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EU Leaders Will Consider Bank Levy to Aid Greece, Welt Says



L'idea, comunque, non è male ...

Tommy hai più di ventimila messaggi postati, la stragrande maggioranza dei quali per fare come un novello Omero il resoconto dettagliato dell'Odissea greca. E siamo ancora alle "ipotesi" alle come dici tu "idee".
La vedo davvero grigia.


Forumer storico
Tommy hai più di ventimila messaggi postati, la stragrande maggioranza dei quali per fare come un novello Omero il resoconto dettagliato dell'Odissea greca. E siamo ancora alle "ipotesi" alle come dici tu "idee".
La vedo davvero grigia.

Il mio è un chronicon... annotazioni giornaliere.


Forumer storico
Lo spread si è improvvisamento alzato una ventina di minuti fa, uscendo fuori range.
Ora siamo sui max storici a 1570 pb.

Borsa passata in rosso a -0,58%


il Fankazzista
EU Leaders Will Consider Bank Levy to Aid Greece, Welt Says

By Rainer Buergin - Jul 18, 2011 12:21 PM GMT+0200 Mon Jul 18 10:21:47 GMT 2011

Euro region leaders meeting this week in Brussels will consider combining a special bank levy with a bond buyback program in a second aid package for Greece, Die Welt reported today, without saying where it got the information.
The fee would have to be paid not only by banks doing business with Greece, the newspaper said in its print edition. Investors would be asked to sell their bonds back to the Greek government and accept losses of as much as 40 percent, depending on maturities, the newspaper said, citing calculations by the Berlin-based Finance Ministry that estimate a debt cut by 20 billion euros ($28.1 billion) from bond buybacks.
Germany’s proposal to ask investors to roll over Greek debt is seen as too risky as it may involve a temporary default and is unlikely to be considered, the newspaper said. The July 21 meeting in Brussels is to take basic decisions on the shape of the second aid package for Greece, it said.
Chancellor Angela Merkel is resisting calls by Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble -- made behind closed doors -- to cut Greece’s debt in a way that wouldn’t necessarily be voluntary for bondholders as she’s worried about the debt crisis spreading to other countries, Die Welt said.


L'idea, comunque, non è male ...
siamo ancora con le idee


il Fankazzista

di: Asca Pubblicato il 18 luglio 2011| Ora 13:06


(ASCA) - Roma, 18 lug - L'incerto destino di monete guida quali dollaro ed euro, schiacciate dal peso del debito pubblico, favorisce la corsa dei metalli preziosi. Il prezzo future dell'oro ha superato per la prima volta 1.600 dollari l'oncia, con un picco a 1.601,20. Si tratta del nuovo massimo storico.


Forumer storico
ASE Attempts To React But Turnover Remains Low

Athens Stocks attempt cautiously on thin turnover to put an end to the 10-day declining streak, in the wake of the bank stress tests and ahead of the European Union Summit on Thursday.

The stress test results did not provide any different news than the market anticipated, said Pegasus Securities in a report, adding that the trading would be assisted by hearsay related to a large-cap banking sector merger, as well as extended press reports concerning the finding of a formula in order for Greece to overcome the "selective default" status.

Technically, the pressures are intense, said Pegasus, commenting that the second quarter results announced later today are expected to affect the market (Coca Cola, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Yahoo and Apple).

On the board, the General Index is at 1,187.23 units with minor profits of 0.38%, moving into positive territory since the opening. Intraday profits reached earlier 1.38%, while the turnover is at €24.3 million. A total amount of 64 shares rise, 56 decline and 49 remain unchanged.

Banks jump by 2.40% at €814.04 units. ATEBank soars with profits of 7.02%, while Bank of Cyprus gains 5.96%. Alpha Bank, National Bank and Marfin Popular Bank post profits of 2.39%, 2.38% and 2.04% respectively.

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