Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Lo ritengo poco salutare per i corsi dei bond greci... :lol: mentre un rinvio delle decisioni da prendere su questo aspetto ad un prossimo incontro fra leader europei ad inizio 2011, ad esempio, sarebbe invece piuttosto salutare... ;)

Ovviamente, non è un discorso da cassettisti, mi rendo conto... ;) ma l'ottica voleva essere semmai di tipo speculativo

In teoria si dovrebbe discuterne a dicembre ...
Informalmente però contro l'asse Francia-Germania concordato a Dueuville, stanno insorgendo tutti gli altri.
Ieri Frattini (per quel che conta) ha esplicitato l'insofferenza, in coda tutti gli altri. Oltre al solito buon Trichet ...

Dubito che si possa giungere in tempi brevi ad un accordo in tal senso.
G20: Cina respinge con forza proposte Stati Uniti

No limiti fissi a squilibri commercio internazionale

(ANSA) - PECHINO, 5 NOV - La Cina ha respinto oggi con forza l'idea degli Stati Uniti di mettere sul tavolo del G20, che si riunisce la prossima settimana a Seul, l'imposizione di limiti fissi agli squilibri nel commercio internazionale. 'Anche noi vorremmo vedere conti piu' equilibrati - ha affermato il viceministro cinese degli esteri, presentando la posizione della Cina a Pechino. 'Fissare artificialmente un obiettivo numerico ha aggiunto - ricorda il periodo delle economie pianificate'. Il viceministro ha anche respinto in anticipo le richieste, che verranno presentate alla Cina da altri Paesi, di rivedere verso l'alto il tasso di cambio dello yuan. Gli Usa e altri Paesi occidentali accusano Pechino di tenerne artificialmente basso il valore per favorire le sue esportazioni. 'Sarebbe chiederci di manipolare il cambio - ha sostenuto il viceministro - cosa che certamente non faremo'. Quanto al piano annunciato dalla Federal Reserve, la banca centrale americana di comprare titoli di Stato Usa per 600 miliardi di dollari per stimolare l' economia, ha affermato di aver notato 'preoccupazione in alcuni Paesi' per gli effetti che potrebbe avere sulla 'stabilita' finanziaria', dato che gli Usa sono 'il principale fornitore di valuta per le riserve'.'Speriamo - ha concluso - che gli Usa adottino una posizione responsabile'.

Nel frattempo ...
Schaeuble Rejects Trichet Criticism of Crisis Plan to Penalize Bondholders

By Patrick Donahue - Nov 5, 2010 11:40 AM GMT+0100 Fri Nov 05 10:40:51 GMT 2010

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble rejected European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet’s criticism that plans to make investors pay for future crises risk roiling financial markets.
“I don’t share the argument that the markets will be unsettled,” Schaeuble said in a speech in Berlin today. “The markets know that it’s necessary.”

Trichet signaled his concern yesterday that any attempt to make bondholders contribute in the event of another debt crisis risks driving up the borrowing costs of high-deficit nations such as Ireland and Greece. Spanish and Irish bonds fell today.

Trichet’s “argument against a crisis mechanism is that it will worsen the European competitive position for investors,” Schaeuble said. “My argument is that this has long been taken into consideration by markets and priced in.”

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government this week stepped up its insistence that bondholders rather than taxpayers are held to account as it tries to put its stamp on a European Union permanent debt-crisis procedure, which is to be drafted by mid- December.

Merkel, whose coalition trails the opposition in opinion polls before six state elections next year, needs a success after alienating German voters by supporting the bailout for Greece in May, Carsten Brzeski, a senior economist at ING Groep NV in Brussels, said in a phone interview. Her refusal to cut taxes even as revenue jumps also contributes to her stance on the debt mechanism, he said.

Merkel ‘Needs This’

“You cannot go around saying ‘All German citizens have to be austere while we bail out the Greeks’,” said Brzeski, who used to work at the European Commission, the EU’s executive body. “The crisis resolution mechanism has to fly,” he said. “To present herself as a powerful European figure, she needs this success now.”

German attempts to shape the rule overhaul risk have been challenged by European leaders including Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, who are concerned that telling bond investors they will have to shoulder part of any future bailout will spook traders at a time when Ireland and Portugal are struggling to cut their budget deficits.

The extra yield investors demand to hold Spanish 10-year bonds instead of similar-maturity German securities surpassed 200 basis points today, leading spread widening among so-called peripheral bond markets in Europe.

The Spanish spread was nine basis points higher at 204 basis points as of 8:53 a.m. in London, the most since July 14, based on closing generic prices. The Irish spread widened four basis points to a record 530 basis points.

“It’s not helpful to suggest Europe is going to restructure other countries’ debts,” Irish Finance Minister Brian Lenihan told reporters on Nov. 3, attributing the widening bond spreads to talk of forcing bondholders to accept losses. “Ireland has made it very clear we’ll honor our debt and obligations. There is no question of restructuring our debt.”

FinMin on state budget

ANA-MPA/Finance minister George Papaconstantinou is winding up a series of meetings with ministers ahead of the drafting of the ministries' budgets and the state budget for 2011.

The next-to-last meeting took place Friday morning with Minister of State for international economic relations Haris Pamboukis, while a final meeting with employment and social security minister Louka Katseli has been planned for the coming week, after which the ministry services will roll up their sleeves and put together all the pieces of the puzzle for the final draft of the new budget.

