Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (9 lettori)

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(AGI/REUTERS) - Francoforte, 3 mag. - La Bce fa sapere che intende mantenere, fino a notizia contraria, la sospensione dei limiti di rating per i titoli del debito pubblico greco, che il governo di Atene utilizza come collaterali a garanzia dei prestiti nelle operazioni con la banca centrale europea. Questo significa che i collaterali potranno essere utilizzati nelle operazioni con la Bce, anche se le agenzie di rating continueranno ad abbassare le valutazioni sul debito greco. (AGI) buona notte

La BCE mantiene intatto il proprio sostegno.


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Situazione invariata, quella di ieri, sugli spread/bund.
Non si segnalano movimenti significativi, salvo il Portogallo che stringe un pò.
Questa settimana non è atteso nessun avvenimento di rilievo, salvo qualche indiscrezione di rilievo intorno alla missione della Troika.
La prossima settimana sarà invece densa di appuntamenti importanti dal dibattito in Parlamento sul "via libera" al programma di Papandreou alle aste dei bot/greek per passare al vertice Ecofin che dovrebbe porre le basi al programma di soccorso verso il Portogallo.
Vediamo se questa settimana il mercato anticiperà qualcosa ...

Grecia 1264 pb. (1254)
Irlanda 742 pb. (746)
Portogallo 663 pb. (685)
Spagna 203 pb. (203)
Italia 147 pb. (150)
Belgio 99 pb. (99)


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Greek bond market closing report

The yield spread between the 10-year Greek and German benchmark bonds fell to 12.3 pct in the domestic electronic secondary bond market from 12.54 pct last week, with the Greek bond yielding 15.56 pct and the German Bund 3.26 pct. Turnover in the market was a low 51 million euros, of which 27 million were sell orders and the remaining 24 million euros were buy orders. The five-year benchmark bond was the most heavily traded security with a turnover of 7.0 million euros.

In interbank markets, interest rates moved slightly higher. The 12-month rate was 2.13 pct, the six-month rate 1.68 pct, the three-month 1.39 pct and the one-month rate 1.24 pct.


Qualche dato prezioso sull'andamento del mercato ad Atene.


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Tax clerk to return embezzled cash

Authorities believe employee, 52, siphoned off some 2 million euros from his place of work


A 52-year-old employee at a tax office in Kypseli, near central Athens, who is alleged to have embezzled more than 2 million euros from his place of work told an investigating magistrate on Monday that he was prepared to return the house, sports utility vehicle and island holiday home that he purchased with his illicit proceeds, sources said.
In his testimony, Nikos Andriopoulos allegedly admitted to siphoning off money from the tax office before disappearing and pledged to return all his purchases as well as some 165,000 euros that is currently in several bank accounts in Greece.
According to sources, the 52-year-old was unable to determine exactly how much he had embezzled. “I’ve been doing this job for three years and cannot calculate exactly how much,” he was quoted as saying.
According to officials of the Finance Ministry’s serious crimes unit (SDOE), the total amount embezzled by Andriopoulos is closer to 2 million euros.
The 52-year-old faces multiple charges of making a false statement, embezzlement and money laundering

ekathimerini.com , Monday May 2, 2011 (22:56)


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Papandreou urges renewed focus from ministers

PM calls for commitment to goals ahead of troika visit but top PASOK MP lambasts government


Prime Minister George Papandreou gathered some of his ministers for a pep talk on Monday ahead of a visit this week by officials from the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund - collectively known as the troika - in the hope that the government will convince its lenders that it is doing all it can to tackle Greece’s fiscal problems.
Papandreou met with five key ministers and government spokesman Giorgos Petalotis with the aim of ensuring that his Cabinet presents a united front during the troika’s visit and that it is focused on achieving the goals it has set out in its midterm economic plan. Sources said that Papandreou was very keen that the government should convince both the troika officials and the rest of the world that it is committed to achieving its goals.
Athens has already set out a blueprint for further public spending cuts and revenue-raising measures, which are designed to save 26 billion euros by 2015, and for a privatization scheme that is projected to bring in up to 50 billion euros over the next four years.
These plans will be scrutinized by troika officials this week, before top-level representatives from the EC, ECB and IMF arrive in Athens next week to decide whether Greece should receive the fifth, 12-billion-euro installment of its 110-billion-euro emergency loan package.
Papandreou also wants the government to ensure stability going into June, when Parliament will have to vote on the measures. A number of PASOK MPs have complained and the government may face a fight to win their support. However, sources said that Papandreou told his ministers yesterday that he was confident PASOK lawmakers would back the reforms. Nevertheless, he said he would not agree to calls from some parliamentarians for the measures to be approved by a qualified majority of 180 votes out of 300 rather than just a simple majority.
The premier’s optimism appeared a little misplaced on Monday if the comments of high-profile PASOK MP and author Mimis Androulakis are anything to go by. “The state has to be reduced by 20 percent, not these Mickey Mouse measures the government has adopted,” he said. “There are no plans, everything is up in the air.”
The deputy went on to blame the lack of coordination on Papandreou’s advisers rather than on key ministers. “The makeup of this government is not allowing it to meet the challenges,” he said.

ekathimerini.com , Monday May 2, 2011 (23:20)

Il dibattito interno al Pasok.


