Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (7 lettori)

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Unemployment reaches 15.9%

ANA-MPA/Greek unemployment jumped to 15.9 pct in February this year, with the number of unemployed people totalling 787,229, up by 181,952 in 12 months, the independent Hellenic Statistical Authority said on Thursday. The statistics service, in a report, noted that unemployment soared among young people, with the unemployment rate in the category rising to 40.4 pct in February, up 8.5 percentage points from the same month last year.

The unemployment rate jumped to 15.9 pct in February, from 12.1 pct in February 2010 and 15.1 pct in January 2011. The number of unemployed people rose by 181,952 in February from the same month in 2010 (an increase of 30.1 pct) and by 30,435 or 4.0 pct compared with January 2011. The number employed people totalled 4,178,312 in February, down 225,739 compared with February 2010 and by 89,272 compared with January 2011.




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Opposition leader presents program

Conservatives offer alternative program, appear to rule out consensus


A few days before the government is to submit in Parliament a midterm program foreseeing cuts to public spending, tax increases and an ambitious privatization drive, the leader of main opposition New Democracy on Thursday presented his party’s alternative program, saying that the debt-wracked economy needed a “creative shock” if it is to recover.
“The people want pledges that will give them some confidence,” Samaras said at Zappeio Hall.
The conservative leader defended his decision to vote against the memorandum - Greece’s agreement with its foreign creditors - and appeared to cast himself as a leader-in-waiting, hinting at the need for early elections. “I know where I’m going. I know what the country needs,” he declared.
His comments came as a survey carried out for Skai by Public Issue showed the difference between voter support for ruling PASOK and ND narrowing to 3 percent, compared to 5.5 percent in April.
Samaras said that his party had drafted a “realistic” program that would “reboot the economy.” ND’s proposals include leveling corporate tax to 15 percent and the legitimization of all buildings constructed outside the town plan. The latter measure would bring in 1.5 billion euros in the first year, Samaras said. He also called for the full privatization of the Public Power Corporation and efforts to attract diaspora Greeks as investors.
Government spokesman Giorgos Petalotis said that some of ND’s proposals were “unfeasible” while others had already been made by the government.
He called on ND to follow the example of Portugal, where the government and opposition have reached consensus on austerity measures.
Samaras appeared to rule out the prospect on Thursday, saying: “A consensus on what? On what I disagree with? On what is ruining my country?”

ekathimerini.com , Thursday May 12, 2011 (22:54)


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non per fare l'avvocato del diavolo, ma le quotazioni non sembrano credere ad un immediato piano di aiuti, e se pure ci fosse, verrebbe anche da pensare che anche questo risolva i problemi del 2012 e 2013, e poi?
Si accede all'ESM, ed in base alla sostenibilità si decide se i bondholder partecipano al sostegno negli anni a venire?!
Per questo reputo che la guerra continui e sia destinata a durare anni.
ferdo, se venisse approvato un nuovo piano di aiuti finanziari alla grecia, questo darebbe più tempo al paese per rimettere i conti a posto e sarebbe comunque un segnale concreto che uno stato sovrano euro va comunque salvato!!
E questo avrebbe un evidente significato, non solo per il presente ma anche per eventuali future necessità.


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Futures Bund negativi in avvio, guardano a sviluppi Grecia
Reuters - 13/05/2011 08:55:20
LONDRA, 13 maggio (Reuters) - Partenza all'insegna della decisa correzione per l'obbligazionario europeo, depresso dal risultato migliore delle attese sulla crescita dei primi tre mesi dell'anno, che guarda però alle evoluzioni della crisi greca.

I mercati finanziari guardano alla riunione di Eurogruppo ed Ecofin, che dovrebbe mettere a punto all'inizio della prossima settimana un nuovo pacchetto di emergenza a favore di Atene.

Il clima di incertezza che precede l'incontro dei ministri contribuisce alla parziale tenuta dell'obbligazionario.

"In un contesto come quello attuale riteniamo che nel breve termine la mancata intesa su un nuovo pacchetto greco non avrebbe un grande impatto, mentre l'accordo su nuovi aiuti porterebbe a un restringimento del differenziale di rendimento contro Germania" spiega lo strategist Commerzbank Marcel Bross.

Ieri sera Dublino ha intanto annunciato che intende rimodulare il proprio programma di emissione in base al pacchetto Ue/Fmi e non è disposta ad accettare condizioni meno favorevoli di quelle concesse ad altri paesi salvati.

"Non credo si arrivi a una soluzione lunedì, dunque la tensione sui periferici dovrebbe proseguire" commenta un operatore in riferimento alla riunione dell'Eurogruppo.

Dal lato del primario l'attenzione si concentra sulla nuova offeta italiana di Btp a cinque anni fino a 3,5 miliardi e trent'anni fino a 1,75 miliardi.


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sarei tentato da chiederti: da dove desumi questo mio comportamento ? Oggi mi sono "bevuto" qualche notizia ? A che bellissima notizia sono sordo ?

