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Greek 2009 Deficit to be Revised to 15.1%, Kathimerini Says
Questi piombano subito sopra la notizia ...

Diciamo che in altri periodi questa news sarebbe stata recepita diversamente dai mercati.
In ogni caso la revisione 2009 dovrebbe portare il debito a superare la soglia del 150% nel 2013-2014 per quanto previsto dal governo greco.

Il tema del debito è centrale ma come sappiamo (vale anche per l'Italia) è più rilevante il tema degli interessi ad esso associati. :ciao:


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Erdogan raps arms spending

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan yesterday criticized Greece’s generous spending on defense, arguing that this had contributed to the country’s debt crisis, and said that Turkey should avoid the Greek example.
For years, they spent whatever money they had on arms. But to protect themselves against whom? And how did this benefit them?” Erdogan told an audience at the Piri Reis Maritime University in Istanbul. “When you spend all that money, you mortgage your future. This was the heavy price our neighbor paid for creating make-believe enemies,” Erdogan said. “We must not make the same mistake,” added the premier who is to visit Athens on October 22 for a summit on sustainable development.
In what some interpreted as a dig at Turkey’s military leadership, Erdogan said, “For years, we wasted our energy worrying about a made-up enemy rather than focusing on our seas and mineral resources.”



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Greek Stocks: Alpha Bank, Forthnet, Piraeus Bank, National Bank

By Natalie Weeks - Oct 6, 2010 10:13 AM GMT+0200 Wed Oct 06 08:13:26 GMT 2010

Greece’s ASE Index advanced 29.71, or 2 percent, to 1,532.85 at 11:00 a.m. in Athens, on course for a third daily rise.
The FTSE/ASE 20 Index of the country’s biggest companies rose 2.3 percent to 745.13, while the Cypriot General Market Index gained 1.4 percent to 1,287.11.
The following shares were among the most active in Athens trading today. Symbols are in parentheses.
Alpha Bank SA (ALPHA GA) advanced 3.4 percent to 5.13 euros, a third day of gains. Piraeus Bank SA (TPEIR GA) is on course to mark a fifth daily rise, adding 3.9 percent to 4 euros. Greek banks’ units in Bulgaria, Romania and elsewhere in the Balkans will receive 630 million euros ($872.6 million) in loans from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Forthnet SA (FORTH GA) climbed 3 percent to 68 cents, rising for a second day this week. Greece’s second-biggest Web services provider’s Nova television network extended its exclusive rights contract to broadcast Greek football matches by two years to 2014 for 44 million euros each year, To Vima newspaper reported. This is “positive” for the stock as it “eliminates medium-term uncertainty,” EFG Eurobank Securities said in an e-mailed note today.
National Bank of Greece SA (ETE GA) added 3.5 percent to 7.65 euros, extending this week’s gain. The Church of Greece will take out a 27 million euro loan to participate in Greece’s biggest lender’s capital increase, Imerisia newspaper said, without saying where it got the information.



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ATHEX Chairman Set To Resign

Athens Exchange Chairman Spiros Kapralos will tender his resignation, according to sources.

His tenure ends on the 25th of October and it is said that he rejected a proposed remuneration cut by 50%. :)lol::lol::lol:)

Kapralos will speak Wednesday at an extraordinary news conference.


La solita storia, i tagli sono dovuti per gli altri.
Mai a se stessi ...


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Moody's `Tickety-Boo' Greek Recovery Optimism Is Unfounded, Matrix Says

By Bryan Keogh - Oct 6, 2010 11:06 AM GMT+0200 Wed Oct 06 09:06:46 GMT 2010

Moody’s Investors Service’s optimism that Greece’s current pace of reforms will lead to an upgrade of the nation’s debt isn’t backed by evidence that a recovery is taking hold, according to Matrix Corporate Capital LLP.
“I remain skeptical,” Bill Blain, co-head of fixed income at London-based investment bank Matrix, said in a note to clients today. “I’d prefer to see the evidence -- clear proof Greek tax revenues are increasing rather than tax-amnesties, growth to pay off debt, a bottom-up overhaul of state welfare and spending cuts being enacted long-term, an end to pork-barrel politics, and visible signs of recovery.”

Moody’s said yesterday it was “impressed” with Greece’s progress, just three months after cutting the nation’s credit rating to junk as it struggled to rein in the euro region’s second-biggest budget deficit. The risk to the country’s sovereign grade “is to the upside” if the reforms continue, Anthony Thomas, a London-based senior analyst at the ratings company, said at a credit conference in Warsaw.

In its decision to cut Greece’s rating to Ba1 from A3, Moody’s cited “substantial” risks to economic growth from the austerity measures tied to a 110 billion-euro ($152 billion) aid package from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund. Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said on Oct. 4 that the country’s budget deficit will narrow to 7 percent of economic output in 2011, about half of last year’s level, after the government cut spending and raised taxes to secure the EU- led rescue and avoid default.

