Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (16 lettori)

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Umile contadino
Mi spiace dirlo ......veramente mi spiace dirlo ......ma a questo punto ritengo che potenze economiche o politche stia veramente operando per destabilizzare sia la zona euro che altre ampie parti del mondo.........è un susseguirsi ininterrotto di avvenimenti econmici e politici negativi .......stiamo entrando veramente nella fantascienza.............seguivo un programma e la domanda era ora cosa capiterà .......(naturalemente in senso negativo) .......è un susseguirsi continuo ed ininterrotto non ci lasciano respirare .............:rolleyes:
Hai ragione, mi fai venire in mente quando tanti anni fa avevo dei fondi Arca e sui far east che non andavano per nulla bene (disavanzo cronico Giappone...) il direttore della mia banca mi diceva continuamente che era solo questione di tempo, di orizzonte temporale... dopo 11 anni ero ancora in loss, come doveva essere un orizzonte temporale generazionale tramandato di padre in figlio ? E sui titoli di stato semplificando, non me ne vogliano gli amici esperti, è la stessa cosa ; i momenti di tranquillità sono sempre più rari. E' vero che ogni movimento finanziario ha i suoi movimenti ma quando è troppo è troppo.


Forumer storico
La Borsa anche oggi chiude in negativo: indice ASE a 1619 - 2,93. Volumi sostenuti a 134 MLN.
Un paio di giorni fa eravamo a quota 1730 ... sulla spinta dei titoli bancari.

I nostri spread si mantengono in oscillazione stabile intorno a 872 pb. Questa mattina eravamo sui massimi intorno agli 877.

In serata sapremo come sarà andato l'incontro Merkel-Papandreou.


Forumer storico
Hai ragione, mi fai venire in mente quando tanti anni fa avevo dei fondi Arca e sui far east che non andavano per nulla bene (disavanzo cronico Giappone...) il direttore della mia banca mi diceva continuamente che era solo questione di tempo, di orizzonte temporale... dopo 11 anni ero ancora in loss, come doveva essere un orizzonte temporale generazionale tramandato di padre in figlio ? E sui titoli di stato semplificando, non me ne vogliano gli amici esperti, è la stessa cosa ; i momenti di tranquillità sono sempre più rari. E' vero che ogni movimento finanziario ha i suoi movimenti ma quando è troppo è troppo.

La differenza è che i nostri titoli hanno un orizzonte temporale definito: dopo aver pagato le cedole, tornano a 100.
Sempre che non fanno default :D.


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NEWSMAKER-Nationality is main hurdle for Draghi's ECB hopes

* Draghi is frontrunner but being Italian a big obstacle
* Monetary policy pragmatist, no clear hawk or dove profile
* Goldman Sachs experience may come under closer scrutiny

By Gavin Jones

ROME, Feb 22 (Reuters) - If the European Central Bank's president were chosen purely on ability and qualifications most analysts say Mario Draghi would be a shoo-in to replace Jean-Claude Trichet when his term expires in October.

A former Harvard economics professor with top level experience of government, financial regulation, at the World Bank and in the private sector, the 63 year-old Bank of Italy chief would seem to have a near-perfect curriculum vitae.

A Reuters survey last week showed 29 economists out of 45 tipped Draghi as favourite and he has growing backing from the financial press, with the Financial Times and the Economist both running commentaries saying he is the right man for the job.

Yet the decision -- likely to come by June but possibly as late as September -- will not be taken by markets or newspapers, but by governments who must answer to their voters.

As such, Draghi's biggest problem is his nationality.

"Please, not this Italian!" top-selling tabloid Bild said in a piece last week calling for Berlin to back a German candidate.

"Mamma mia, in Italy, inflation goes with life like tomato sauce goes with pasta! Signore Draghi can say the opposite as much as he likes," it said.

Tabloid sensationalism aside, political sources say Berlin is reluctant to accept an Italian. Germany wants a president it feels sure will run orthodox policy that keeps a tight grip on inflation, if necessary at the expense of the growth that the euro zone's southern states desperately need.

The lurid sex scandals involving Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi are unlikely to have helped. And in terms of the hard political bargaining, southern Europe already has the ECB vice presidency in Portugal's Vitor Constancio.

"Draghi will have to convince people that he is representing himself and not Italy, and that won't be easy," a senior European central banker said.

Having worked for four years as an executive at Goldman Sachs could also hurt Draghi as the ECB appointment nears, because of the role of investment banks in the financial crisis and a row over deals Goldman did with Greece a decade ago.

For now, though, support for the man known for his sharp intellect, unflappable temperament and immaculate black suits appears to be gathering momentum following the shock withdrawal of Bundesbank President Axel Weber from the race.


Draghi is well aware of the strength of resistance to an Italian ECB chief among German public opinion and he is also aware he will not get the job without the support, or at least the acceptance, of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
It is no coincidence that he has chosen German dailies for two of his very rare press interviews over the last year.

In a recent interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Draghi praised Germany's economy and opposed a proposal by his own economy minister for the issuance of common euro zone bonds, but some readers were not buying it.

"Mr Draghi shouldn't speak so much, he should clear up at home in Italy, in Rome, Naples, Milan," was just one of a raft of sceptical reader responses on the FAZ's web page. "If he manages this Labour of Hercules, then he can be ECB President, but certainly not before."

An effective communicator in fluent English, Draghi has won wide praise among policymakers over the last two years as president of the Financial Stability Board, charged with creating new rules to make financial markets more solid.

