Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (6 lettori)

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EU Commission tells Greece to change tax amnesty

BRUSSELS | Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:38am EST

BRUSSELS Feb 16 (Reuters) - The European Commission told Greece on Wednesday to change tax amnesty legislation that discriminates against funds held abroad by Greek residents, or face being taken to the EU's highest court.
Under the amnesty, Greek taxpayers who voluntarily disclose funds held abroad and transfer them to a Greek bank account are taxed on those funds at a lower rate than money kept outside Greece.
Taxpayers who keep their transferred cash in a Greek account for at least a year are meant to pay a 5 percent tax on the investment, compared to 8 percent for funds held abroad.
"The Commission considers these discriminatory provisions to be incompatible with the freedom to provide services and with the free movement of capital," the EU executive said in a statement.
The Commission said if it did not receive a satisfactory response from Greece within two months it could take the case to the EU's top court, the European Court of Justice.
Greece has implemented tax amnesty measures to help bring more taxpayers into the fiscal net and increase revenues as it aims to meet budget targets agreed under the terms of emergency funding from the EU and the International Monetary Fund.


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Eurozone’s Opportunities To Address Debt Crisis May Slip Away

European Union might miss an opportunity to address the debt crisis, according to Financial Times.

For months, financial markets and policymakers worldwide have been begging European leaders to deal with the short-term needs of debt-laden countries on Eurozone’s periphery, FT said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she would only agree to a package of reforms that included more long-term belt-tightening. Even then, she argued, no quick deal was needed, since markets had calmed.

Financial Times commented that even that much-touted “comprehensive package” is at risk of turning into very little.

Eurogroup reached to an agreement only on the strengthening of European Financial Stability Fund and the extension of Greek loan repayment period. All the other measures, included in the German-French comprehensive pact are becoming more unlikely, according to Financial Times.

Moreover, bond-buying proposals for the fund are facing growing opposition from Germany and its northern allies, while support for lower bail-out loan rates for Ireland is fading.

While Germany, Finland and the Netherlands face polls in March and April, their governments find it hard to ask their taxpayers to pay more to help Eurozone’s periphery, spousing increasingly anti-Brussels sentiment.



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Chiusura sostanzialmente invariata alla Borsa di Atene con l'ASE a 1618 punti a -0,1, bassi volumi di scambio a 74 MLN.

I nostri spread intanto vanno alla deriva, senza interventi massicci del "rottamatore", ora siamo a 876 pb. vicini alla soglia psicologica dei 900 pb.
I minimi registrati in chiusura a 762 pb. sono solo un ricordo di una decina di sedute addietro.
A livello di AT gli spread dopo aver toccato la fortissima resistenza dei 750 bp. sono rimbalzati indietro, dopo essere stati in laterale intorno agli 820 pb. per una decade.
Il prossimo obiettivo potrebbe essere lo stazionamento intorno ad area 880/900 pb. in attesa di eventi che potrebbero prendere forza verso fine mese.


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Athens Exchange Posts Marginal Losses

Athens Stocks posted marginal losses on Wednesday in a thin turnover, after fluctuating consecutively between profits and losses in a narrow margin.

MIG topped FTSE20’s profits, ending at session’s high, up 3.53%. Banks moved mostly downwards, while Thessaloniki Port extended its upward streak with total gains of 18.22% in four sessions.

Merit Securities stated that despite the strong opposition that the issue of privatizations faces, it gets the attention of the market as the privatization scheme is expected to include listed companies that the state is involved.

Markets welcomed privatizations as the course of Hellenic Postbank and ATE Bank showed on Friday, just after the relevant statements, said Merit.

It also noted that the scenario of intensive volatility and Index’s course in the territory of 1600-1700 units appears the most likely, ahead of European Summit in March, while there are no firm indications that the recent upward rally is over.

"It was an indifferent session in the wider absence of catalysts, and a freeze of developments on the EU bailout mechanisms doesn΄t provide inspiration," Manos Giakoumis, head of analysis at Euroxx Securities told Dow Jones Newswires.

"Investors are waiting for fresh newsflow before committing to positions", he added.

Across the board, the General Index ended at 1618.98 points, down 0.10%, after a fluctuation of 17 units or 1.06%. Approximately 23.34mn units were traded worth EUR74.4mn, while a total amount of 84 share rose, 69 declined and 131 remained unchanged.

Banks also posted small losses of 0.36%, at 1404.33. Only Bank of Cyprus moved upwards, with gains of 1.27%, while Hellenic Postbank, Marfin Popular Bank and Proton Bank remained unchanged. ATE Bank fell by 3.75%, while Eurobank, National Bank, Piraeus Bank declined by 1.4%, 0.68% and 0.64% respectively.



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Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a -0,1%, Ppc +1,6%, Titan +1,2%

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase di Atene chiude in calo dello 0,1% a 1681,9 punti.
"E' stata una seduta poco interessante a causa dell'assenza di segnali particolari e la mancanza di novita' dal piano di salvataggio Ue non ha contribuito a fornire stimoli", commenta Manos Giakoumis, head of analysis presso Euroxx Securities. "Gli investitori attendono un nuovo flusso di notizie prima di prendere posizioni", aggiunge.
In territorio positivo Ppc a +1,6% e Titan a +1,2%, Atebank cede il 3,7% ed Eurobank l'1,4%. In leggero ribasso anche National, Hellenic Telecoms e Piraeus a -0,6%.

1618,98 punti.

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