Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (13 lettori)

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"We expect any crisis resolution mechanism that included explicit terms for bond holders to bear losses will have to include existing bonds as well as new debt," he notes.

It is difficult to see how highly indebted countries could access the markets with a two tier system, he added.


Considerazioni di buon senso...

direi malo senso
scritta per come è scritta così vuol dire che anche i possessori dei vecchi bond devono essere tra coloro interessati da ristrutturazione


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EU-ECB-IMF 'troika': Greece meeting goals

ANA-MPA/Representatives of the EU-ECB-IMF "troika" on Tuesday morning emphasised here that the Greek government is more-or-less continuing to follow a closely watched economic readjustment programme, stressing that criteria with an end of September deadline have been met.

The eagerly expected press conference by the troika officials offered insight on how well Athens is meeting obligations under an EU-ECB-IMF memorandum signed in May to commence a 110-billion-euro bailout for the debt- and deficit-plagued east Mediterranean country.

Despite whatever challenges remaining, representatives referred to significant progress made so far in meeting goals, which have included drastic cuts in state spending and fiscal reform, a joint statement read.

In reference to all-important growth prospects for the Greek economy -- which is facing a negative growth prediction of roughly 4 percent for 2010 -- troika representatives echoed other European analysts and economists in saying that the economic downturn will be reversed at some point in 2011. Inflationary pressure from price hikes and operational costs are expected to abate, pointing the way for an improvement in competitiveness, they said.



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IMF’s Thomsen Sees Options If Greece Can’t Return to Markets

By Natalie Weeks - Nov 23, 2010 10:00 AM GMT+0100 Tue Nov 23 09:00:00 GMT 2010

The International Monetary Fund could allow Greece a longer period to repay loans or grant the country follow-up lending if it’s unable to tap markets, said Poul Thomsen, the head of the IMF’s mission to Greece.

“We are confident Greece will be able to return to the market during the program period,” Thomsen told a news conference in Athens today, referring to the three-year, 110 billion-euro ($149 billion) emergency loans the country received from the European Union and the IMF earlier this year. “But whether it will be able to return on scale to roll over and repay the IMF is admittedly an issue.”

Among the options that the IMF may consider if Greece proves unable to raise funding in the financial markets is a “longer repayment period” on the emergency loans, he said.

“Another option is a follow-up loan,” Thomsen said.


Se non la finiscono di minacciare gli investitori sulla storia di incassare perdite la vedo dura. La Grecia potrebbe tornere al roll over sui mercati solo a costi proibitivi.

Evolution Securities: Greek Borrowing Costs Show Market Remains Cynical

Greek sovereign paper yields show the market remains cynical of political promises to keep existing paper whole, says Gary Jenkins, head of fixed income research at Evolution Securities, Dow Jones Newswires reports.

An EU finance ministers’ statement saying a new crisis mechanism would not apply to outstanding debt had not eased pricing with Greek debt still trading at distressed levels, Jenkins notes.

"We expect any crisis resolution mechanism that included explicit terms for bond holders to bear losses will have to include existing bonds as well as new debt," he notes.

It is difficult to see how highly indebted countries could access the markets with a two tier system, he added.


Considerazioni di buon senso...

Il punto è tutto qui. E finchè non si fa chiarezza DEFINITIVAMENTE sugli aspetti del "meccanismo" che si vuole attivare, non ci si può aspettare alcun rimbazo significativo delle quotazioni, ma solo "rumore" nel segnale.
Speriamo avvenga a Dicembre.
Che già se fosse fatta chiarezza i rischi rimarrebbero comunque alti.
Perchè anche se le riforme restano avviate su una buona strada le incognite restano tante, la ripresa se parte o non parte, se il pil greco riuscirà timidamente a rialzarsi e poi qualunque altro scossone e crisi internazionale potrebbe abbattersi in modo funesto sulla situazione greca, che tanto ormai è vissuta come terapia intensiva di un malato gravissimo "attaccato alle macchine". Se anche la congiuntura globale dovesse fare un altro scivolone stile double dip è la prima a cui staccherebbero la spina.
Quindi se neanche si fa chiarezza almeno sul trattamento "politico" che vogliono riservare ai presenti e futuri investitori la vedo dura.


Forumer storico
Il default della Grecia non è una soluzione praticabile.

