Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (22 lettori)

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PM to visit Berlin ahead of EU summit

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou is due to visit Berlin for talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel next Tuesday, discussing the Greek economy's course and preparations for the European Union's informal summit on March 11.

"Greece's economic situation, as well as the important measures that are being taken by the country in the framework of its public finances' restructuring programme, will be discussed," German government spokesman Stephen Zeibert said here on Friday.

In this respect, Zeibert underlined the "German support towards the great reform efforts that Greece is making."

Papandreou will also be meeting with German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, the German Social-Democratic Party (SPD) leader Zigmar Gabriel, the president of SPD's parliamentary group and former foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the Green party co-president Claudia Roth.

On Monday, the Greek prime minister will give a lecture at the Humboldt University on the theme "The tackling of the financial-economic crisis, an opportunity for Europe".



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Alpha Bank's rejection of a merger proposed by National Bank of Greece, the publication of a list of tax evaders and new opinion polls mostly dominated the front-page items in Athens' Sunday newspapers.

APOCALYPSES: "Elections in April with a 'rainbow' government".

ARTHRO: "Mergers a solution (for banking sector)".

AVGHI: "Storm warning for the government, economy".

AVRIANI: "Qatar knew about the government's plan for a merger between Alpha and NBG".

CHORA: "In prison for one euro".

ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Electoral collapse for 'memorandum' PASOK".

ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "List of 20,000 tax evaders".

EPOCHI: "We should flood the streets".

ETHNOS: "Alpha-NBG's 'Blood Wedding' and the thriller between the banks".

KATHIMERINI: "Government amidst the Symplegades".

LOGOS: "Pay cuts in the public and private sectors".

NIKI tis DIMOKRATIAS: "We are selling off state land with...Papaconstantinou's seal of approval".

PARON (weekly): "The 'troika' is governing. 'Slap' from 80.5 pct of the public".

PROTO THEMA (weekly): "SDOE (financial crimes investigation unit) freezes 75 accounts for submarine kickbacks".

REALNEWS (weekly): "The bank accounts that 'hog-tie' Akis Tsohatzopoulos!".

RIZOSPASTIS: "With all our strength for the success of the strike".

TO VIMA: "Bankers play poker, anxious government looks on".

VRADYNI: "The new supplementary pensions. Which insurance funds are affected, which are saved".



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Buongiorno a tutto il forum

dal 7 febbraio ho perso, abbiamo perso il contatto con tutto quanto è successo nel mondo...

solo oggi sto cercando di vedere una certa normalità che dobbiamo avere nella vita di tutti i giorni e uno dei problemi (inutili e assurdi) era quella sui TdS della Grecia, 2019 al 6,5%

ho visto che vale 69 e me la ricordavo a 71 circa

vorrei solo sapere questo, per favore (non ho concentrazione mentale e energie fisiche anche solo per stare al pc), come è la situazione, molto in breve. Se sarebbe meglio vendere oppure mediare con qualcosina (io le ho alla pari... non correvo al guadagno facile, vi ricordate?) Scusatemi se purtroppo non posso aiutarvi e per altro tempo non sarò in grado. Grazie e scusate questa mia scena patetica!

Ciao Noloss, non è successo nulla di particolare a cui non siamo abituati ...
Lo spread dopo aver stretto sino a 762 pb. ha ricominciato ad allargare sino a 871 pb. A partire da giovedì l'allargamento si è tendenzialmente lateralizzato chiudendo venerdì a 843 pb.
Manca poco agli incontri decisivi di marzo dove si giocherà un'importante partita sulla testa dei nostri GGB.
Come al solito, rimango fiducioso.
Nonostante tanti profeti di sciagure, i nostri titoli rimangono sempre in bilico, ma non cadono mai...


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Strauss-Kahn: Greece asked IMF’s aid already in December 2009

Posted on 20 February 2011 by Apostolos Papapostolou

Prime minister George Papandreou had contacted the International Monetary Fund (IMF) when he was less than two months on post and while he was declaring that Greece will not seek the help of the IMF, said the managing director of the Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, in an interview to a French TV station.
According to Kathimerini’s Sunday edition that brought the subject into light, Strauss- Kahn says at the Canal+ documentary, on him and his life, that Papandreou first contacted IMF on December 2009, less than two months after being elected and while the Greek government was declaring that the IMF will never be an acceptable solution to the Greek crisis.
Government spokesman Giorgos Petalotis commented on Sunday with a statement saying that the Government, faced with the possibility of the country’s bankruptcy, had to take all the necessary measures.



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Se sarebbe meglio vendere ....
e me lo chiedi ? :lol:
Ecco in tre step la soluzione a tutti i tuoi mali:
1) Vendi la carta igienica ellenica (non pensare ai 31.000 euro di perdita, pensa ai 69.000 che ancora miracolosamente riesci a salvare :) )
2) Se tua moglie non ti ha ancora sequestrato il bancomat, investi 100 euro del salvato in un puttan tour con le Rumene sulla circonvallazione
3) Divorzia: meglio barbone che zerbino :D
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