Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (19 lettori)

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Citi: “Don’t Dread the D-Word”

In the case of Greece, a default is not just a distinct possibility but a high probability event, Citi says.

In a presentation dated November 22nd, analyst Lambros Papadopoulos notes that this due to:

-The size of the required adjustment needed to stabilise the burden of the public debt,
-The size of the burden of interest payments at c8% of GDP, and
- The lack of a strong social and political consensus on domestic burden sharing that might make the extreme fiscal austerity manageable….

The firm notes that the above mentioned factors make it unlikely that the Greek sovereign will only impose the cost of adjustment on its citizens.

“Which is why we expect that the country’s creditors will eventually be asked to share the burden,” it says.

Still, it says that the timing and probability of a credit event on Greek government debt are highly dependant on the willingness of other Eurozone members to support Greece. This is also dependant on the outcome of the debate on the Permanent Crisis Resolution Mechanism.

Citi doesn’t think a default will take place in 2011-12 provided that Greece continues to have access to the EU/IMF programme and estimates that the conditionality of the EU/IMF programme is likely to be the subject of further re-negotiations. Furthermore it doesn’t believe that Greece will want to exit the Euro.

On the market side, it estimates that Greece is likely to continue to underperform (northern) European markets in 2011.

Greek banks will underperform European peers and notes that it has no Buys on any of the Greek banks while it prefers the Cyprus banks and sees publicly controlled companies outperforming significantly if the new government addresses key issues.

Citi also favors international companies with a global reach and avoids purely domestic consumer plays.

In any case, “the ‘default’ stories are here to stay….”



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Grecia ricaverà 7 mld euro in 3 anni da privatizzazioni

martedì 23 novembre 2010 13:41

ATENE (Reuters) - La Grecia punta a ricavare sette miliardi di euro dalle privatizzazioni nei prossimi tre anni. Lo ha detto ai giornalisti il ministro delle Finanze.
"Il nostro obiettivo dalle privatizzazioni e dall'uso delle proprietà dello stato è fissato a 7 miliardi di euro nell'arco dei prossimi 3 anni" ha detto in conferenza stampa George Papaconstantinou, precisando che l'obiettivo è fissato a un miliardo di euro per il 2011.


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UPDATE: Greece Aims To Return To Markets In 2011 - Minister

(Adds details and quote.)

By Alkman Granitsas
ATHENS (Dow Jones)--Greece aims to return to financial markets for funding in 2011, and will face no problem servicing its debt, the country's finance minister said Tuesday.
"With an [economic] recovery in 2011, we believe Greece will be able to return to the markets and will be able to completely pay off its debt," Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said at a news conference.
His remarks come at the end of an eight-day visit by a delegation of European and International Monetary Fund officials to assess Greece's eligibility to receive aid under a EUR110 billion loan deal signed in May.
Although Greece looks likely to receive the next tranche of aid due at the end of the year, financial markets remain skeptical about its ability to repay a towering debt burden that is expected to rise to 150% of gross domestic product in three years' time.
Reflecting those concerns, and amid new jitters over Ireland's situation, the interest-rate spread between 10-year Greek government bonds and their benchmark German counterparts--a measure of credit risk--hovered around 940 basis points Tuesday. That's about the same level as when Greece first received the loan earlier this year.
Greece is in a race against the clock. Over the next three years, the country must repay some EUR84 billion in interest and principle on longer-term debt, according to market data, but that doesn't include the rollover of short-term Treasury bills.
At the same time, the country also has to repay the various tranches of IMF and European Union loans in four to five years. The bulk of amortization is concentrated in the 2014-15 period, when about EUR70 billion of repayments a year will come due.
Because of that, IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn put forward the idea of extending Greece's repayment schedule in October, but the proposal has met objections from the German government.
"There is a difficulty that is widely recognized that the amount [of debt] to be repaid is high in 2014 and 2015," said Papaconstantinou.
In an effort to address those concerns, Greece is aiming to drastically narrow its chronic deficits over the next few years, and begin producing small surpluses in the central government budget from 2012, something which will aid the country in meeting its debt repayments.
"We believe that by generating primary surpluses from 2012, Greece can return to the markets and meet its repayment commitments as scheduled," he said.
"That effort could be helped by things like that which has been suggested by the head of the IMF, but no decision has been made," he added. "There is no decision to receive an additional loan after 2013."
Earlier Tuesday, the head of the IMF delegation visiting Athens, Poul Tomsen, said that Greece will return to the financial markets as planned, but that it could still face difficulties raising the necessary funds to cover its debt obligations.
Speaking at a briefing, he said the IMF is ready to extend the repayment terms, or else issue a new loan to Greece as necessary.

Se non è un'imbroglio, nessun haircut potrà profilarsi all'orizzonte ...


dove c'è default c'è casa
per assurdo se davvero la Grecia facesse default dopo il 2012 la mia operatività verrebbe premiata, avendo scelto solo le scadenze 2011-2012 e le lunghissime.
ma non credo a nulla, sono un nichilista :D


Utente Senior
per assurdo se davvero la Grecia facesse default dopo il 2012 la mia operatività verrebbe premiata, avendo scelto solo le scadenze 2011-2012 e le lunghissime.
ma non credo a nulla, sono un nichilista :D

poi nel 2014 con la Presidenza Europea sotto un greco si potrebbe festeggiare la rinascita finanziaria :lol::lol::lol:


Forumer storico
per assurdo se davvero la Grecia facesse default dopo il 2012 la mia operatività verrebbe premiata, avendo scelto solo le scadenze 2011-2012 e le lunghissime.
ma non credo a nulla, sono un nichilista :D

Se prendiamo per buone le parole di Papaconstantinou ( e sinora ha sempre mantenuto la parola) l'intenzione stessa di tornare a finanziarsi sui mercati a partire dal 2011 (forse un pò ottimista, ma direi dal 2012) esclude qualunque ipotesi di ristrutturazione dei titoli.
Altrimenti a quali rendimenti dovrebbe piazzarli?


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Irlanda, crisi preoccupante come quella della Grecia - Merkel

Reuters - 23/11/2010 15:09:55
BERLINO, 23 novembre (Reuters) - Il cancelliere tedesco Angela Merkel ha dichiarato oggi che la crisi irlandese è diversa da quella greca ma è preoccupante allo stesso modo, mentre l'euro si trova in una situazione "eccezionalmente grave".

Merkel ha aggiunto comunque che l'europeo migliore non è sempre quello che corre in aiuto per primo. La Germania è stata al centro di forti critiche per aver rimuginato a lungo le sue decisioni durante la crisi del debito nella zona euro.
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