Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (5 lettori)

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New Membro
giub 21-04-2011, 08:47 #29105
Si potrebbe utilizzare il VAN che scaturirebbe dalle diverse ipotesi.
Calcolare VAN o IRR dei vari scenari possibili sarebbe un compito titanico, e poco utile; darebbe un falso senso di "scientificità" ad una situazione che è del tutto magmatica.
La situazione attuale è una grande partita a poker, in cui tutti i giocatori cercano legittimamente di trarre il massimo vantaggio, ma senza sfasciare il tavolo di gioco.
- L'UE ha fornito alla Grecia i mezzi per tamponare la crisi di liquidità, ma vuole evitare comportamenti opportunistici (il ricatto del debitore), e vuole evitare di buttare soldi in un pozzo senza fine; attende che la Grecia faccia la sua parte.
- La Grecia sa che deve vendere parte dell'argenteria di famiglia, ma non vuole essere costretta a svendere sotto la minaccia delle quotazioni TDS sul secondario; prenderà tutto il tempo disponibile per poter vendere al massimo possibile.
- La speculazione ha interesse a diffondere panico, nelle forti oscillazioni i professionisti hanno le massime opportunità di guadagno.

Più che ad una quantificazione esatta delle varie ipotesi, io pensavo a qualcosa di più "casereccio", volto a misurare apprimativamente le visioni e gli stati d'animo; ad esempio una domanda di questo tipo:
"Posto 100 per il pagamento integrale di cedole e capitale nei tempi già definiti, e 0 (zero) per la perdita totale di quanto investito, quanto pensi riceveranno gli investitori su TDS Greci?"

come anche in altri hanno provato a spiegare, non avrebbe senso.
Secondo te vale più l'opzione "avere a scadenza 100 con cedola al 1% e allungamento di dieci anni" o un "haircut del 30%"??
Se ci fai i calcoli conviene molto di più l'haircut.
Ma ponendolo come la metti tu se io dico "mi aspetto 100" e tu dici "io 70", allora, senza le opportune premesse, il senso sarebbe opposto.
Alternativamente, come valuti un allungamento di 2 anni visto che a scadenza non puoi avere "cedole e capitale nei tempi già definiti,"? Sarebbe 0?

O per girartela, un allungamento del maturity come lo classifichi?

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Da questo articolo di cui suggerisco la lettura: FT Alphaville Barber-ians at the (Greek) gate


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Citi: Greece Could Achieve A Sustainable Debt/GDP Ratio

Citi said that Greece could achieve a sustainable debt/GDP ratio through a combination of measures and a 40% haircut, according to a report titled “Hellenic Banks, Fancy a Haircut?”

The Greek government has a number of tools at its disposal such as more austerity, debt maturity extension, lower interest rates, asset sales and an outright haircut. Citi believes that the best combination to achieve a sustainable Debt/GDP is through a combination of measures and a 40% haircut.

Leaving the haircut for the future means a larger haircut for the same reduction in Debt/GDP, says Citi, adding that once debtholders fully realise that Greece cannot escape a haircut, they should accelerate “the event” as soon as possible.

Under a 40% haircut, the banks’ 2012E CET1 ratio would decline to 5.3% (from 10.9%), thus requiring a recapitalisation of €4bn to achieve 7% CET1 ratio. Such a capital raise would represent 20% dilution to 2012E shareholders’ equity. ATEbank, Piraeus and Hellenic Postbank look most vulnerable, according to CIti.

Under Citi’s haircut scenarios, banks in Belgium, France and Germany are the most exposed, with impact to equity Tier 1 ratios ranging from 8 – 111 bps in these three countries.

CIti also updated its estimates to reflect 2010 results, and revise its target prices to reflect new estimates and mark to market of GGBs, however made no changes to its ratings.

It now has three Sells (ATEbank, Piraeus and Hellenic Postbank), three Holds (Eurobank, National Bank, Marfin Popular Bank), while Bank of Cyprus remains Citi’s favoured pick.



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UPDATE 1-Citi says no wrongdoing as Greece probes debt email

Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:56am EDT

* Greece says probe launched into Citi email
* Citi says no wrongdoing by the bank or employees
* Email cites "increased noise" over debt restructuring
(Adds detail, background)

By Lefteris Papadimas and Douwe Miedema

ATHENS/LONDON, April 21 (Reuters) - Citigroup (C.N) said it had done nothing wrong after Greece launched a probe into market rumours about an imminent restructuring of the country's sovereign debt that had hit Greek bank stocks.
Greek officials said on Thursday that an investigation launched by a Greek prosecutor late on Wednesday was prompted by an e-mail sent by a Citigroup employee.
"We are cooperating with the authorities and do not consider there to have been any wrongdoing by Citi or its employees," Citi said in an emailed statement.
Greek bank stocks .FTATBNK dropped 4.6 percent on Wednesday on what traders said were rumours spread by email that the country would soon restructure its debt.
A Finance Ministry official later told Reuters that the e-mail in question was sent by a Citigroup analyst, and that the ministry had asked the prosecutor to take up the issue.
"The prosecutor is investigating this particular email and the person who sent it because it spread false rumours with an effect on the stock market," a court official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
Greece has repeatedly said it would not restructure the country's debt, in stark defiance of market sentiment that a restructuring was increasingly likely.
The email, the content of which was forwarded to Reuters, cites "increased noise" over a Greek debt restructuring "as early as this Easter weekend", and notes how spreads in the bond market were widening.