Anzi ti chiedevo (visto che hai omesso di rispondere, e l'hai buttata invece, come ogni tanto ti capita, sul personale):
"visto che affermi che sia cambiata l'atmosfera sui GGB, da dove lo desumi ?"

Visto che al contrario di quanto affermi(la nuova atmosfera), oggi è uscito un dato terrificante sulla disoccupazione (sono fatti di carne anche i disoccupati greci).

Ti rinnovo l'invito a non buttarla sul personale o a dare giudizi da professorino . Da Methos e Giub mi faccio dire di tutto, per cortesia se vuoi rispondi alla domanda, altrimenti, come ti avevo già suggerito, lascia perdere gli interventi ad personam.

Ribadisco: io una soluzione positiva della crisi greca me la auguro più di ogni altro qui dentro. Ma sfortunatamente i numeri non reggono. Per ora.
amorgos, l'atmosfera è cambiata perchè oggi si parla di un ulteriore piano di aiuti e fino a qualche giorno prima la grecia doveva tirarsi fuori dal pantano da sola con il piano e conomico e con le privatizzazioni.
Questo è quello che tu non vuoi sentire: il fatto che l'europa è pronta a ridiscutere un salvataggio della grecia per non staccare la spina.
poi tutto potrà anche finire in una bolla di sapone.....ma per il momento sperare è lecito...
Ultima modifica:


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Papademos: Greek Debt Restructuring "Definitely Undesirable"

PARIS (MNI) - A restructuring of Greek debt is "definitely undesirable," because the damage it caused would outweigh any perceived benefits, former European Central Bank Vice President Lucas Papademos said in a television interview aired on Friday morning.
Implementing the austerity program to which Greece has already agreed "is the only way forward if the fiscal imbalances are to be addressed and restructuring to be avoided," Papademos, who is Greek, told CNBC.
However, he seemed to hint that different terms on the country's onerous debt load might ultimately be possible, though he pointedly declined to use the term "restructuring."
"In the longer term, one can see how -- and I would use a more general phrase -- appropriate financing arrangements can be adopted in order to facilitate the implementation of the adjustment programs," he said.
But Papademos spent most of the interview attacking the arguments of those who say a restructuring of Greek debt is inevitable.
"Some market participants or economic analysts believe that debt restructuring is desirable, because they focus on the partial potential financial benefits from this," he said.
"But the more thorough analysis suggests that, first of all, the financial benefits are limited, and second that the adverse consequences both on the banking system in Greece as well as on financial stability in the euro area as a whole can be far reaching and undesirable. So all in all, I think that Greek debt restructuring should not be on the agenda."
He also argued that the debate on restructuring, "which has also been rather extensive in Greece itself, not only outside, is likely to reduce the focus and effort that is needed in order to implement the adjustment program."
With regard to the wider risk of the peripheral crisis, Papademos said, "contagion cannot be totally avoided, but it can be minimized if in all the countries concerned the appropriate policy actions are being taken." He said it is "crucial" that "progress be made in parallel for all these countries in order to avoid contagion, which can go in any direction."
Papademos also said "careful thought" should be given before deciding to use "a new financial instrument like a Eurobond."


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Greece seems not to have met rescue terms - ECB's Nowotny

VIENNA | Fri May 13, 2011 3:00am EDT

VIENNA May 13 (Reuters) - Greece seems not to have met terms of its international rescue package recently, European Central Bank Governing Council member Ewald Nowotny told an Austrian newspaper.
"Greece has apparently not fulfilled the conditions sufficiently of late. The issue of privatisations will be the most sensitive point here," the Kronen Zeitung quoted him as saying in an article printed on Friday.


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Greek Socialists still lead but support falls: poll

ATHENS | Fri May 13, 2011 3:57am EDT

ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece's ruling socialists remain more popular than the conservative opposition, a poll showed on Friday, but their lead has shrunk to three percentage points after public sector pay cuts and VAT hikes to reduce vast debts.
The Kathimerini newspaper, which carried the poll by Public Issue, said Greeks were becoming increasingly politically disengaged, which made predicting the results of any election difficult. The next election is due in 2013.
The number of those who would abstain from voting reached 37 percent from 35.5 percent in a previous poll in April.
"The rising abstention trend and the expected increase in the number of parties that would be represented in parliament makes political forecasts in the event of polls risky," the paper said.
The Greek government has been forced to carry out austerity measures to secure continued EU/IMF funding under a 110 billion euro ($157 billion) bailout package agreed a year ago.
A total of 83 percent of Greeks believed the country was moving in the wrong direction and 47 percent expected the economic situation to worsen in the next five years.
Backing for the PASOK socialists, led by Prime Minister George Papandreou, stood at 32 percent versus 29 percent for the opposition New Democracy conservatives. Their lead has narrowed from 5.5 percentage points in the April poll.
The nationwide poll on a sample of 1,199 respondents, showed the communist party ranking third with 12 percent, followed by the far-right LAOS party with 8 percent and the Leftist Coalition with 6.5 percent.
Asked whether they saw a need for elections, 69 percent of the respondents said polls were not needed, with 22 percent in favor and 9.0 percent undecided.


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Reuters - 13/05/2011 10:20:35
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