Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (21 lettori)

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La Borsa di Atene ha chiuso la settimana con uno sprint che nelle ultime ore ha spinto l'indice ASE a 1715 punti con un + 3,16%.
Volumi massicci di scambio a quota 192 MLN.
I motivi nei post sopra.

Ne approfittano i GGB stringendo sullo spread di una decina di punti: ora attorno a 863 pb.
Il movimento rimane comunque in laterale.


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National Bank of Greece punta ad Alpha

Da fusione nascera' uno dei maggiori gruppi del Sudest europeo

18 febbraio, 16:16

(ANSA) - ROMA, 18 FEB - National Bank of Greece, maggior istituto della Grecia, ha presentato un'offerta 'amichevole' su Alpha Bank. Lo ha comunicato lo stesso istituto di Atene aggiungendo che dalla fusione nascera' uno dei maggiori gruppi del Sudest europeo. In precedenza i titoli delle due banche erano stati sospesi in Borsa per via dei rumors su un imminente merger.


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Top gov't com’t considers investment deal for Helliniko site

(ANA-MPA) -- Exploiting a valuable tract of land in coastal southern Athens, the Helliniko site, topped the agenda of a high-ranking inter-ministerial committee on Friday, with a “fast track” process on the table ahead of pending negotiations with Qatar investors.

The meeting was chaired by Minister of State Haris Pamboukis, who heads the efforts to lure “strategic investors” to the recession-plagued country.

The Helliniko site includes the previous Athens airport (with two separate terminals), an older military airstrip, other facilities, while border on a coastal sports facility and the greater Athens area’s only golf course. A handful of Olympic venues for less popular sports, now mostly disused, were also built on the site.

Several ministers attended the meeting, including Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou. The entire site is greater than 500 hectares, roughly twice the size of New York City’s Central Park.



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Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a +3,1%, brillano bancari

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase della borsa di Atene termina una seduta dagli alti volumi (192,2 mln euro) in rialzo del 3,1% a quota 1715,1 punti.
L'indice greco trae vantaggio dagli sviluppi del settore M&A locale. Il sotto-indice bancario guadagna il 7,1%. "L'offerta di NbG per Alpha e' positiva per i titoli bancari", spiega un trader.
In territorio positivo Hellenic Postbank a +20%, Eurobank a +17%, Piraeus a +15%, Atebank a +11%.

Le banche oggi sono andate bene ...
Il nostro spread è continuato a scendere. Ora a 860 pb., da due giorni in movimento laterale di recupero.



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Greek Banks Soar On NBG-Alpha Bank Talks

It was one the most interesting sessions in the recent months on Friday, as National Bank’s proposal to Alpha Bank for a merger triggered a –until then- flattish session, pushing the market upwards.

EUR119.62mn out of total turnover’s EUR192.29mn were channelled through banks, which soared, ending at 1556.63 units, up 7.12%.

Hellenic Postbank climbed by 19.77% at EUR4.12, while Eurobank, Proton Bank and Attica Bank rose by 16.89%, 16.47% and 15.6% respectively.

The profits of Piraeus Bank and ATE Bank followed at 15.43% and 10.59% respectively.

Marfin Popular Bank and Bank of Cyprus gained 9.09% and 8.84% respectively, while Geniki Bank was enhanced by 7.55%.

National Bank and Alpha Bank had been posting gains of 1.2% and 4.36%, when Athens Exchange decided to suspend their trading.

Across the board, the General Index ended at 1715.13 units, up 3.16%. Approximately 74.64mn units worth EUR 192.29mn were traded on Friday, while a total amount of 131 shares rose, 44 declined and 109 remained unchanged.

"NBG’s surprise, friendly, all-share offer to absorb Alpha positively shocked the market and led to a banking stock rally," a senior equity analyst told Dow Jones Newswires.

"The development is good for the whole domestic banking sector even if we don’t know if Alpha will accept to create the largest single Greek bank", he added.

Pegasus Securities noted that the market’s dynamics increase the possibility for the General Index to keep an upward trend, while the mild recent corrections maintain the market sentiment at a good level. Along with the developments in the banking sector, the market will focus on the financial results of Frigoglass, Hellenic Petroleum, Eurobank, Marfin Popular, Jumbo and OTE.

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