Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Imark, non mi sembra di aver visto questa settimana i tuoi aggiornamenti con i mercati otc... per me sono stati preziosisssssssssimi, potresti postarli un po' più spesso?!!?!?

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Mark dovrebbe farsi sentire più spesso.
Nelle ultime settimane il Mot ha corso molto in anticipo rispetto ai mercati OTC che, solitamente, erano sotto di 100 tick all'incirca.
Il prezzo dell'ingrosso e quello al dettaglio.

considerate che Antonio e' uscito un bel po' di tempo fa' dalla Grecia...
credo senza soddisfazione...

(ASCA-AFP) - Vouliagmeni, 22 ott - ''Abbiamo deciso di prendere un'iniziativa comune per la lotta contro il massiccio afflusso di immigrati clandestini in Grecia e in Europa attraverso la Tuchia e di far progredire l'accordo tra l'Unione Europea e Ankara'' sull'argomento. E' quanto riferito dal primo ministro greco Georges Papandreou nel corso di un incontro con il suo omologo turco Recep Tayip Erdogan. ''Lavoreremo in modo sistematico, cooperando per ottenere un risultato piu' efficace'', ha aggiunto.

Da parte sua, Erdogan ha sottolineato l'impegno dei due Pesi di stabilire ''una collaborazione per affrontare questo problema comune''.

I due Premier si sono incontrati a Vouliagmeni, una localita' balneare nei pressi di Atene, dove si e' tenuta una conferenza sul cambiamento climatico nel Mediterraneo.
Greek CDS easing, report says

For the first time since January, the cost of insurance against a Greek default within a year is cheaper than the cost for longer duration, a sign that the risk of default has declined, according to CMA in London.

A report by Bloomberg said Greek state bonds’ credit default swaps (CDS) for one year fell to 565 basis points, down 61 bps compared with 10-year CDS, a sign that markets are offering Greece time to reduce its fiscal deficit.

Greek one-year CDS started the year at 143 basis points, soaring to 1,300 bps in June at the peak of the credit crisis. The two-year CDS has the highest cost from any other duration.

EXCLUSIVE-Greece aims to pay off hospital debt by year-end

Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:34pm GMT

* Wants to clear all debts to suppliers up to Sept 2010
* Aims to pay 1.2 bln euros of 2010 debt by year-end
* Also 5.5 bln eur of earlier debt, mostly with bonds

(Adds quotes, background)

By Renee Maltezou

ATHENS, Oct 22 (Reuters) - Greece will pay by year-end all hospital debts accumulated with medical suppliers from 2005 up to last month, and keep closer tabs on such costs in 2011, a senior health ministry official told Reuters on Friday.
Hospital bills were behind much of the retrospective widening of the 2009 budget deficit that plunged Greece into a debt crisis. International lenders that later stepped in with a 110 billion euro ($153 billion) bailout also cited medical debt as an area of concern in respect of this year's deficit-cutting efforts. "Our aim is to start on a different basis in 2011," the Health Ministry's General Secretary, Nikos Polyzos, said in an interview. "It's a tough task but I believe we will make it."

Polyzos, who ranks fourth in the department behind the minister and the minister's two deputies, said debts from 2005, 2006 and the first half of 2007 had almost been paid off this year, at a cost of 1.5 billion euros.
"What is important is that it was all in cash," he said. "Now we are dealing with the difficult task of paying the rest of 2007 and the 2008 and 2009 obligations."
That amounts to some 5.5 billion euros, of which 5.35 billion euros will be paid in bonds and about 150 million in cash, he added.


The debt-choked country is under pressure from the EU and the IMF to implement painful cuts and push ahead with structural reforms in exchange for help to exit a debt crisis that has shaken the euro zone.
Public health spending and soaring debts to medical suppliers have burned holes in state finances for many years.
This year's payment of arrears to hospitals has been budgeted for and will not further burden this year's deficit, seen at 7.8 percent of GDP, but concerns remain whether targets will be met.

The government said in June it would settle hospitals debts to health suppliers from 2007 to 2009 in interest-free one-year, two-year and three-year bonds, hoping to end a long-standing dispute which led to medical shortages.
Greece also plans to pay 1.2 billion euros for debt accumulated this year up to September, Polyzos said, without specifying if this would be in cash or in bonds. He said 400 million euros of 2010 debt has already been cleared.
Analysts say this will be a tough task, as the debtors are social security funds that are themselves facing financial difficulties.