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Balkan Economic Recovery Is at Risk From Greek Woes, Mirow Says

By Daryna Krasnolutska and Boris Cerni - Apr 21, 2011 10:21 AM GMT+0200

Thu Apr 21 08:21:26 GMT 2011
The Balkans remains at risk from Greece’s sovereign debt crisis as the region’s recovery is weaker than elsewhere in eastern Europe, said European Bank for Reconstruction and Development President Thomas Mirow.
Greece, which asked the European Union and the International Monetary Fund for financial aid last year, is seeing its borrowing costs surge on investors’ concern that it may need to restructure its debt. Those concerns may impact banks operating in the Balkans and the EBRD, along with the IMF, will work to prevent the contagion, Mirow said.
For the rest of the Balkans, “I would say it is a potential risk and it needs to be mitigated and contained,” Mirow said in an interview in Kiev yesterday. “We have been quite active, especially in the regard to the financial sector, as subsidiaries of Greek banks play an important role in these countries.”
The EBRD, which was established after the fall of communism to help nations in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union in the transition to a market economy, forecast the Balkans to expand 1.9 percent this year, half the pace of the rest of central and eastern Europe.
In the region, Slovenia, Romania and Bulgaria are already members of the EU, with Croatia the next in line to join the world’s largest trading bloc. All former Yugoslav nations want to eventually become EU members.
“To start with Romania and Bulgaria, they are very slow to return to growth and that means that they take quite longer than others to recover from the crisis,” said Mirow.

Bosnia Mess

Bosnia & Herzegovina, the scene of the worst fighting during the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, is suffering the worst, he said.
Bosnia still doesn’t have a central government after October general elections. Serbs, Croats and Muslims have failed to agree as each nation seeks a dominant position in the landlocked Balkan country.
“There is insufficient will between nations to cooperate in a way that would make Bosnia & Herzegovina a stable and attractive environment for private investments,” Mirow said.
In neighboring Serbia, the most populous of the former Yugoslav republics, the pro-European governments of past years have helped in some areas, though there is a long way to go.
“Serbia is a country that for some years had quite a pro- European majority, but it is struggling in many respects at the same time,” he said. “Western Balkans remain a difficult area and inclusion into more European perspective still has some issues and problems.”

‘Good Signal’

Croatia, which faces elections by the end of the year, aims to wrap up EU entry talks by the end of June as the Adriatic nation struggles to overhaul its judiciary and bolster the economic recovery.
Serbia hopes to win EU candidate status this year. Mirow said the accession of Croatia into the EU would be a “good signal” for the rest of the Balkans.
“The European Union has also drawn lessons from premature accession agreements that do not take into consideration sufficiently, for instance, the situation of the legal system and judiciary,” Mirow said. “I hope they will be accomplished, but I cannot predict it.”


Un'occhiata all'area balcanica.


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Russian Visits to Greece Offset Declines From Western Europe

By Tom Stoukas - Apr 21, 2011 1:14 PM GMT+0200

Thu Apr 21 11:14:47 GMT 2011
The number of visitors to Greece increased 0.6 percent in 2010 as a surge in arrivals from Russia, Serbia and Poland offset a decline in visitors from western Europe.
Visitors from Russia surged almost 64 percent to 451,239 buoyed by an economy that grew 4 percent in 2010. Arrivals from Serbia and Montenegro rose 42 percent to 706,635 while Polish tourist numbers almost doubled to 402,170. Cypriot travelers rose 32 percent to 574,674.
A total of 15 million visitors arrived in Greece in 2010, compared with 14.9 million a year earlier, the Hellenic Statistical Authority said in an e-mailed statement today.
The tourist season was affected by strikes, that shuttered transport services, as the government was forced to implement austerity measures as part of conditions attached to a bailout from the European Union and International Monetary Fund. Tourism contributes 16 percent to Greek gross domestic product and accounts for one in five jobs, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council, an industry group.
German visitor numbers dropped almost 14 percent to 2.04 million. Visitors from the U.K. declined almost 15 percent to 1.8 million and non-resident visits from France fell 10 percent to 868,346.
The figures are based on a sample taken at border entry points by the Bank of Greece.



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ECB's Trichet: Confident U.S. Will Consolidate Budget

PARIS (MNI) - In the wake of Standard and Poor's warning of a possible downgrade of the credit rating of the United States, European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said Thursday that he was confident that Washington would reduce its deficit.
"I have confidence that the United States will correct the budget situation," Trichet said in a radio interview, citing the recent assurances of U.S. President Barack Obama.
All the advanced economies face "serious" budget problems, he noted.
An accord on a bailout program for Portugal should be reached before the upcoming national elections, Trichet said, noting that the principles of a deal had been accepted by authorities and that details are currently being worked out by the ECB, the IMF and the European Commission with all of the country's political movements.
Trichet declined to comment on the risk of a restructuring of Greece's debts, saying simply that the bailout program is being applied. He said there was no need for an adjustment of the plan, but that progress "must be monitored very closely."



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Portogallo, rendimento titoli Stato 10 anni sale a record 10%
Reuters - 21/04/2011 14:05:48
MILANO, 21 aprile (Reuters) - Il rendimento del titolo di stato portoghese a 10 anni ha toccato oggi quota 10% per la prima volta dall'introduzione dell'euro.

Alla base ci sono le pressioni per i paesi a basso rating sulla scia delle ipotesi di ristrutturazione del debito greco.

Secondo dati Tradeweb, il titolo decennale portoghese <PT10YT=TWEB> ha visto il rendimento salire fino a 10,02%, in rialzo di 42 punti base da ieri, tra scambi sottili.

I rendimenti dei titoli a breve irlandesi sono anch'essi in rialzo di 40 punti base <0#IEBMK=> e quelli greci di circa 15 bps <0#GRBMK=>.
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