But on monetary policy itself, he has not carved out a clear public profile. While he stressed the importance of price stability in the FAZ interview, analysts say he remains one of the hardest ECB members to pigeon-hole in traditional "hawk-dove" terms.

His speeches address the need for more co-ordination in euro zone governance, structural reform, market imbalances or banking stability, but it is hard to find warnings about price pressures, second round effects or pre-emptive action. Indeed, he tends to avoid issues with clear interest rate implications.

So there may be no justification for German fears he would not be tough on inflation, but there is equally little clear public evidence that he would be.


The Bank of Italy said last February he had no role in the complex swap deals conducted by Goldman Sachs for Greece that may have allowed it to mask the size of its public debt.

In an interview with German business daily Handelsblatt Draghi went further, saying he had never worked with any government while at Goldman but only with corporate clients, in order to avoid any conflict of interest stemming from his time at the Italian Treasury.

The issue is likely to be brandished again by his opponents, but most analysts see it as a minor threat unless improbable wrongdoing is unearthed.

"It would only be really important if there were still some skeletons in the closet," said ING economist Carsten Brzeski.
"Just having worked at Goldman Sachs at the same time as it did the forex swaps to tweak the numbers, it's a small issue."
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Crisi: Bce, focus su alti debiti

Evitare vie di fuga da regole bilancio Ue

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 FEB - La riforma della governance economica Ue dovrebbe 'concentrarsi sui Paesi dell'area euro con grossi deficit correnti, significative perdite di competitivita' e alti livelli di debito pubblico e privato'. Lo scrive la Bce in un'opinione formale sulle proposte di riforme della COmmissione Ue. Nel riformare la governance economica europea bisognerebbe - secondo la Bce - eliminare le 'clausole di fuga' che hanno permesso di aggirare le sanzioni per i Paesi in eccesso di deficit o debito pubblico.


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Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a -2,9%, male bancari

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase della Borsa di Atene chiude la seduta in calo del 2,9% a 1.619,5 punti con un forte volume di scambi di 134 mln euro.
Hellenic Postbank perde il 5,9%, Ppc il 5%, Eurobank il 4,1%, Piraeus il 3,5%, Hellenic Telecoms il 2,5% e National il 2,1%


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ECB gradually exiting liquidity measures-Provopoulos

ATHENS | Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:05am EST

ATHENS Feb 22 (Reuters) - The ECB is in the process of gradually exiting extraordinary liquidity measures as conditions in the euro zone normalise, ECB governing council member George Provopoulos said on Tuesday.
"As conditions in the euro zone normalise the tendency to exit extraordinary liquidity measures increases," Provopoulos told the Greek parliament's economic affairs committee.
"The ECB is in a phase of exiting extraordinary liquidity measures... Of course this will be gradual," he added.
Referring to a proposed buyout bid from Greece's National Bank (NBGr.AT) for Alpha (ACBr.AT), he said the central bank favoured bank mergers if they were well planned and friendly.


Forumer storico
Greek ships to take Chinese, Europeans from Libya

Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:31pm GMT

* Ships head to Libya to take out up to 15,000 Chinese
* Europeans will be brought to a Greek port

ATHENS, Feb 22 (Reuters) - Greek passenger ships are heading to Libya to collect Europeans and about 15,000 Chinese being evacuated from the turbulent north African country.
"Three passenger ships are sailing to Tripoli to bring back European citizens to a Greek port," said a Citizen Protection Ministry statement. "Additionally, an operation is organised to transfer about 15,000 Chinese home through the island of Crete."
Officials said this was done at the request of their governments. Earlier on Tuesday, Greece also sent a ship to repatriate Greeks living in Libya, where violent protests have erupted against the government of Muammar Gaddafi.

I buoni rapporti ellenico-cinesi.
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Athens Market Falls By 2.93%

Athens Exchange suffered heavy losses again on Tuesday, as the General Index moved in negative territory throughout the session, in the wake of the abortive -so far- talks between National Bank and Alpha Bank, while the uprising in Libya brought nervousness in the markets.

The shares of NBG and Alpha Bank, which yesterday managed to end with profits despite General Index’s decline, fell by 4.47% and 5.37% respectively on Tuesday.

Analysts expect nervousness to maintain in the domestic market, anticipating a conclusion regarding National Bank’s proposal for a friendly merger with Alpha Bank, which will keep determining the sentiment in the banking sector.

The latter also focuses on the course of Greek bond spreads, which keeps a widening trend recently, following German Central Bank’s statements on Monday against purchase of government bonds by EFSF in the secondary market.

Additionally, intensifying unrest in Libya brings nervousness in international markets, resulting a strong upward trend in oil prices.

Pegasus Securities expected negative sentiment to be fuelled by crude oil’s strong ascending momentum and foreign markets’ correction trend, driving altogether the Athens market towards lower levels.

Moreover, investors “demonstrate their disappointment over (non) developments in the domestic banking sector”, as the market’s expectations as to NBG’s friendly takeover bid over Alpha Bank quickly fades away, according to Pegasus’s morning report.

Across the board, the General Index ended at 1619.36 units, down 2.93% in a turnover of EUR134.1mn. A total amount of 145 shares declined, 105 remained unchanged and 34 rose.

Banks fell by 3.37%, at 1455.23 units. Alpha Bank and National Bank recorded losses of 2.58% and 2.11% respectively.

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