The finalised text, slated to be tabled in parliament on November 18, will envisage a new major cutback in budget expenditure, with the main focus on the general government agencies, public utilities and organisations (DEKO), local government, social security funds and state hospitals.

According to ministry officials, a big cutback in expenditure is non-negotiable, given the upward revision of the 2009 fiscal deficit to above 15 percent of GDP, a 2.05 billion euros shortfall in state revenues in the first eight months of the year, and a recession that has exceeded forecasts.

A Troika team is due in Athens on November 15 for a review of progress in the Greek economy required for approval of a 9 billion euros third tranche of the EU-ECB-IMF loan to Greece. The troika of European Commission, European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) experts will also review the course of execution of the 2010 budget and the provisions of the 2011 budget, and whether the expenditure cuts planned are satisfactory or whether additional measures will be required, in the troika's view.


Intanto si va avanti con i piani di risanamento ...
Schaeuble: Fed QE2 Has Same Effect As China FX Manipulation

BERLIN (MNI) - German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble on Friday criticized the US Federal Reserve for its new round of quantitative easing, arguing it has the same effect on the dollar as the Chinese government's currency policy has on the yuan.

"At the moment, from a European viewpoint, one could get the impression that the U.S. is doing through other means what it is reproaching China for," Schaeuble said at a conference in Berlin.

"One could get the idea that the instruments are different but the goal is the same, and the one who suffers are clearly...to a certain degree the Europeans," the minister argued.

The euro's foreign exchange rate has risen markedly against the dollar due to the Fed's policy of pumping massive liquidity into market. After gaining two cents on the initial announcement Wednesday, the single currency has remained firm.

"With all due respect, my impression is that the US is helpless," Schaeuble said. "The problem of the US is not a lack of liquidity and the decision by the Fed to add some $600 billion will not solve the problem," he reckoned.

The current economic problems of the US is no reason for "Schadenfreude," the minister stressed. "We rather have reason to be worried because we have profited more from a strong US than most others," he reasoned. "Thus, it is in our interest that they solve their problems," he said.

Turning to the Eurozone, Schaeuble said he did not share the worries of European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet regarding the EU's plans for a new permanent crisis mechanism.

EU heads of state and government in Brussels agreed last month to establish a permanent mechanism to aid Eurozone states that fall into financial difficulty. Germany has made clear that it insists on having private creditors shoulder part of the financial burden in future crises through some kind of "orderly default" mechanism.

"I don't believe the argument which is attributed to Mr. Trichet...that Europe's position in wooing investors will worsen" if they face the risk of losing some of their investments in government bonds of Eurozone member states, Schaeuble said.

"My argument against that is that markets have already digested that and expected it," Schaeuble said. "I don't share the argument that markets will be unsettled."

Schauble again underlined that there has to be the possibility of debt restructuring under a new EU crisis mechanism. Yet, he reminded that this would become effective only after the current rescue funds for Greece and the Eurozone run out in 2013.

"It is clear that applies only for the future, not for the current" rescue funds, he underlined.

Commenting on the domestic economy, Schaueble reckoned that "in Germany the crisis has more or less been overcome."

Thus, now is the right moment to tackle elevated public deficits, he said, reaffirming that federal net new borrowing will likely amount to around E50 billion this year, markedly below the initially expected E80.2 billion.


Schauble è uno dei pochi, in Europa, che può tener testa alla finanza americana.
Un primo distinguo importante sul Fondo di Emergenza Europeo: "It is clear that applies only for the future, not for the current" rescue funds, he underlined.
Greek market inches lower ahead of local elections

Greek market inches lower on Friday amid discontent and concerns of political disruption ahead of local elections. The market is affected by the rapid surge of spreads close to 900 basis points, while capital increases in the banking industry and the climate created in the wake of debates within and outside Greece for the possibility of restructuring / extension of the Greek debt, trap greek stocks and point to further losses.

Pegasus Securities says that yesterday’s report from Fitch, “together with talks about nationwide polls, weights on the picture of Athens Stock Exchange, affecting the spread of 10 years greek government bonds”.

Greek voters go to the polls Sunday in fraught local elections widely seen as a referendum on the government΄s tough austerity program. Poor results could force the ruling Socialists to call new nationwide polls after only a year in office, analysts say.

Across the board, the General Index falls 0.53% at 1,490.12 on a turnover of 38.74 mil. euro.

73 stocks fell, 18 rose and 21 remained unchanged.

First Greek Type 214 submarine finally enters service

By Jon Rosamond
05 November 2010

The Hellenic Navy commissioned its first Type 214 submarine in a ceremony at shipbuilder Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft's (HDW's) yard in Kiel, Germany, on 2 November.
HS Papanikolis, which is expected to arrive in Greece in December, was at the centre of a long-running contractual dispute between HDW parent company ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) and the Greek government.
Athens claimed initially that the submarine, which was launched by HDW in April 2004, was not completely seaworthy and refused to accept the boat. Germany's Federal Office of Defence Technology and Procurement subsequently demonstrated that the vessel not only complied with stability requirements but significantly exceeded other performance parameters, whereupon Greece said that it would take the boat and sell it on to a third party.
However, as Jane's reported in late October, it has now been decided that the Hellenic Navy will operate Papanikolis as the lead vessel in a class that will eventually number six Type 214 hulls.

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