Cominciano ad emergere proposte sensate che vanno nella direzione della difesa effettiva dell'euro.
Tomas Mirow, presidente della Bers, la Banca europea per la Ricostruzione e lo sviluppo, ha dichiarato che l'Unione monetaria esige una integrazione ancora maggiore: "Dubito che sui tempi lunghi ci possa essere una unione monetaria senza meccanismi di trasferimento verso i Paesi in difficoltà".
Eurolandia, rischio contagio Rehn: "Spegnere l'incendio" - Repubblica.it


Forumer storico
Cominciano ad emergere proposte sensate che vanno nella direzione della difesa effettiva dell'euro.
Tomas Mirow, presidente della Bers, la Banca europea per la Ricostruzione e lo sviluppo, ha dichiarato che l'Unione monetaria esige una integrazione ancora maggiore: "Dubito che sui tempi lunghi ci possa essere una unione monetaria senza meccanismi di trasferimento verso i Paesi in difficoltà".
Eurolandia, rischio contagio Rehn: "Spegnere l'incendio" - Repubblica.it

Le proposte le avremmo anche noi.
Solo che manca la volontà ... o meglio, gli interessi sono contrastanti e fanno fatica a trovare una sintesi.


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EU/IMF: Greece Broadly On Track

Greece is broadly on track in implementing its fiscal adjustment programme, the EU/IMF mission in Athens said Tuesday, but warned that challenges remain.

“Our overall assessment is that the program remains broadly on track. The end-September quantitative criteria have all been met. While challenges remain, significant progress has been made, particularly in reducing the fiscal deficit,” the European Commission, the IMF and the European Central Bank said in a joint statement.

Greece’s lenders expect the economy to begin turning around in 2011 while they note that new measures have been agreed to broaden tax bases and eliminate wasteful spending, particularly in the areas of health spending, state enterprises and tax administration—which has instruments now coming into place to strengthen compliance.

“The government’s medium-term budget strategy paper, to be discussed in the next review, will specify time-bound action plans for crucial structural reforms needed to achieve the remaining fiscal adjustment, and to do so in a socially balanced way,” they said, noting that in the financial sector, the program has been effective in supporting stability.

Still, they stress the need for structural reforms and warn that “while significant progress has been made, with some landmark reforms—including pension reform—the program has now reached a critical juncture. Many of the reforms that are necessary to transform Greece into a dynamic and export-driven economy require skillful design and political resolve to overcome entrenched interests.”

“The challenge now is to implement an ambitious schedule for these next-stage reforms, including:
• Aligning wages more closely with firm-level productivity, including through reform of arbitration and collective bargaining systems.
• Opening up access to services, trades, and professions.
• Unlocking the potential of Greek industries by cutting red tape and barriers to entry, and privatizing state assets.”

In a news conference on the conclusion of the assessment of Greece’s efforts, representatives of the three bodies said that while they were confident Greece would be able to return to international markets before the end of the three-year bailout, as it has said it aims to, several options were available to help the country if it found itself in difficulty, the Associated Press reports

”We are going to have a significant hump in debt service repayment as soon as the program ends," said IMF mission chief for Greece Poul Thomsen.

"We are confident that Greece will be able to return to the market during the program period," he said, but added that it was "admittedly a question" as to whether Greece would be able to tap the market for the full amounts needed to refinance its existing debt and repay the bailout loans.

"We are aware that this is an issue that raises some concern in the markets. We have various options for dealing with it," Thomsen said.

One option would be to allow a longer repayment period for the rest of the rescue loan financing, or to give follow-up loans.

"If there proves to be a question we stand ready to exercise some of these options. But there has been no decision taken," Thomsen said.

The IMF board and the 14 eurozone lenders will decide in December whether they will clear the third trance of the EUR110 bil. package for Greece on the assessment made by the mission.


Il resoconto della conferenza stampa da parte ellenica.


Forumer storico
L'euro rappresenta un formidabile vantaggio per l'economia tedesca.

Se i paesi deboli uscissero dall'euro la Germania avrebbe formidabili concorrenti e probabilmente anche l'economia tedesca verserebbe in una situazione meno florida. E' quindi nell'interesse della Germania difendere l'UEM e dimenticare le irresponsabili proposte in merito al default della Grecia.
L'Irlanda fa soffrire Borse europee e banche. La Germania sostiene l'euro - Il Sole 24 ORE


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Athens Stocks Post Mixed Signs

Greek market posts mixed signs on Tuesday with banks under pressure, while investors digest the comments the international lenders made earlier on the implementation of Greece’s fiscal adjustment programme.

“The market will most probably accumulate at current price levels with the risk lying to the downside. Some interest could be seen on stocks whose results were announced yesterday afternoon (OPAP) or will be announced today post market close (Alpha Bank, Titan and Fourlis),” Marfin Analysis says while Eurobank Securities notes that investors are likely to remain cautious today due to fears of a spillover effect from the Irish debt crisis.

“Renewed sovereign debt concerns continue to create a fragile situation in overseas markets. A Shortened week, with US closed on Thursday (Thanksgiving) and a half trade day Friday and Japan closed today on Labor Thanksgiving, all limit wide bets, leaving technical considerations to play its part for the week. Domestically, market participants are eyeing earnings releases from large caps and financials, while digesting a rather weak and hesitant picture overseas,” Kyprou Securities says.

Across the board, the General Index inches a tad higher at 1,462.45 on a total turnover of 42.61 mil. euro.

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