Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (18 lettori)

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Euro Zone's Survival Isn't In Question But Its Size Is

By Tom Barkley

WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--The euro is expected to survive the ongoing economic turmoil engulfing the continent, but there is a risk that countries in a financial tailspin could be forced to drop the common currency.

"I can't see the currency disbanding entirely [but] I can see that someone might pull out," said Joseph Gagnon, a former Federal Reserve economist, during a Dow Jones/Wall Street Journal foreign-exchange roundtable on Feb. 17 in Washington.

While European leaders have tackled the short-term threat from soaring sovereign-debt levels, the gap between core economies, such as Germany, and peripheral countries, such as Greece, poses a longer-term challenge for the currency union, said Gagnon, now a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

Eswar Prasad, a professor of trade policy at Cornell University, agreed.

"If the core countries in Europe force upon Greece very significant adjustment, then perhaps Greece will balk," Prasad said. Since Greece is benefiting from what is in essence a budget subsidy, he predicted that any action would come from the wealthier countries.

Edwin Truman, who held senior international finance positions at the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury, said he sees only a 10% chance that a country such as Greece or Ireland would pull out of the euro zone. But he said he believes such a move would be initiated by the country itself.

"My sense is, if you have someone pulling out, it would be some person who comes to power in one of the peripheral countries, and they say, 'Forget it'," said Truman, now a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
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Greece Passes Key Law To Liberalize Closed Professions

ATHENS -(Dow Jones)- Greece's government was able to pass its sweeping liberalization of so-called closed professions in a final parliamentary vote Tuesday, despite months of protracted strikes.

The deregulation of cosseted professions, as well as other measures to overhaul an over-regulated economy, are some of the most important demands made by the International Monetary Fund and European Union in exchange for Greece's drawing on the EUR110 billion bailout to avoid sovereign debt default.

Greece's ruling Pasok party used its 156-member majority, out of a total of 300 seats in parliament, to pass the controversial law in a final "on the whole vote." Last Thursday the parliament approved an article by article reading of the bill amid last minute amendments.

One of the socialist government's most ambitious reforms, the effort set off storms of protests over the last few months. The law abolishes regulations on 150 cosseted professions, sweeping away rules that govern everything from minimum fees to geographical restrictions, to the number of permits issued each year.

The focus of the legislation is mainly on a handful of key linchpin sectors-- such as lawyers, auditors, engineers, architects and notaries--but the scope of the plan is likely to shake up the Greek economy.

Maggioranza blindata: chissà quanta invidia per Papandreou ... almeno, su questo frangente.
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Papandreou In Search of International Investors

Posted on 22 February 2011 by Tania Mourtzila

George Papandreou is undergoing efforts concerning the investment deficiency and money shortage. A line of trips are being planned to China, Japan, Australia, India, Brazil, U.S.A and Canada, as well as European countries such as Germany and Russia. The possibility of visiting Australia had been on the table, but up to now the trip has not been fixed.
The cornerstone of the visits is considered to be China. The country is known to possess billions of dollars and thus in search of interested markets to invest in. China has an interest in Greece.
The Chinese are basically interested in commerce, railways and banks, but they also seek to put in use special tecnological knowledge sponsoring to that end other countries.
According to political resources, the level of the Chinese investments in Greece could be up to 200 billion euros. The big question is if Greece wiil accept the offer.


Un pò ottimistica la Tania ...
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Greek ships to take Chinese, Europeans from Libya

Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:31am EST

* Ships head to Libya to take out up to 15,000 Chinese
* Europeans will be brought to a Greek port

ATHENS, Feb 22 (Reuters) - Greek passenger ships are heading to Libya to collect Europeans and about 15,000 Chinese being evacuated from the turbulent north African country.
"Three passenger ships are sailing to Tripoli to bring back European citizens to a Greek port," said a Citizen Protection Ministry statement. "Additionally, an operation is organised to transfer about 15,000 Chinese home through the island of Crete."
Officials said this was done at the request of their governments. Earlier on Tuesday, Greece also sent a ship to repatriate Greeks living in Libya, where violent protests have erupted against the government of Muammar Gaddafi.
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Merkel Says EU Considering Extension of Financial Aid Program for Greece

By Tony Czuczka - Feb 22, 2011 7:28 PM GMT+0100 Tue Feb 22 18:28:20 GMT 2011

The European Union is considering extending the aid program for Greece, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said.

Asked if Germany was considering lower interest rates for Greek aid, Merkel said that the Irish aid program will last for seven years and the Greek program only three years.

It’s “certainly being discussed” to extend the Greek bailout program, though that would have to be part of the broader package under discussion for the Brussels summit on fighting the soveriegn debt crisis, Merkel told reporters in Berlin today after talks with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou.

“It’s one issue that’s on the table,” she said, emphasizing that no decision has been made.

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il Fankazzista
EUR/USD bouncing back; limited downside on Spain

Written by Jamie Coleman
February 22, 2011 at 18:26 GMT

Negative comments from S&P on the outlook for Spain helped prompt a dip to the 1.3635 level but there was no follow-through and EUR/US is grinding higher once again. Most sane people have retreated to the sidelines allowing the aglos to push the market to and fro with impunity.
Just crossing the wires, German Chancellor Merkel says altering the schedule for Greek debt repayment can be considered in the context of a comprehensive euro package (expected late next month).
Earlier, Merkel’s coalition once again rejected the idea of ESFS funds being used to buy back debt….
After meeting with Merkel, Greek PM Papandreou says that Greece will repay all its Debts and will not be a burden to German taxpayers. All our efforts have been toward avoiding a debt restructuring, he said.


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Chinese evacuated via Crete

(ANA-MPA) -- Roughly 13,000 Chinese working in Libya will return to their country via Crete, following a request by the Chinese government to Greece and Italy for the evacuation of nearly 40,000 Chinese nationals, workers and business people, stranded in the strife-torn North African country.

According to reports, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou has contacted the regional governor of Crete and requested the best possible accommodations and support services for the Chinese nationals.

The evacuees are expected to arrive on the large southern Aegean island on Thursday and will be staying in local hotels until they are flown back to China aboard chartered planes that will take off from the airports of Irakleio and Hania.

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