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Hellenic Capital Markets Committee lifts short-selling ban
The Hellenic Capital Markets Committee decided to lift the ban on short selling but to maintain it with regards to naked short selling. Recall that the ban was effective from April 28.


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Creative solution sought to deter tax cheats

The Finance Ministry is calling on citizens to put their creative filmmaking skills to use in its fight to stamp out tax evasion and make the public more ‘tax conscious,’ it said yesterday. The ministry has launched a competition inviting participants to prepare a 60-second video convincing people of the need to pay taxes and accept their obligations to the state. ‘The video will need to present a theme, story or message that can contribute to strengthening the tax consciousness and confronting the issue of tax evasion,’ the ministry said in a statement yesterday. Interested parties can submit their contribution to www.minfin.gr/video-contest between September 6 and 30. The top 10 videos will be rewarded, with the first-placed winner bagging 5,000 euros. The remaining nine videos chosen will earn a prize of 1,000-3,000 euros each. Tax evasion is seen as one of Greece’s largest economic problems, with the black market comprising about a third of the country’s 240-billion-euro economy.
between September 6 and 30. The top 10 videos will be rewarded, with the first-placed winner bagging 5,000 euros. The remaining nine videos chosen will earn a prize of 1,000-3,000 euros each. Tax evasion is seen as one of Greece’s largest economic problems, with the black market comprising about a third of the country’s 240-billion-euro economy.



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Advisers picked for bank strategy

Finance Ministry chooses Lazard, Deutsche Bank and HSBC Holdings to help shape sector’s future

Greece’s government yesterday chose three international banks to help carve out a strategy for the state’s holdings in two lenders in a decision likely to play a decisive role in shaping the country’s banking landscape.
Lazard, Deutsche Bank and HSBC Holdings were picked to “explore and assess the Greek state’s strategic options,” the Finance Ministry said in a statement yesterday. “The government will take every step to secure the stability of the Greek financial system and promote its strategic restructuring,” the statement said.

The advisers will value the state’s bank holdings and examine alternatives, it added.
The advisers are likely to advise Finance Minister Giorgos Papaconstantinou on whether he should accept a proposal last month by Piraeus Bank, the country’s fourth-biggest lender, to buy government stakes in ATEbank and Hellenic Postbank. Piraeus offered 701 million euros for the holdings to boost deposits and reduce its reliance on funding from the European Central Bank.

ATEbank, 77 percent-owned by the state, was one of seven European Union banks to fail the region’s stress tests last month and will require a capital injection.
Papaconstantinou and Bank of Greece Governor Giorgos Provopoulos have called for Greek banks to merge as loan losses rise and asset quality worsens in the debt-burdened country.

Last month, the Bank of Greece called on lenders to seek strategic alliances that will make them big enough to survive the economic crisis.
In a financial stability report, the Bank of Greece said lenders should initiate strategic deals as the deepening recession cuts into their profits, reducing credit volumes and upping bad loans, while also creating liquidity problems.

“Restructuring in the banking system would help Greek banks to acquire a critical mass that would allow them to benefit from economies of scale and more quickly regain access to international money and capital markets,” the report said.




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Piraeus resilient despite profit drop

Greece’s fourth-largest lender by assets, Piraeus Bank, yesterday reported a sharp drop in first-half profits, hurt by a one-off retroactive tax on 2009 earnings, weak loan growth and higher provisions.
The bank said net earnings fell 92 percent to 10 million euros, beating market expectations. Analysts on average were forecasting a loss of 8 million euros, according to a Reuters poll.
The group booked a 28-million-euro windfall tax the government imposed to shore up public finances in the second quarter.
“In the second quarter, Piraeus managed the volatility of the economic environment and succeeded in improving organic profitability,” Michalis Sallas, the bank’s chief executive and chairman, said. “In the second semester of 2010, and according to current indications, the group’s performance is expected to be resilient.”
A deepening recession in Greece weighed on loan demand and asset quality, leading to higher loan-loss provisions in the first half, which rose 30 percent to 268 million euros.
Piraeus Bank said net interest income rose 12 percent year-on-year to 591 million euros. Its net interest margin improved to 2.7 from 2.5 percent in the same period last year.
Analysts said they were “positively surprised” by the results from Piraeus, the first of Greece’s four main banks to report first-half results.
Operating expenses were in line but provisions were lower than expected, assisting Piraeus’s good performance, said one analyst.
Shares in the bank gained 3.75 percent to 4.15 euros yesterday, outperforming a 1.69 percent advance on the broader market.




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Athens claims ‘excessive’

The prime minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Nikola Gruevski, said yesterday that he was ready to reach a settlement on a longstanding bilateral dispute with Greece regarding the Balkan country’s official name but said Athens was seeking too much from Skopje. “I still believe Greece’s demands are excessive,” Gruevski said. Earlier this summer, it appeared that a settlement might be on the horizon, with diplomatic sources suggesting that the names Republic of Vardar Macedonia or Republic of Macedonia (Vardar) were being considered.



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Borsa Atene: Ase +0,9%, continua il rimbalzo tecnico

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase di Atene sale dello 0,9% a 1.556,3 punti, con un volume di scambi pari a 17,4 mln euro, continuando il rimbalzo tecnico.
"I risultati del 2* trimestre fanno da catalizzatore per una conferma dei guadagni", commenta un analista. "Temo che sia possibile un ribasso nel corso della prossima settimana se il sentiment globale si manterra' negativo".
Sul fronte corporate Coca Cola Hellenic sale del 2,8%, Eurobank del 2,3%, Piraeus dell'1,6%, Hellenic Telecoms dell'1,1%, Opap dell'1% e Titan del'1%. In controtendenza Ppc che cede lo 0,9%.


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Greece’s July PPI Advances 6.1%

The Producer Price Index in Industry (PPI) in July 2010 compared with July 2009 recorded a rise of 6.1%, the country’s statistical authority said Friday.

The index in July 2009 had recorded a decrease of 11.0% compared with July 2008.

The PPI in July 2010 compared with June 2010 recorded a fall of 1.1%. The index in July 2009 had recorded a decrease of 0.7% compared with June 2009.

The twelve-month average index, from August 2009 to July 2010, compared with the same index of the period from August 2008 to July 2009, increased by 2.9%. The previous year the twelve-month average index had decreased by 2.7%.



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Da queste nuova legge dovrebbero recuperare poco meno di un miliardo di euro nel 2011...

Announcement regarding a legislative initiative to regulate gaming in Greece

The Greek Government has initiated a public consultation process regarding a legislative initiative to regulate gaming in Greece. The aim of the initiative is twofold: to conform to the European Court decision which has ruled that the current ban on all technical games in Greece is illegal; and to regulate an extensive illegal existing market in gaming that exists in Greece in physical locations and over the Internet. It is estimated that illegal gambling involves about 4 billion Euro yearly.
The government is proceeding with absolute transparency to effectively regulate the operation of the gambling and electronic gaming industry, taking into account the need to avoid negative economic and social effects including the threats posed to minors.


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Non per niente hanno richiesto la consulenza del nostro ineguagliabile Padoa Schioppa
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbzX2axHXN8&NR=1]YouTube - Le tasse sono bellissim[/ame]

oggi sono ripetitivo :lol:
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