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Greece PM: Not Resigning, Says Will Form New Govt Thursday

By Market News International || June 15, 2011 at 19:35 GMT

ATHENS (MNI) – Greece’s Prime Minister George Papandreou announced
moments ago that he will form a new government on Thursday and will not
resign his office as had been widely anticipated earlier Wednesday.
Papandreou said he will seek the Parliament’s approval for the new
government and vowed, “I will continue to do my duty.”
Earlier in the day, there had been talk of a coalition government
with Antonis Samaras, the leader of Greece’s top opposition party, who
has made clear his party will steadfastly oppose the government’s new
E28 billion package of austerity measures. Passage of the measures is
considered a pre-requisite for a new Greek bailout package from Greece’s
European Union partners and the International Monetary Fund.
Papandreou’s Socialist party has a razor thin majority of 4 seats
in Parliament after one of his MPs resigned on Tuesday. According to
Greek press reports, up to 10 more Socialist MPs are prepared to resign
or change their party status to independent in protest against the new
measures, which also include a E50 billion privatization plan.
Papandreou’s announcement this evening capped a crazy day in which
Greece seemed to be spiraling toward chaos, as tens of thousands of
protesters surrounded the Parliament and the Finance Ministry to protest
the new austerity package, which includes salary and pension cuts as
well has tax hikes across all income brackets.
The demonstration turned violent, as angry protesters pelted
members of Parliament with eggs and bricks and police reported injuries.
Papandreou held an emergency meeting with the president of the
Republic Karolos Papoulias, and a government spokesman later said that
the prime minister was considering stepping down in the name of national
unity. He was expected to announce his resignation this evening.
But instead, he vowed to stay on, blaming the opposition for the
breakdown of the talks and the failure to reach a consensus. He said he
had sought a consensus “but got rejected.”
If Papandreou does indeed name a new government Thursday, it is
widely expected that Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou will lose
his job. Little else is known about the composition of a new government,
but Lucas Papademos, the former European Central Bank vice president and
ex-governor of the Bank of Greece, has been frequently mentioned as
somebody who could be tapped for a senior role.
The apparent meltdown in Greece is occurring as Eurozone finance
ministers continue to be unable to reach an agreement on how to ensure
that private creditors contribute to a new Greece bailout package,
estimated in the vicinity of E85 to E90 billion. Germany is pushing for
a 7-year extension on maturities of outstanding Greek debt, but the ECB
has forcefully rejected that proposal, warning that any solution that
could be considered a default or partial default would have “very
dangerous” consequences.
Samaras, the opposition leader is expected to make a statement
later this evening.

Forse il posto di Papaconstantinou verrà preso da Papademos.
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Grecia, Papandreou non si dimette
"Rimpasto di governo per salvare il Paese"

Manifestazioni e scontri durante l'ennesimo sciopero generale. Il mancato accordo in Eurozona sul sostegno ad Atene affonda le borse europee. Moody's "minaccia" le banche francesi con molti crediti greci

ROMA - La Grecia si è fermata oggi per l'ennesimo sciopero generale proclamato contro i tagli e le politiche antideficit del governo e intanto l'incertezza sui piani europei di salvataggio del Paese torna a provocare pesanti reazioni a catena sui mercati finanziari e sui titoli di stato. Il doppio vertice di ieri tra i ministri finanziari dell'Eurozona e dell'Ecofin è servito solo a ribadire le divisioni ancora esistenti tra i Paesi membri; divisioni che hanno impedito di decidere sull'ipotesi di un nuovo pacchetto di aiuti ad Atene, ma anche di sbloccare da luglio la quinta tranche da 12 miliardi del maxiprestito da 110 miliardi deciso un anno fa da Ue, Bce e Fondo monetario internazionale. Il premier Papandreou ha annunciato in tv che domani formerà un nuovo governo e poi chiederà la fiducia in parlamento. Sembra dunque sfumata la possibilità, ricercata a lungo dallo stesso premier, di trovare un'intesa con l'opposizione per un governo di unità nazionale. I conservatori avevano posto infatti come condizione la rinegoziazione dell'accordo sugli aiuti, ma - ha spiegato sempre in tv il ministro dello Sviluppo, Mihalis Chrysohoidis - un governo di unità nazionale non potrebbe rinegoziare il piano di aiuti alla Grecia con Ue e Fmi. "Non sto dicendo che non dovremmo rinegoziare - ha chiarito - ma che è sbagliato pensare che un nuovo governo potrebbe andare a Bruxelles domani e rinegoziare tutto".

(La Repubblica)


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Papandreou to Name New Government, Seek Confidence Vote Amid Greek Crisis

By Maria Petrakis and Natalie Weeks - Jun 15, 2011 9:41 PM GMT+0200

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou will name a new government tomorrow and call a vote of confidence in parliament as he seeks to pressure rebel lawmakers to back the austerity plan that aims to secure a new bailout.
“Our duty is to the nation, not to political parties,” Papandreou said in comments televised live on state-run NET TV. “Tomorrow I will form a new government and immediately afterwards seek a vote of confidence in Parliament. It is a time for responsibility.”
Papandreou’s options narrowed his bid to garner support from the biggest opposition bloc failed, party allies turned against him and police deployed tear gas to break up anti- government protests in central Athens today. The premier needs to clinch a parliamentary vote on a 78 billion-euro ($110 billion) five-year package of budget cuts and asset sales by the end of the month to ensure the country receives a new European Union aid package to avoid the euro-area’s first default.
“The prime minister’s attempts to regain the political initiative are far from assured of success,” said Martin Blum, co-head of asset management at Ithuba Capital in Vienna. “He has seemingly weakened further himself politically, whilst he risks further defections post reshuffle. The question of whether he can get the fiscal package through parliament remains open.”
Bailout Impasse

The political turmoil comes as the EU talks on forging a new bailout stalled. The impasse over the aid formula and speculation of an impending government shakeup sent Greek bond yields to euro-era records and weakened the euro today.
The yield on two-year Greek notes exceeded 28 percent for the first time and rates on 10-year Greek bonds gained 35 basis points to 17.73 percent. The cost of protecting Greece against default climbed 149 basis points to an all-time high of 1,754 in London, according to prices compiled by CMA.
More than 20,000 people rallied against wage reductions and tax increases as lawmakers debated the budget cuts and asset sales that are conditions of the aid. Ports, banks, hospitals and state-run companies were paralyzed by strikes. Thousands of people remained in central Syntagma Square outside the Parliament house late into the evening. Police estimated the crowd at as many as 8,000 people at 10:20 p.m.
The third general strike this year underscored the pressure on Papandreou. His Socialist Pasok party held a six-seat edge in the 300-member legislature before the defections by two erstwhile allies this week.
Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou, who shepherded the first 110 billion-euro bailout of the country last year, is under attack by party lawmakers for the new round of austerity cuts and may be first to be replaced, Greek media has reported. A possible replacement may be Lucas Papademos, the former European Central Bank vice-president who is now an adviser to Papandreou.

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