Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (3 lettori)

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Nuovo forumer
un saluto, mantigora, non ricordo se hai già postato sul forum; comunque grazie per la tua partecipazione al sondaggio e per le notizie riguardo la tua posizione personale. Il 33% è una percentuale importante del portafoglio, quindi dobbiamo armarci di tanta pazienza, perchè se vogliamo ritornare a 100, non possiamo illuderci che ciò possa succedere in breve tempo....
mantigora=moderatamente positivo
Ho postato poche volte , ma leggo il forum quotidianamente da 2anni oramai,in quanto a pazientare sono consapevole ,ma sono i soldi di cui non ho bisogno e finche il rateo matura e non esce qualche dichiarazione UFFICIALE di un taglio del nominale sono disposto a cassettare fino a scadenza o anche oltre se si paventasse un allungamento del rimborso senza taglio del nominale , per il taglio cedolare avrei da ridire ma sarebbe un prezzo da pagare per il bene del portafilio ( sono sul 2019 al 6,5).
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
La questione di Bin Laden influirà qualcosa anche per i nostri ggb ? Ormai per cercare di essere ottimisti ci attacchiamo a tutto...:D:D:D

Oggi gli spread sul decennale vanno bene, ora siamo intorno a 1258 pb.
Ma il Bin Laden non c'entra nulla.
D'altra parte la sua fine è strettamente legata, credo, alla sua sconfitta politica. Come abbiamo potuto osservare nelle rivolte del nord Africa, Al Qaeda non ha avuto nessun ruolo.


Forumer storico
Ho postato poche volte , ma leggo il forum quotidianamente da 2anni oramai,in quanto a pazientare sono consapevole ,ma sono i soldi di cui non ho bisogno e finche il rateo matura e non esce qualche dichiarazione UFFICIALE di un taglio del nominale sono disposto a cassettare fino a scadenza o anche oltre se si paventasse un allungamento del rimborso senza taglio del nominale , per il taglio cedolare avrei da ridire ma sarebbe un prezzo da pagare per il bene del portafilio ( sono sul 2019 al 6,5).

Sei uno dei nostri tanti lettori silenti ...
Per il futuro le nostre speranze sono una cosa, la realtà la vedremo ...
Anch'io, comunque, al momento "cassetto" i GGB.


Forumer storico
Greece says haircut would be “huge mistake,” keeping it out of bond markets for 10-15 years

By Associated Press, Updated: Tuesday, May 3, 10:02 AM

ATHENS, Greece — Greece’s finance minister says restructuring the country’s massive debt would be a “huge mistake” that would freeze it out bond markets for another 10-15 years.
George Papaconstantinou told state-run NET television Tuesday that imposing losses — or a haircut — on Greek bonds would not solve the country’s financial problems.

Eurozone-member Greece is covering expenses with the help of international bailout loans worth €110 billion till mid-2013, but remains under heavy market pressure with its economy stuck in recession and national debt set to exceed 150 percent of gross domestic product this year.
Yields on 10-year Greek bonds are currently at nearly 16 percent, compared to the benchmark German rate of 3.25 percent.


Forumer storico
Prosegue la mattinata positiva ad Atene, l'indice ASE è ritornato in verde a 1435 pb. a + 0,44%. Volumi bassi.
I nostri spread proseguono in lento restringimento: ora a 1250 pb. Ma hanno ancora molta strada da fare per riportarsi entro le oscillazioni "abituali" intorno agli 850/900 pb.


Forumer storico

The course of the economy and other economic issues, and bickering in the government were the main front-page items in Athens' dailies on Tuesday.

ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Government preparing new Memorandum for us".

AVGHI: "10 days of crisis for the government".

AVRIANI: "The government a nightmare, even for its lenders".

DIMOKRATIA: "Theft at maximum security Navy base in Spata".

ELEFTHEROS: "Torpedoes against government, ministers, from Androulakis, Venizelos, Reppas".

ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Androulakis (veteran Left politician) sets fire to PASOK".

ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Germany's behind-the-scenes pressure on the EU to block the agreement cancelled the plans for exploitation of Ellinikon (the former international airport site) by Qatar".

ESTIA: "Tax evasion cannot be tackled with police-like measures, but only by targeting the causes".

ETHNOS: "Mitsotakis (ND honorary president) messages to government and ND".

IMERISSIA: "Last-minute decisions - They're rushing to avert veto (for next tranche of EU-IMF bailout loan) by the troika".

KATHIMERINI: "Greece under surveillance for Schengen issues, too".

LOGOS: "Worry in government due to new measures".

NAFTEMPORIKI: "Plan against tax evasion, with 'prize' of 11.8 billion euros".

NIKI: "Chaos in the nationwide university entrance exams".

RIZOSPASTIS: "Thousands demonstrated on May Day".

TA NEA: "The CIA's revenge - 10 years after the terror attacks on the Twin Towers"

VRADYNI: "Tax-terrorism for collection of 12 billion euros in revenues".



Forumer storico
The Seven Points Of Friction Between Greece and IMF/EU/ECB

IMF/EU/ECB officials arrive in Athens on Tuesday, raising serious objections regarding privatizations, development of real estate assets, state-owned banks and packages of measures.

There are seven main points of friction between Greece and the troika officials, while the government is reportedly in very difficult position, as it has to convince that it would reverse several-month delays and probably launch more measures than already has announced.

In case Greece’s progress does not meet the requirements of the troika, the disbursement of the fifth aid tranche in June would be at risk and a diplomatic marathon is expected regarding the extension of the repayment period of the loan. However, if it yields under troika’s pressure, the passing of the medium-term plan by the Parliament may fail, as the package is already facing a fierce intraparty opposition.

According to senior government officials, a year after the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, the days of grace seem long passed. The government is under heavy pressure for more decisive moves regarding privatizations, reforms and measures.

The main points of controversy:

* €50b privatization program. Yesterday’s discussion in the cabinet regarding the privatization of Public Power Corporation has been intense.

The government retreated again recently, suggesting that only an amount of €15b is binding. The publication of this statement triggered a new “crisis” in its relation with the troika, as they believe that the preservation of state control in many public enterprises that Greek government announced, reduces the revenues from privatizations.

*Development of real estate assets. There is a growing concern about possible further postponements caused by delays in notification of proposals of banks-consultants for real estate assets. In addition, not a single investment has started through the Fast Track procedure.

*Banks. There is concern about the results of the Greek banks’ stress tests, while a great need for mergers and acquisitions is expressed, along with the fierce criticism for government’s insistence on state control in ATEbank and Hellenic Postbank.

*Structural reforms. The liberation of professions is not considered enough, while there are delays in the National Strategic Reference Framework and in initiatives to stimulate competition. If nothing is done, then recession would probably continue, bringing more measures.

*2011 measures. The government insists that €3b additional measures will be sufficient, but the adequacy of the amount is disputed after the revision of 2010 deficit.

*New measures. Troika officials disagree with the law bill regarding the arbitrary buildings as key revenue measure, while they refer to the equation of taxation on heating oil and fuel.

*€23b package for the period of 2012-2015. Troika asks for major cut in social benefits, insurance and payroll in public corporations. It remains unknown if troika will accept the government’s expectations for the raising of €12b through measures against tax evasion.

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