Greece spends 25 billion euros per year -- roughly 10 percent of GDP -- on healthcare, half of which goes to the private sector.
Keeping medical supply costs in check is a priority for 2011, Polyzos said, adding that hospitals' operating costs had already been cut to 2.6 billion euros this year from 3 billion euros in 2009.

But government undertakings to international lenders to fully computerise financial services by December at the country's 130 state hospitals -- long considered tarnished by corruption -- would not be met.
"It will be a great success if we fully computerise 100 hospitals by the end of Q1," he said.

Money has fallen through the cracks in Greece's state hospital sector for many years.
Patients often have to pay hundreds of euros in what are effectively bribes -- the so-called "fakelaki", or little envelopes -- to secure fair treatment, and a lack of credible accounting facilitates profiteering through the overpricing of medical supplies.

State healthcare centres, which offer the next grade of care down from hospitals, had about 18 million visits in 2009. Polyzos, a former hospital manager, said he expected a 10 percent rise this year, as patients turn to cheaper options in the aftermath of the country's worst recession in decades.
"It seems that people can't afford private healthcare or 'fakelaki' anymore," he said.
considerate che Antonio e' uscito un bel po' di tempo fa' dalla Grecia...
credo senza soddisfazione...

Lo so, infatti il numero di faccine che si prostravano davanti a lui era proporzionale all'utilita PER ME dei suoi dati e all'inutilità PER LUI di addossarsi questo disturbo...:D

In effetti per le operazioni veloci di uno-due giorni (la stragrande maggioranza delle mie operazioni sulla grecia) le quotazioni otc si sono rilevate veramente fondamentali e mi hanno salvato il :ciapet: parecchie volte!
Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a +1,2% in scia a rally bancari

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase di Atene chiude la seduta in rialzo dell'1,2% a quota 1.605,82 punti, con un volume di scambi ridotto di 97,32 mln euro.
L'indice ha superato la soglia di valenza psicologica dei 1.600 punti, in scia al rally dei titoli bancari e alle incoraggianti notizie finanziarie.
I titoli blue chip guidano i rialzi, con Nbg che sale dell'1,1% e Opap del 3,6%. Coca-Cola Hellenic guadagna l'1,1%, beneficiando di conti trimestrali positivi. Bene anche Ote in rialzo dell'1,6% dopo la nomina di un nuovo Ceo.
Fine settimana all'insegna della debolezza sui nostri ellenici che perdono terreno con lievi oscillazioni spingendo però lo spread sempre più in alto.
L'assenza di rilevanti dati macroeconomici positivi insieme all'immobilismo della BCE sul fronte degli acquisti, favoriscono questa situazione.

Sul MOT dobbiamo rilevare bassi volumi di scambio, circa la metà rispetto alla fase del recupero iniziata da oltre 950 pb. Una posizione tenuta per tanto tempo dai GGB situava intorno ai 730/750 pb.

L'Irlanda chiude la settimana su una posizione critica, in attesa degli sviluppi che prenderà la manovra di salvataggio del comparto bancario. In Portogallo si aspetta l'approvazione da parte del Parlamento della manovra antideficit che dovrebbe riportare il deficit/Pil entro limiti meno preoccupanti. Spagna e Italia tengono le posizioni, in attesa di schiarite su tutto il fronte. Tutto il Club Med è favorito da una lenta erosione del Bund.
Aleggia, sulle teste di tutti, il G20.

Dati Thomson-Reuters. Spread/Bund sul decennale. Tra parentesi il dato del giorno precedente.

Grecia 697 pb. (689)
Irlanda 415 pb. (415)
Portogallo 344 pb. (343)
Spagna 167 pb. (171)
Italia 137 pb. (137)

The Syrian Ministry of Electricity signed an agreement today with a consortium consisting of Greek company Metca and Italy’s Ansaldo. The agreement is for the construction of a 750 MW power plant in the city of Der Azzor, explained news agency Sana in a statement. It added that the plant will cost 671 million euros to build. Syrian Electricity Ministry Ahmad Al Kayyali believes that the new power plant, which will be gas powered and will be equipped with a cooling system, is very suitable for the eastern area of the country. This region is known for its high temperatures. 80% of the cost of the plant is being covered by loans granted by the European Development Bank and other Arab banks, while the remaining 20% will be covered by the Syrian government.

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