 30-year Greek bond hit a low on June 23 at 47% of face value, according to Tradeweb, offering a chunky 10.4% yield. The small rise since then, to 56% of face value, translates to an 18.5% capital gain. Even bonds maturing in three or four years yield 10% to 11%.
There are good reasons, though, for the lack of action. First, for many investors, Greece is off-limits: Ratings downgrades have removed it from key European bond indexes, but it doesn't qualify to join emerging-markets indexes.
Second, the market is illiquid. Trading volume on Greece's HDAT electronic platform was just €1.6 billion ($2.13 billion) in June, down from €27.8 billion a year earlier, according to the Bank of Greece. Buyers may fear pent-up selling pressure from banks still holding Greek debt.
And third, shorter-dated bonds trading at prices of 70% to 80% of face value mightn't be attractive enough if an investor fears a debt restructuring. While there are good arguments that a restructuring wouldn't make sense and Greek officials rule it out, investors are concerned by the scale of potential write-offs if a default occurred, given the debt-to-GDP ratio of 130% or more.
Niche funds with strong risk appetite may be able to take advantage. But the big money will stay away for some time yet.

(The Wall Street Journal)
Quindi la vista FMI-UE è andata bene, Padoa-Schioppa è il nuovo mentore di Papandreu, è i primi vogliono impiantare una sede stabile per monitorare, i dindino per il proseguo del prestito sono sbloccate.
Direi buone notizie nel complesso, se non che i bond non hanno dato segni di euforia, bisognerà avere ancora pazienza, ma aspetteremo ;)
euforia no, ma non scendono più

Quindi la vista FMI-UE è andata bene, Padoa-Schioppa è il nuovo mentore di Papandreu, è i primi vogliono impiantare una sede stabile per monitorare, i dindino per il proseguo del prestito sono sbloccate.
Direi buone notizie nel complesso, se non che i bond non hanno dato segni di euforia, bisognerà avere ancora pazienza, ma aspetteremo ;)

:ciao: Euforia no, ma è già un bel po' che non è necessario mediare al ribasso :D
Ciao, Giuseppe
Buongiorno a tutti.
Ho notato che su Francoforte il mio GGB19 6.5% da 29/7 che quotava 74.5 e che aveva appena guadagnato una figura rispettoai giorni precedenti, è arrivato a 77.5 di ieri :eek:
Quindi in Germania il saltino lo hanno fatto di 3 figure, mentre in Italia no, e considerando che eravamo sempre avanti nelle quotazioni di 3 figure circa, o c'è stato un riallineamento o balzeremo anche noi ;)
In chiusura di lunedì lieve allargamento sul fronte degli spread/bund per il Club Med. La Grecia dopo un iniziale restringimento sui minimi del periodo cede un pò di punti.
L'Italia tiene, al momento, le posizioni. Tra parentesi la chiusura di venerdì.

Grecia 780 pb. (774)
Portogallo 277 pb. (252)
Irlanda 255 pb. (242)
Spagna 156 pb. (153)
Italia 125 pb. (125)
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