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Salve a tutti anche io sono esposto per il 33 % del portafoglio sui nostri bond ho Pmc di 82 , questa posizione ,mi ha portato ad avere una perdita sul portafoglio totale di circa il 12%.sono nonostante tutto speranzoso in una risoluzione della crisi del debito che non implichi a noi bondholder uno scenario di tipo argentino quindi mi posizionerei nel gruppo dei moderatamente positivi .
E colgo l occasione per ringraziarvi tutti che con il vostro strepitoso lavoro avete totalmente cambiato il mio approccio al mondo del risparmio autogestito
un saluto, mantigora, non ricordo se hai già postato sul forum; comunque grazie per la tua partecipazione al sondaggio e per le notizie riguardo la tua posizione personale. Il 33% è una percentuale importante del portafoglio, quindi dobbiamo armarci di tanta pazienza, perchè se vogliamo ritornare a 100, non possiamo illuderci che ciò possa succedere in breve tempo....
mantigora=moderatamente positivo


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EU Errs by Ruling Out Pre-2013 Restructuring, Ex-IMF Aide Says

By James G. Neuger - May 3, 2011 8:00 AM GMT+0200 Tue May 03 06:00:00 GMT 2011

European governments are making a mistake by ruling out debt restructurings for countries such as Greece before 2013 and should consider “pre-emptive” bond exchanges, a former top International Monetary Fund official said.
Lessons from emerging-market restructurings offer a “market-based way out,” Alessandro Leipold, a former acting director of the IMF’s European department, wrote in a policy brief released today by the Lisbon Council in Brussels.
“Do it early, do it pre-emptively, if possible on a voluntary basis,” Leipold said in a telephone interview. “The risks of postponing are greater.”
European Central Bank officials are the chief opponents of extending Greece’s debt-repayment timelines or cutting the value of its bonds, fearing that this would convulse financial markets.
Leipold, a 26-year IMF official, said that while it will take more in-depth analysis to reveal the true state of Greece’s finances, “the writing is on the wall for them.”
European governments have ruled out any “private sector involvement” in cutting Greece’s debt burden until the middle of 2013, when a permanent crisis-management fund is due to be set up.
That timetable “is a political and procedural artifact, divorced from economics and heedless of market developments,” Leipold wrote in the policy brief. “The sooner the artificial 2013 deadline is abandoned, the better.”
Ukraine, Pakistan and Uruguay exchanged existing bonds for new ones with different terms “in a pre-emptive manner, before an actual default,” providing a roadmap for how Greece could escape a debt trap, Leipold said.


Ognuno dice la sua, le ricette abbondano ...
Ultima modifica:


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As he argues, the EU’s no-default-before-July-2013 policy is “a political and procedural artefact, divorced from economics and heedless of market developments.” The primary reason for it, Mr. Leipold says, is that the euro-zone countries’ own lending to Greece, and additional lending under the EFSF, is explicitly on the same footing as private creditors’ money. If they take haircuts, so do German and French taxpayers. But the money to be lent by the post-July-2013 ESM is preferred lending that supposedly wouldn’t be hit.

And while the EU has dawdled, it has thrown money at Greece, with the consequence that, by Mr. Leipold’s reckoning, the EU and the IMF will hold 28% or more of Greece’s debt stock by 2013, with another chunk held by the ECB. As the portion of debt held by private investors shrinks, so too does the benefit gained from haircutting them. Eventually, the ax will fall on the official creditors.


Qui l'intervista:
A Restructuring How-To - Real Time Brussels - WSJ

Come vi dicevo l'altro giorno il tempo gioca a favore del retail ...


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Forza euro non è preoccupante - Juncker (Eurogruppo)

lunedì 2 maggio 2011 17:39

TALLINN, 2 maggio (Reuters) - La forza dell'euro non è fonte di grandi timori, mentre gli sviluppi inflazionistici sono in qualche misura preoccupanti. Lo ha dichiarato oggi, Jean-Claude Juncker, che presiede le riunioni dei ministri delle Finanze della zona euro, ribadendo la propria contrarietà alla ristrutturazione del debito della Grecia.
"La forza dell'euro non è preoccupante", ha detto il presidente dell'Eurogruppo in una conferenza stampa al termine di una visita in Estonia. "Dobbiamo considerare la stabilità dell'euro, per quel che riguarda i rapporti con il dollaro, come condizionata soprattutto dalla debolezza del dollaro, più che da una forza irresistibile dell'euro"

Di ieri.


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silverni 01-05-2011, 18:30 #30016
Cattivi pensieri. E' ipotizzabile che la BCE abbia acquistato in prevalenza da banche tedesche?
Ovviamente la domanda non è fine a se stessa.
Che la Germania ponga esigenze di rigore e faccia pressione sulla Grecia è comprensibile e apprezzabile.
Però se la Germania ha finto di difendere l'Euro solo per consentire alle banche tedesche di alleggerire il proprio debito spostandolo verso la BCE, tale comportamento è analogo ai tipici reati che spesso accompagnano i fallimenti. È vero che verso le nazioni e i governi non valgono le norme penali, sussistono però sanzioni reputazionali che possono creare molti danni.
Ovviamente nessuno di noi comuni mortali può dare risposte certe, però magari si può porre la pulce nell'orecchio a chi ha maggiori poteri di indagine.

Silverni, anche ipotizzando che le banche tedesche abbiano "scaricato" a chi sono andati a finire i MLD di bond detenuti?
Non certo al Parco Buoi ...
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