Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (1 Viewer)

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Crisi: inflazione sopra 2% piu' a lungo

Orphanides, banca centrale pronta ad azioni appropriate

(ANSA) - ROMA, 21 FEB - L'inflazione nell'eurozona potrebbe rimanere sopra il 2% più a lungo del previsto e i banchieri centrali della Bce devono essere pronti a intraprendere azioni appropriate. Lo ha detto l'esponente della Bce Athanasios Orphanides in una intervista a Dow Jones pubblicata sul sito della Banca centrale di Cipro. Tuttavia, ha aggiunto Orphanides, 'se l'aumento dell'inflazione e' di natura temporanea e non minaccia la stabilità dei prezzi nel medio termine, non c'e' motivo di allarme'.


Umile contadino
La situazione è estremamente complessa, l'incendio si sta estendendo a tutte le nazioni arabe del nord africa.

La Borsa di Atene continua a macinare guadagni: indice ASE prepotentemente sopra i 1700 punti: attualmente 1746 con + 1,85%, alti i volumi di scambio.

I nostri spread sembrano reggere bene alle pressioni, attualmente intorno a 862 pb.
Rispetto alla situazione nord africana, la mia Bei in rand sudafricani potrà risentirne ? Per la tripla A della Bei non credo proprio ma per il cambio rand-euro...


out of time...
Accadra' senz'altro non appena verra' sostituito dal "Grecia lercio stato canaglia etc. etc." :D

se si fosse scelto come nick mezzadracma sarebbe stato il massimo :lol:

e me lo chiedi ? :lol:
Ecco in tre step la soluzione a tutti i tuoi mali:
1) Vendi la carta igienica ellenica (non pensare ai 31.000 euro di perdita, pensa ai 69.000 che ancora miracolosamente riesci a salvare :) )
2) Se tua moglie non ti ha ancora sequestrato il bancomat, investi 100 euro del salvato in un puttan tour con le Rumene sulla circonvallazione
3) Divorzia: meglio barbone che zerbino :D

..un po' acido stamattina..??:D


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PM heads for talks with Merkel in Germany

Greece's loan conditions expected to top Papandreou's agenda


Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou is due to fly to Germany on Monday ahead of talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on Tuesday, as part of series of meetings with his European counterparts.

Merkel will be the first leader that Papandreou meets ahead of a meeting of eurozone chiefs on March 11 and an EU leaders’ summit on March 24 and 25.

It is thought that Papandreou will urge Merkel to agree to the repayment period for Greece’s 110-billion-euro emergency loan being extended and its interest rate being reduced.

The Greek premier is hoping that the German chancellor will agree to these changes not being dependent on Athens adopting the “competitiveness pact” that she presented earlier this month with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, which calls for tighter wage controls and retirement ages to be linked to life expectancy.

The meeting will also be an opportunity to patch up the rocky relations between the two countries over the last few months. In November, Papandreou criticized Merkel’s public suggestions that private investors be asked to accept a reduced profit, or “haircut” on government bonds, as part of a permanent support mechanism for eurozone members.

The Greek prime minister said that Merkel’s comments were driving up bond spreads for countries with weaker economies. Government spokesman Giorgos Petalotis was forced to insist that there was no “Greek-German war” after the row between the two leaders.

"Greece's economic situation, as well as the important measures that are being taken by the country in the framework of the restructuring of its public finances, will be discussed,» German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said in reference to Tuesday’s meeting.

Papandreou will also meet German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, the German Social-Democratic Party (SPD) leader Sigmar Gabriel, the president of SPD's parliamentary group and former foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the Green party co-president Claudia Roth.

On Wednesday, Papandreou will fly to Helsinki for talks with Finland’s Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi.

ekathimerini.com , Monday February 21, 2011 (11:26)

La visita avviene all'indomani della cocente sconfitta patita ad Amburgo.
Il rischio è l'arrocco ...


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UBS: Consolidation In The Banking Sector Makes Sense

UBS Investment Research said on Monday it expects more developments in the Greek banking sector, according to a report.

UBS noted that despite Alpha Bank’s rejection of National Bank’s bid on Friday, “the ball is now rolling and we would expect more developments on this front”.

The Greek banks are responding to the challenging environment and the call of the regulators and policymakers to consolidate.

“We have long argued that consolidation may prove to be beneficial to the Greek banking system and its shareholders”, said UBS.

Mergers will help create bigger financial institutions with more robust balance sheets. The resulting entities should have better access to capital markets, deliver synergies and should ultimately be significantly better placed to compete in Central and South Eastern Europe.

However, UBS states that each merger proposal has to be examined on a case-by-case basis to determine the extent and share of benefits between each of the banks’ shareholders, as mergers are no panacea for sovereign, liquidity and asset quality woes.



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High-profile statements by IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn, closer scrutiny in the wider public sector to stop unregistered hirings and a meeting on Tuesday in Berlin between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and PM George Papandreou mostly dominated the headlines on Monday.

ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "George Papandreou himself asked for IMF invasion".

AVRIANI: "Papandreou betrayed his country and party". City Press: "Recourse to IMF was already decided".

ELEFTHEROS: "All-out war between ministers over government's confusion."

ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Recourse to IMF a premeditated crime (by the government)".

ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Stop to all hirings in public sector".

ESTIA: "Understanding by political parties necessary".

ETHNOS: "Law framework for transfers in public sector".

NAFTEMPORIKI: "Banker mergers chapter opening".

TA NEA: "Papandreou-Merkel meeting of the year".

VRADYNI: "Sell-off of state land, assets".



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Athens Market Moves Stabilizing

National Bank and Alpha Bank monopolize the interest on Monday, as the General Index moves stabilizing in the wake of a merger proposal. Alpha Bank gains up to 18.5%.

Nikos Chrisochoidis told Capital.gr that the merger proposal interesting, as there is a need for alliances in the Greek banking sector. The market is expected to focus on the proposed deal, however the macroeconomic issues are so important that can not be easily left out.

He added that liquidity problems continue to weigh on the domestic market, as the problematic macros affect primarily the banks.

Pegasus Securities comments that the uncertain ending of NBG’s proposal is expected to increase market’s volatility.

NBG’s bid for Alpha Bank dominates the newsflow and it should enhance investors’ attention on the ASE, according to Kyprou Securities.

“Alpha’s BoD rejection of the offer should not stop NBG’s interest for Alpha. High volatility should be the ASE’s main feature in the short-term and possibly the mid-term as well with risks standing on the upside at the moment”, Kyprou says in its morning report.

Across the board, the General Index is at 1704.63 units, down 0.61% in a very heavy turnover of EUR142mn. A total amount of 44 shares rise, 90 decline and 64 remain unchanged.

Banks fluctuate between profits and losses, currently at 1555.94 units, down 0.04%. Alpha Bank stands out with gains of 11.27%, while National Bank rises by 2.51%. ATE Bank, Proton Bank and Bank of Cyprus are under pressure, falling by 6.38%, 6.06% and 5.32% respectively, while Eurobank, Piraeus Bank and Marfin Popular Bank decline by 4.56%, 4.28% and 4.17% respectively.


Spread in oscillazione stabile, con tendenza all'allargamento. Ora 868 pb. circa.
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