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Anche oggi prosegue il trend positivo sugli ellenici:
Spread/bund a 679 pb, in restringimento.
Borsa di Atene, indice ASE a 1582 punti + 2,6. Alti volumi.
Greece and Israel carry out joint air force drills

Exercises are the first since the flotilla incident; Greek-Israeli relations have shown improvement in recent months.

Greece and Israel are carrying out their first joint military exercise since Greece suspended a drill in May after Israeli forces killed nine people on an aid convoy to Gaza.

The Greek air force says eight Israeli helicopters are taking part in the combat search-and-rescue exercise in southern Greece. Greece is participating with three helicopters and six fighter jets.

The four-day exercise ends Thursday.

Athens strongly condemned the Israeli raid on the aid convoy, which included two Greek ships and was trying to break Israel's blockade of Gaza.

But relations quickly improved, with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou visiting Israel in July, and a reciprocal visit to Greece in August by Benjamin Netanyahu.

(The Jerusalem Post)
Greece calls on Turkey to act on friendly talk

Greece on Wednesday called on Turkey to back up friendly rhetoric with action, pointing to continued airspace violations that undermine relations ahead of a new visit in Athens by the Turkish prime minister on Oct. 22.
"We hear various positive Turkish statements concerning the development of our relations, but acts are needed," Greek foreign ministry spokesman Grigoris Delavekouras told a regular media briefing.

On Tuesday, the Greek general staff noted that a formation of eight Turkish jets illegally entered the Athens flight information region and were intercepted.
"As long as this continues there can be no normalization of relations," Delavekouras said.
Three months after a visit to Athens to improve relations, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erodoğan — who is again expected in the Greek capital on Oct. 22 for a summit on sustainable development — has stepped up talk on the benefits of friendship.

In a speech at Piri Reis University last week, he berated Athens for spending vast sums of money on defense for years against a "make-believe" foe.
A senior adviser to the Turkish prime minister, İbrahim Kalın, noted in an interview with Greek daily Kathimerini last week that Ankara sees Athens as a "partner."
Erdoğan has also suggested that both countries disarm their warplanes that fly daily sorties over the Aegean Sea.
But Athens counters that its warplanes fly armed because many of Turkey's sorties violate Greek airspace.

The division of the island of Cyprus into a Greek Cypriot south and a Turkish Cypriot north for the past 36 years is another deep-seated source of tension with Greece.
Rivalry with Turkey has kept Greece from slashing its defense budget even in the midst of an unprecedented national debt crisis.

But relations between the two neighbors and NATO allies have markedly improved in the last decade after both countries helped each other in the wake of destructive earthquakes.
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou was foreign minister when that rapprochement began and was instrumental in developing it.

(Hurriyet Daily News)
Greek/German bond yield spread narrows

LONDON | Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:30am EDT

LONDON Oct 13 (Reuters) - The premium investors demand to buy Greek government bonds rather than euro zone benchmark Bunds fell on Wednesday, with the possibility of the IMF lengthening loans to the country supporting investor appetite for higher yields.

The Greek/German 10-year bond yield spread GR10YT=TWEB DE10YT=TWEB narrowed to 661 basis points versus 695 basis points at Tuesday's settlement close. "I think it's just continuing the demand over the last few weeks... the comments of the IMF about extending loans to Greece meant the curve came down about 50 basis points on Monday and every day it seems to get tighter," a trader said.

Traders said thin liquidity in the Greek bond market was exaggerating the moves in the spread. The IMF said on Sunday that bailout loans to Greece could be stretched out or replaced if refinancing worries lingered in markets, but it currently has no concrete plans to do so. [ID:nN10280920].
Earlier, a Greek government spokesman said Greece has submitted no request to extend repayments on an EU/IMF bailout loan, nor is it officially involved in talks that might lead to an extension.

I soliti 30 pb. giornalieri ...
Subprime Soothsayer Bass Says Japan's Economy to Unravel, Greece Is `Done'

By Nikolaj Gammeltoft - Oct 13, 2010 3:53 PM GMT+0200 Wed Oct 13 13:53:17 GMT 2010

Japan will be forced to default on its debt, Greece’s economy is “done” and Iceland is worse off than Greece, said J. Kyle Bass, the head of Dallas-based Hayman Advisors LP who made $500 million in 2007 on the U.S. subprime collapse.

Nations around the world will be unable to repay their debt and financial austerity in a country such as Ireland is “too late,” Bass said today at the Value Investing Congress in New York.

Japan’s economy may unravel in the next two to three years, and its interest payments will exceed revenue, he said. “Japan can’t fund itself internally,” Bass said.

Pricing on Japanese interest-rate swaps is the best he’s ever seen, Bass said. Investors could make 50 to 100 times their capital betting on them, he said, calling them a lottery ticket on Japan’s economy.


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Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a +2,5%, sostenuto da Nbg (+5,4%)

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase di Atene chiude la seduta in rialzo del 2,5% a 1.581,69 punti, con un volume di scambi elevato di 180,6 mln euro.
Il rialzo di National Bank of Greece (Nbg) a +5,4% ha contribuito al risultato. "Il sentiment positivo dei mercati internazionali e' dovuto anche alla notizia relativa alla riduzione degli spread sovrani", afferma un trader. "Dopo aver completato l'aumento di capitale di 1,8 mld euro Nbg risulta la banca locale piu' capitalizzata, questo spiega il forte interesse per il titolo".
AtEbank sale del 4,3%, Ppc del 3,8%, Eurobank del 3%, Piraeus del 2,7%, Titan dell'1,3% e Opap dell'1,2%.

La ristrutturazione del debito greco avrebbe avuto un impatto devastante per tutta l'economia ellenica.
Le banche sono cariche di TdS che utilizzano come collaterale con la BCE. Apprezzandosi i titoli GGB, il resto viene da sè ...
Grecia: precari occupano acropoli Atene

Manifestanti impediscono a turisti di visitare Partenone

(ANSA) - ATENE, 13 OTT - Un gruppo di lavoratori precari del Ministero greco della cultura bloccano stamane l'entrata dell'Acropoli di Atene. Impedendo ai turisti di visitare il principale sito archeologico nazionale, i manifestanti chiedono il rinnovo del contratto e protestano contro i licenziamenti. I manifestanti hanno chiuso il sito che solitamente apre dalle 8 locali (le 7 italiane) fino alle 18.
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