“For anyone who isn’t a complete imbecile, its blindingly obvious Greece’s recovery might just be being massively talked up by those who have a vested interest in us believing everything in Europe is tickety-boo,” Blain wrote. “Greece’s problems haven’t suddenly been fixed over the last 12 months since the magnitude of the crisis became apparent. At best the problems have been identified -- but they aren’t solved.”



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ATHEX Sharply Higher

Greek market moves sharply higher on Wednesday fuelled by financials.

“The General Index is expected to move in higher levels today with 1.530 points consisting the main focal level and the fluctuations of National Bank of Greece being in the spotlight. The positive economic circumstances abroad, the return of the buying interest in stocks other than these of the banking sector as well as the stabilization of the G.I above 1.500 points will probably boost the market’s performance of the two previous days improving also its technical view. In case of negative fluctuations at the beginning of the session (1.490-1.500 points) we would be positive in “quick” movements while in the mid term we remain optimistic regarding an upward reaction as most of the stocks are significantly underpriced fundamentally and technically,” Pegasus Securities says in its morning report.

Eurobank Securities expects the positive sentiment to continue while Kyprou Securities may be optimistic about the ASE for the short term since optimism seems to grow step-bystep, but it expects prices to drop soon since real fiscal difficulties will take a lot of time to heal.

“We would consider any price enhancement as an opportunity to liquidate part of our ASE portfolio,” it notes.

Across the board, the General Index gains 2.55% at 1,541.48 on a total turnover of 43.30 mil. euro.

Financials are jumping as much as 4%.



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PM Gillard invites Papandreou to Australia

Melbourne (ANA-MPA/S. Hatzimanolis) -- Newly elected Australian prime minister Julia Gillard has invited Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou to pay an official visit to Australia.
In statements to Australian media, Gillard expressed her pleasure over her first meeting with the Greek premier in the framework of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) and noted her desire boost trade ties between the two countries. "There is much room for improvement" she said.
"I invited the Greek premier to visit Australia, where 600,000 Greeks live. In Melbourne, which is my home town, and in Australia generally, there is a very strong Greek community, and I'm sure that he (Papandreou) would be a very, very enthusiastic reception if he was able to visit," said Gillard
The last Greek prime minister to visit Australia was Costas Karamanlis in 2007.
She further said that Australia could contribute with its knowhow in many sectors in Greece.


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New web-based Greek tourism campaign unveiled

06. October 2010. | 12:06
Source: ANA

Minister Pavlos Geroulanos referred to the new tourism campaign strategy on Tuesday during the presentation of 13 new videos available on the youinGreece internet site and pointed out that the Greek Tourism Organization is being transformed into an agency that will undertake to promote Greece ab

The Internet will spearhead the campaign launched by the ministry of culture and tourism focusing new campaigns for Greece.
Minister Pavlos Geroulanos referred to the new tourism campaign strategy on Tuesday during the presentation of 13 new videos available on the youinGreece internet site and pointed out that the Greek Tourism Organization is being transformed into an agency that will undertake to promote Greece abroad.

Presenting the new portal visitgreece.gr, Geroulanos announced that the new internet programme my-greece.gr is an improved version of the youinGreece and the “Alliance for Greece” campaign.
Visitors will be able to upload their favorite photos and videos and will be given the opportunity to promote the "Greece they love", the country’s natural beauty and all the distinct characteristics that make it a special place in the world. The visual material will be accompanied by a small 25-word text where users will describe their own experience.

In a later stage, the archive of my-greece.gr will be used as a basis for a total of 90 personal experiences that will be available on visitgreece.gr, ten for each of the nine tourism sectors namely, nautical, meetings, seaside, Athens and Thessaloniki, culture, luxury, nature, touring and wellness.

Consigli per gli acquisti ...


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EU says Greek 2006-09 debt, deficit to be revised up

BRUSSELS | Wed Oct 6, 2010 6:31am EDT

BRUSSELS Oct 6 (Reuters) - The European Union's statistical office will this month revise upwards Greece's budget deficit and public debt figures for 2006-2009, the European Commission said on Wednesday.
"The Greek budget deficit and debt figures will be revised upwards," Commission spokesman Amadeu Altafaj told a daily news briefing.
The EU and the International Monetary Fund have granted Greece a 110 billion euro ($152.4 billion) bailout after its ballooning budget deficit brought the euro zone on the brink of a sovereign debt crisis.

L'annuncio ufficiale, senza entrare nel balletto delle cifre.


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Borsa Atene: Ase +2,6% grazie a bancari

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase della Borsa di Atene sale del 2,6% a quota 1.542,5 punti con un forte volume di scambi di 63,8 mln euro.
"Il settore bancario sta crescendo del 4,4% fornendo direzione al mercato", afferma un analista locale.
ATEBank segna un +5,6%, National un +5,4%, Alpha un +4,2%, Eurobank un +4% e Piraeus un +3,6%
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