Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Updated memorandum unveiled on Fri.; targets met, others eyed

Considerable progress in the implementation of measures contained in the initial Economic and Monetary Policy Memorandum agreed to between the Greek government and the European Commission, European Central Bank (ECB), and International Monetary Fund (IMF) “troika” is anticipated in the updated memorandum that was unveiled on Friday.

Among other things, the updated memorandum anticipates the detailing of measures to fulfill targets set for the Greek economy, including changes in labour market status, deregulation of so-called “closed professions” and the electrical power sector, as well as interventions vis-a-vis salaries in public utilities.

The updated memorandum notes that "the policies of the Greek government remain fully orientated towards the safeguarding of fiscal viability, securing the stability of the monetary system and the strengthening of potential growth and competitiveness."

It is further noted that "the quantitative performance criteria set for the end of June were all met, as a result of the dynamic implementation of the fiscal adjustment programme."

However, deviations are ascertained from the targets of decreasing expenditures in public sector agencies, such as hospitals and local governments, which are covered by the greater decrease in expenditures in other sectors achieved so far, resulting in primary expenditures of the budget over the January-June 2010 six-month period being decreased by 5.6 billion euros in excess of the target set. According to the memorandum, at the end of the year the decrease in primary expenditures in excess of targets is estimated to amount to four billion euros.

As regards growth, the memorandum anticipates a decrease of 4 percent in 2010 and a decrease of 2.5 percent in 2011. The assessment regarding harmonised inflation is that it will approach 4.75 percent for this year.

Sono previste le elezioni locali a novembre, forse ci sarà un piccolo rimpasto in alcuni ministeri a settembre. Al momento la situazione all'interno del Pasok è compatta con qualche leggero distinguo.

Per barra a dritta intendevo che ci allontaniamo dai pensieri "sinistri" (lugubri). Niente a che vedere con la politica, era solo una contorsione mentale.

Mah...... Per quello che può valere sono abbastanza ottimista , leggendo alcuni report in questa calda domenica di agosto si evidenzia un vero boom delle obbligazioni HY quindi ritengo che prima o poi dovranno riprendere in considerazione i ns amati titoli di Stato Greci che rendono attualmente più Dell ' 8%................
Certo che negli ultimi tempi Fugnoli dà la netta impressione di essere molto sbilanciato sull'equity... :lol: :lol: e poi gli argomenti sono deboli e "girandolini": una volta punta sul "tutto va bene" della ripresa, un'altra sul "non vi preoccupate, che tanto ci pensa la FED" ... insomma, un po' bar sport, e per persone di scarsa memoria... :-o :D

non criticare i giornalisti, che poi se ne risentono e intervengono qui
Santiddio che bischerata (o forse dovrei coniare il neologismo "fugnolata").
Ma il Fugnoli ha dato un'occhiata al rapporto prezzo/valore di libro dei mercati azionari ? Sta ovunque abbondantemente sopra la parita' , oltretutto rispetto ad un valore di libro quasi sempre gonfiato dall'iscrizione arbitraria di avviamenti ed altre attivita' immateriali.
Non c'e' alcun dubbio che le azioni sono molto piu' sopravvalutate delle obbligazioni , nessuna delle quali - men che meno i perpetuals - osa quotare il doppio, il triplo o il quadruplo del valore nominale, cosa che invece molte azioni fanno rispetto al loro valore di libro, spesso in barba a dividendi risibili.

'fugnolata' :) ... se hai bisogno di sostenitori per la tua coniazione alla Crusca mi aggrego :D ... in ogni caso benvenuto tra i suoi estimatori :D
tengo fermo la mia opinione storica sul soggetto riportata anche in questo forum .... 'scrive bene ... roba inutile ma scrive bene'

'fugnolata' :) ... se hai bisogno di sostenitori per la tua coniazione alla Crusca mi aggrego :D ... in ogni caso benvenuto tra i suoi estimatori :D
tengo fermo la mia opinione storica sul soggetto riportata anche in questo forum .... 'scrive bene ... roba inutile ma scrive bene'


E' un artista ... come dici tu "roba inutile ma scrive bene".
Meglio di tanti altri economisti, analisti ecc. che oltre a non prenderci, scrivono in maniera caotica e noiosa.
EU Says TT, ATEBank Sale Should Be Made Through An Open Public Tender

The EU and IMF experts call for the Greek Government to sell its stakes in ATEBank and Hellenic Postbank through a public offering, the Commission report on the updated Memorandum of Understanding released on Friday said.

It also reveals that in August the troika discussed with the Minister of Finance a plan on the consolidation and privatization of ATEbank, which includes direct sale of assets. The Commission also distances itself from the proposal of Piraeus Bank, making it clear that the acquisition of the two large state banks will benefit foremost the bank and not the system.

The report states that “in accordance with EU competition rules, the sale of state holdings in ATE and TT will require an open public tender.”

Regarding Piraeus Bank bid for ATE and TT, the offer is welcomed on the basis of the consolidation of the Greek banking industry. Still, it notes that based on the relatively poor performance of Piraeus Bank in the stress tests, "one of the objectives of the tender was to divert attention away from the problems of the solvency of the bank.”

It adds that the Piraeus Bank bid (EUR372 million for ATEBank and EUR329 million for Hellenic Postbank) translates roughly to a 30% premium over the market value of TT and a 50% discount for ATE. If the deal goes through, the new entity that will emerge will be the second largest bank in Greece with 100 billion in assets and a market share of 20-25%.

The report of the Community Services stressed that "the banking sector is under significant pressure and a series of actions is needed to restore confidence and its effective functioning”. It notes that the increase in provisions, mainly in domestic lending portfolios, coupled with the decline in value of government bonds led to heavy losses. The performance of assets decreased by 0.6% and of equity by 8.7%

DJ: Greece To Appoint Three Financial Advisors

Greece will appoint three foreign international banks as advisors on privatizations and mergers of state-controlled banks, a person with direct knowledge of the matter told Dow Jones Newswires late last week.

"The Greek state will appoint Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley as advisors to do due diligence on state controlled banks and also advise on the outstanding offer to purchase state controlled banks," the source told the news agency.

"The legal paperwork is being drafted as we speak and while the advisors have already begun working on their mandate, an official announcement is not expected for a while longer," the person said.

It is noted that last month, Piraeus Bank made a combined bid for state run banks Hellenic Postbank and ATEBank.

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